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Private Tutoring Flourishes in Damascus in the Lead-Up to National Exams

As the primary and secondary standardized exams nears, the private tutoring market in Damascus gains momentum and the peak of its price, in a trade where both sides seek to be winners. Parents of students are “investing” in the future of their children, and teachers are compensating for their low wages under difficult economic and living conditions.

Although private tutoring is “old-fashioned” in Syria, and is linked to public concerns about certification exams, especially secondary, they are now a more pressing need for students, with the change in curricula last year and the higher standards for university admission.

Conversely, the prices of hours of private tutoring in homes, and exam preparation courses in language institutes increased markedly, as reported by the Enab Baladi correspondent in Damascus after he met several teachers and students.

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Social Discovery Ventures

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Middle Sales manager (B2B) (Киев)

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Flatfy Catalog — сервис для выбора жилья на первичном рынке (в строящихся комплексах) в 11 странах — Индии, Арабских Эмиратах и странах ближнего зарубежья

изучить тонкости B2B продаж в real estate;
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Associate & Senior Auditors, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Полная занятость, полный рабочий день.

You will participate in audit engagements, working effectively as a team member, sharing responsibility, providing support, maintaining communication and updating senior team members on progress.
You will also help prepare for meetings with target management teams, and participate in these meetings
You will assist in preparing reports and schedules that will be delivered to clients and other parties and develop and maintain productive working relationships with client personnel.

Strong academic record, including a degree and professional qualification, such as ACCA, CPA, CA
At least 2 years of professional experience in an audit, accounting or finance role
Track record with a leading audit firm
Proficiency in the Arabic language

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Репетитор арабского языка (Смоленск)
700 рублей в час

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знание арабского языка на высоком уровне

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С просторов интернета

Writers who immerse themselves in another language can turn words into bridges

In the poem Counterpoint, an homage to the scholar Edward Said, Mahmoud Darwish recalled a conversation that took place between them as they discussed the intersection of language, writing and expression. “He says … I have two names that come together but pull apart,” Darwish wrote, “… and I have two languages but have long forgotten which one I dream in.” Said’s articulation of living, breathing and navigating multiple languages reflects a reality shared by many writers and intellectuals around the world, in both historic and contemporary settings. The term exophony, derived from the ancient Greek words “ek”, meaning out of, and “phon-eh”, meaning sound or voice, refers to those who write in a language that is not their mother tongue. But why is there a long tradition of writers who found their voices in languages that are not their own?

Even though Lebanese author and poet Kahlil Gibran wrote his early literary work in Arabic, he published most of his books in English. His most acclaimed work, The Prophet, was written in English and has sold more than nine million copies in the US alone since it was first published, making him the third most-read poet of all time after Shakespeare and the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu. Even when writing in Arabic, Gibran rebelled against what he referred to as the age-old rigidity of the language. In a letter to his editor Mary Haskell, Gibran explained that within the Arabic language, he created “a new language inside an older one”, the latter of which he believed had “already reached the peak of its own perfection”. Gibran not only manoeuvred between two languages but in Arabic, he questioned and rewrote the fundamental components and usage of the language itself.

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Внимание! Вакансия: Персональный ассистент руководителя (банк, Катар)
Зарплата - от $2600

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- Координация работы курьерской службы;
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- Помещение государственных и частных организаций с целью представления услуг компании.

- Понимание условий из простых договоров;
- Опыт работы личным помощником не обязательно, но желательно;
- Грамотная устная и письменная речь (идеальный безошибочный русский язык);
- Английский устный и письменный (Intermediate);
- Арабский язык (устный и письменный) – дополнительный плюс;
- Понимание специфики работы в арабских странах;
- Презентабельный внешний вид;
- Навыки работы с офисной оргтехникой, программным обеспечением;
- Внимательность, исполнительность, пунктуальность, доброжелательность;
- Уверенный пользователь ПК (Word, Exсel, Power Point).
- Гражданство Россия, Белоруссия - предпочтительно»

- Работа в г. Доха (Катар)

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Вы – хорошо образованный лингвист, который замечает все ошибки, даже у носителей арабского языка? Тогда эта рубрика для вас!

Job for Arabists ищет эксперта-лингвиста, который знает грамматику арабского языка «на отлично» и может поделиться своими наблюдениями о самых типичных и нетипичных ошибках, и даже переспорить любого араба в этом вопросе!

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Вы знаете всех блогеров «в лицо»? А что насчет звезд арабской блогосферы?

Job for Arabists ищет автора, который расскажет, что действительно в тренде на Ближнем Востоке и сможет развеять многие стереотипы!

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Dania Al-Saleh and Lulwah Al-Homoud represent Saudi Arabia at exhibition in Russia

JEDDAH: Saudi Arabian artists Dania Al-Saleh and Lulwah Al-Homoud are representing the Kingdom at the Artificial Intelligence and Intercultural Dialogue Art Exhibition, which began Thursday at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia, and ends July 7.

The exhibition explores the role of AI in contemporary art and features work that combines art and technology.

Al-Saleh’s “Sawtam,” which won this year’s Ithra Art Prize — the annual award for Saudi Arabian, or Saudi Arabia-based, talent — is one of the pieces on show.

Al-Saleh explained that her artwork consists of audio and video that revolves around the concept of deconstructing spoken language to its most basic form — the phoneme (or “sawtam” in Arabic).

The purpose of “Sawtam” is to shed light on the simplicity of the Arabic language, which has just 28 phonemes but is still capable of great expression.

Al-Saleh’s artwork consists of recordings of her voice speaking each of the 28 phonemes, integrated with software based on the computer language Java, which creates visual images as it analyzes the sound waves of the language.

Al-Homoud’s “Al-Kayan Wal Wujud” (Entity and Being), meanwhile, is Islamic art expressed in modern technological form and based on a scientific and philosophical platform, she explained.

Al-Homoud is considered one of the most prominent artists working with abstract forms. Her work explores hidden rules of artistic innovation in mathematical forms, and through the use of the Arabic language, in a way that combines arts and science.

The work is being exhibited in “a composite way,” she said, that will give the public an opportunity to view it in “an untraditional manner.”

“People will stand in front of the painting and enjoy a peaceful and tranquil spiritual experience,” she said.

Al-Saleh thanked the Saudi Ministry of Culture for sponsoring her participation in the Hermitage exhibition and for its support of arts and culture.

Al-Homoud said: “When an artist participates in such important international exhibitions, they not only represent themselves, but their whole society, and their culture as a whole.”

She also praised the Ministry of Culture for the role that it is playing in promoting Saudi, Arab and Islamic culture.

Abdul Karim Al-Hameed, Ministry of Culture spokesman, said that Saudi Arabia’s participation in this exhibition is intended to strengthen its cultural communication with the rest of the world, and show the level of cultural development achieved in the Kingdom.

He stressed that Culture Minister Prince Badr bin Abdullah bin Farhan Al-Saud has always supported the sponsoring of Saudi artists as part of the directives and objectives of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

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