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AI стартап в Берлине приглашает #DevOps специалистов присоединиться к талантливой команде профессионалов.

Зарплатная вилка: 45-90k€ до вычета налогов (зп калькулятор:
Язык: английский
Оказываем помощь с переездом (поддержка HR на всех этапах, вплоть до получения blue card).

SO1 разработала платформу, позволяющую с помощью искусственного интеллекта на основе анонимных данных анализировать по какой цене покупатель готов приобрести тот или иной товар. Таким образом формируется уникальное предложение для каждого клиента, что выгодно обеим сторонам - и покупателю, и продавцу.

Работа ответственная, множество интересных, сложных и очень нескучных задач.

Классная дружная команда опытных специалистов и возможность профессионального роста.

Офис в самом центре Берлина. Несколько сортов кофе, напитки, свежие фрукты, снэки. Оплачиваемый ланч каждый день. BBQ вечеринки на крыше. Гибкий график и неограниченный отпуск (culture of freedom and responsibility).

Обязательные требования:
Обширный опыт работы с #AWS / #Azure / #GCloud (мы используем Azure)
Актуальный опыт работы с контейнерами и оркестрацией (#Docker, #kubernetes)

По вопросам по поводу вакансии и для подачи заявления обращайтесь на [email protected] (тема письма - telegram / jobs abroad)
Position: #DevOps #Kubernetes #Docker #relocation

Location: #Tallinn #Estonia

Company: German fintech company with development team in Estonia

We are looking for a DevOps Engineer (full-time, office, relocation) to join our Tallinn branch.

Salary range: 2800-3800 EUR NET(after taxes)

Key Technical Skills:
- 5 + years working experience as a DevOps Engineer
- Excellent knowledge of AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Bash, Powershell, MSSQL
- Application Insights, New Relic, Elastic stack
- Fluent Spoken and written English (B2+)
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science is a plus

Extra benefits:
Relocation package: documents, flight, corporate apartment for the 1st month
Sports compensation, team events
Conferences and trainings
Opportunity to travel to Germany and Norway for team events

If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram @Alina_Tallinna
Position: #DevOps #Kubernetes #Docker #relocation

Location: #Tallinn #Estonia

Company: German fintech company with development team in Estonia

We are looking for a DevOps Engineer (full-time, office, relocation) to join our Tallinn branch.

Salary range: 3000-4000 EUR NET(after taxes)

Key Technical Skills:
- 4 + years working experience as a DevOps Engineer
- Excellent knowledge of AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Bash, Powershell, MSSQL
- Application Insights, New Relic, Elastic stack
- Fluent Spoken and written English (B2+)
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science is a plus

Extra benefits:
Relocation package: documents, flight, corporate apartment for the 1st month
Sports compensation, team events
Conferences and trainings
Opportunity to travel to Germany and Norway for team events

If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram @Alina_Tallinna
#job #relocation #C# #Powershell #Linux, #Docker #Azure

Location: #Belgrad #Serbia
Position: We are TOP-50 best US IT employers and are looking for a Software Development Engineer for Microsoft project in Serbia.
Salary range: 1500-3000 USD NET (after taxes)

What will you do:
-You will work with developers opensourse solution for integrating mobile development tools - App Center
-You will be able to communicate with Microsoft engineers
-You will takeing part in updating and supporting the service of sending push-notifications to any platform from any server

-Experience with C#, Powershell, Linux, Docker, Azure
- Experience with Mac OS
-You will need to understand a lot of existing code
-It will be necessary to work a lot with fixing bugs and analyzing incidents
Perfect English (international team, voice communication)

Working conditions:
-Participation in the creation of high-tech products that use millions of users around the world
-Comfortable office in Belgrade with gym and pool or work remotely from any other location in Serbia
- Flexible working hours
-Ready to help in the realization of yourself as a professional
-Working Business trips to the USA and Europe are possible
If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram
Position: #DevOps #Kubernetes #Docker #relocation

Location: #Tallinn #Estonia

Company: American-Estonian company working with international mobility

We are looking for a DevOps Engineer (full-time, office, relocation) to join our Tallinn branch.

Salary range: 2500-3800 EUR NET (after taxes)

Key Technical Skills:
- 4 + years working experience as a DevOps Engineer
- Excellent knowledge of AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform
- Scripting/programming experience (preferably Python)
- Fluent Spoken and written English (B2+)
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science is a plus

Extra benefits:
Relocation package: documents, flight, corporate apartment for the 1st month
Sports compensation, team events
Conferences and trainings

If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram @Alina_Tallinna
#DevOps #Kubernetes #Docker #relocation

🚀 Position: Senior DevOps Engineer

🇪🇪 Location: #Tallinn #Estonia

Company: German fintech company with development team in Estonia

Team size: 100 +

We are looking for a DevOps Engineer (full-time, office, relocation) to join our Tallinn branch.

📌 Salary range: 3000-3700 EUR NET(after taxes)

📌 Key Technical Skills:

- 4 + years working experience as a DevOps Engineer
- Excellent knowledge of AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Bash, Powershell, MSSQL and Azure ecosystem
- Application Insights, New Relic, Elastic stack
- Fluent Spoken and written English (B2+)
- Bachelor’s degree in computer science is a plus

Extra benefits:
Relocation package
Sports compensation, team events
Conferences and trainings
Opportunity to travel to Germany, Netherlands and Norway for team events

📲 If you feel interested - contact me in Telegram @Alina_Tallinna
DevOps Engineer

#Estonia #DevOps #AWS #Azure #Docker #Kubernetes #Terraform #fulltime #office

Country and city:
Tallinn, Estonia
Working hours: office
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: 3500 – 5000 euro gross
Tax calculator:

Job description:
We are looking for a DevOps Engineer who will be:
· Working closely with company’s Development teams, software architects and other stakeholders to define the target infrastructure, network and deployment architecture
· Working with company’s Infrastructure and Operations teams across Europe to streamline the service delivery and minimize the impact of operational issues on the end-user experience
· Quickly and proactively fixing application, configuration and infrastructure issues
· Analyzing their systems and workflows to uncover and mitigate any potential weak points
· Set up and streamline a smooth Continuous Delivery and Release Process
· Acting as the interface between Business, Development and Operations

· A minimum of 3 years working experience in a related field, and experience in working with Agile and Scrum methodologies
· Deep familiarity with DevOps principles and culture
· A reasonable level of competence in software development, cybersecurity, system & network administration, application monitoring & support
· Excellent knowledge of the Azure ecosystem, AWS, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, Bash, Powershell, Jenkins, Terraform, MSSQL and different monitoring tools, like Application Insights, New Relic, Elastic stack etc
· Excellent written and verbal English, outstanding collaboration and communication skills
· A Bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field
· An organized, results-oriented, creative and change-driving state of mind

· Experience in the banking or Fintech domains!

Company: our client is an international service provider with nearly 80,000 employees in more than 40 countries who design and implement innovative solutions from all over the world, covering a wide range of business processes.

Contacts: [email protected]
Cloud Engineer

#Finland #cloud #AWS ++ #Docker #SaaS #fulltime

Country and city: Finland, Helsinki
Working hours: partial remote (from Finland)
Employment: full-time
Salary range/month: 5000 - 8000 euro gross (can discuss higher salary for exceptional candidates)
Tax calculator:

Working on Cloud Service products improving existing infrastructure, developing new features and support for new cloud platforms.
Supporting the global telco clients, helping them deploy the Cloud Service on Edge Computing platforms to leverage the power of 5G networks.


Must-have skills
•Expertise in building scalable cloud-based SaaS products
•Strong experience with AWS
•Experience with Docker
•Experience with building client-facing REST APIs
•Knowledge of other cloud platforms such as Azure and Google Cloud
•Fluent in C/C++

Nice-to-have skills
•Knowledge of Edge Computing solutions such as MobiledgeX and AWS Wavelength
•Knowledge of 4G/5G networks
•Web development experience to assist in improving our Developer Portal

Company name: Our client develops AR tech that empowers people to merge digital and physical realities with spatial mapping and immersive digital content. They enable Spatial Mapping and Visual Positioning on every device, for everyone, everywhere. Their products and services are the key components enabling the Metaverse. They have users and clients around the planet and are leading VPS suppliers to the 4/5G mobile operators to enable their Edge Computing strategy.

Contacts: [email protected]
#Finland #DevOps # Linux #Ansible #Docker #CI/СD #Git #fulltime

Финляндия, Хельсинки
Формат работы: частичная удаленка
Занятость: полная
Зарплатная вилка 3500-4000 gross (
Описание: Мы ищем DevOps инженера, который поможет нам развивать и изменять текущую инфраструктуру компании.

В ваши повседневные обязанности будет входить:
• Поддержка работы продуктов компании и реагирование на инциденты;
• Помощь разработчикам в автоматизации развёртывания приложений;
• Обеспечение безопасности и сохранности данных;
• Мониторинг существующей инфраструктуры;
• Дальнейшее развитие и улучшение инфраструктуры компании;

Наши ожидания:
• Знаете английский на уровне B1 (Intermediate level);
• Знаете Linux на уровне продвинутого пользователя (работаете в командной строке с файловой системой, правами доступа, сетевым стеком, можете написать простой bash-скрипт);
• Понимаете принцип работы контейнеризации и виртуализации, развернуть веб-приложение в Docker для вас не составляет проблем;
• Понимаете принципы работы компьютерных сетей, маршрутизации;
• Знаете базовые принципы информационной безопасности (основные виды атак, стратегии защиты от них);
• Имеете опыт работы с любым CI/CD-инструментом;
• Имеете опыт развертывания и настройки баз данных (мы используем PostgreSQL и MongoDB);
• Умеете работать с Git;
• Использовали системы управления конфигурациями и понимаете для чего нужен Ansible;
• Имеете опыт работы с инструментами мониторинга;
• Постоянно следите за новыми инструментами и находитесь в курсе последних тенденций в мире IT;

Плюсами будут:

• Опыт работы с Docker Swarm
• Знание любого языка программирования;
• Работа с GitLab CE;
• Опыт использования Terraform;
• Опыт работы с облачными платформами;

Мы предлагаем:
• Интересные проекты и большие возможности для профессионального роста;
• Помощь в релокации;
• Гибкий рабочий график;
• Официальное трудоустройство;
• Испытательный срок 4 месяца;
• Работа в офисе с возможностью удаленной работы (на непостоянной основе).

Название компании: Exquance

Контакт: @viktoryapanova