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For the first time, a shortlist for Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature

CAIRO- 11 May 2019: This year, on September 16, for the first time since Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature was established, the committee will announce a shortlist for the prize, which will be awarded in December.

The jury members of this year’s Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature are Ibrahim Nasrallah, acclaimed writer, novelist, and literary critic; Hebba Sherif, writer, literary critic, and cultural consultant; Samah Selim, translator and associate professor of Arabic language and literature at Rutgers University in the US; Shereen Abouelnaga, literary critic and professor of English and comparative literature at Cairo University; and Humphrey Davies, award-winning translator of Arabic literature into English.

The award, recognized as a major contribution in support of contemporary Arabic literature in translation, consists of a silver medal and a cash prize of $3,000, as well as translation and publication by AUC Press’s fiction imprint Hoopoe. Every year, the award ceremony draws writers and distinguished personalities of Egyptian cultural life.

The 25 winners of the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature since its inauguration include 11 women and 14 men; 12 Egyptians (2 posthumously), 3 Palestinians, 1 Algerian, 2 Lebanese, 1 Moroccan, 2 Syrians, 1 Iraqi, 1 Sudanese, and 1 Saudi Arabian.

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Here’s A Selection of Our Favorite Arabic Novels This Week

When it comes to the world of Arab literature, the Arabic novel plays an essential role, specifically with regards to its bearing on the meanings, as well as on human and intellectual dimensions, embodied by its characters. It can be said that the true skills of an author lie in the ability to describe a novel’s characters clearly, and in a way that resonates with the reader and that brings forth the writer’s love of the story they are telling.

Indeed, the most beautiful thing the world’s best Arabic novel writers are able to do is make the reader live a different way of life, absorb a different way of thinking, and experience a different personality simply through words. On that note, we bring you a small selection of some of the most beautifully written Arabic novels available today.

Season of Migration to the North, Tayeb Salih

One of Sudan’s greatest authors of the twentieth century, Salih first published this classic post-colonial Arabic novel in Beirut in 1966. “Season of Migration to the North,” which is internationally acclaimed and was turned into a film, has been hailed as one the top 100 novels of the twentieth century in the Arab world. It deals with post-colonial narratives in general, and on the impact of British colonialism and European modernity on Sudanese culture and identity in particular. The novel broadly looks at the relationship between East and West, making it one of the first Arab works to deal with the meeting and interaction of cultures. It explores the image of the “Western Other” in the eyes of the East and the West with the eyes of the “Eastern Other,” who is seen as a someone coming from a romantic world of magic and mystery.

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В программе предусмотрены (на выбор):
- Увлекательные экскурсии по дневному и ночному Рабату (в том числе с посещением всемирно известных Королевского дворца и мавзолея Мухаммеда V);
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- Поездка в "голубой город" Шефшауэн;
- Двухдневный тур Танжер-Фес - знакомство с древними марокканскими городами, первый из которых был заложен ещё во времена Карфагена, а второй служил столицей при Идрисидах, Альморавидах и Альмохадах.

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Why water is halal-certified in some countries

For the past few days, Oreo cookies being halal or not had set social media on fire - but the debate has now spilled over to whether water is halal or not.

A Twitter user asked a top bottled water company if its water was halal-certified and the answer was 'no'. The debate continued with questions such as "How can water not be halal?" and comments like "Not that water is halal or haram because water is water".

But yes, some countries do require their bottled water to be halal-certified, not because of the product but because of the filteration process it undergoes.

And the UAE is not among those countries. However, some of the carbonated drinks consumed here have the halal certificate.

The halal question is very pertinent to Muslims, wherever they are in the world.

But halal is more than just ensuring the specific manner of slaughtering animals for meat consumption, avoiding pork and bovine-based products, and abstaining from drinking alcohol.

The halal market is now a multiple-trillion-dollar global industry across multiple clusters, including cosmetics, halal tourism, modest fashion, Islamic finances, pharmaceuticals and more.

To understand the dynamics behind the growth of the halal ecology, we first need to look at what halal really means. In the Arabic language, the root meaning of "halal" simply means "according to religious law".

The religious law of Islam applies to all areas of a Muslim's life. It is not restricted simply to the food items that are religiously permissible to eat. The guidelines of what is religiously permissible in Islam encompasses the entire lifestyle, from how a Muslim dresses to how they earn money.

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UAE’s Image Nation, Majid Al Futtaim and MBC partner to develop local film, TV content

Image Nation Abu Dhabi, Majid Al Futtaim and MBC Studios have entered into an alliance to launch a major production partnership for film and TV projects across the Middle East.

The partnership will green-light several projects annually, supporting them from inception to distribution, a statement said.

It will actively seek projects from across the Middle East, with a focus on Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt, and has already begun producing its first project.

The first film supported by the partnership is Three Four Eternity, a vampire family drama produced by Mohamed Hefzy under his company Film Clinic, which will be the directorial debut for the film’s writer, Rami Yasin.

“This region has infinitely talented writers and filmmakers wanting to tell their stories, as well as a sophisticated consumer audience that craves locally made content that resonates with them,” said Ben Ross, chief content officer at Image Nation.

“This partnership will have a significant impact on the scale and ambition of the region’s industries, enabling more creatives to bring their ideas to life and deliver the content that audiences want to see.

“The trio of companies will facilitate the creative process at every step of a project’s development.”

Majid Al Futtaim will contribute to the partnership through its cinemas arm as both an exhibitor and distributor of films.

The company’s Vox Cinemas has over 400 screens in eight countries including Saudi Arabia where the exhibitor opened the kingdom’s first multiplex in April 2018.

Vox has opened a further four multiplexes in Riyadh and Jeddah, totalling 47 screens, and plans to open 110 by the end of 2019. It will operate over 1,000 screens across the GCC by 2023, including 600 screens in Saudi.

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