Добрый день, дорогие друзья! Сегодня я хотела бы поговорить о том, что касается каждого из нас. Ведь когда мы чувствуем себя хорошо, полны сил и энергии, мир кажется ярче, а задачи — проще. Лично я замечаю, как даже небольшие изменения в моём распорядке дня помогают мне сохранять бодрость и хорошее настроение. Поэтому сегодня я подготовила текст на уровень FCE, который поможет вам лучше понять, как важен здоровый образ жизни.
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
In today’s fast-paced world, many people struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With busy schedules, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise regularly or eat a balanced diet. However, taking care of your physical and mental health is essential if you want to live a long and fulfilling life.
One of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. On the other hand, consuming too much fast food, sugary drinks, and processed snacks can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.
Another key component of a healthy lifestyle is regular physical activity. Experts recommend that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, such as walking, cycling, or swimming. Physical activity helps to strengthen your heart, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels.
In addition to diet and exercise, it’s crucial to take care of your mental health. Stress is a major factor in many health issues, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation or spending time with loved ones, is vital for maintaining overall well-being.
In conclusion, leading a healthy lifestyle requires effort and discipline, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By making healthy choices in your diet, staying active, and taking care of your mental health, you can improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions.
1️⃣ 🔤 healthy lifestyle [ˈhɛlθi ˈlaɪfstaɪl] — здоровый образ жизни;
2️⃣ 🔤 balanced diet [ˈbælənst ˈdaɪət] — сбалансированное питание;
3️⃣ 🔤 obesity [əʊˈbiːsɪti] — ожирение;
4️⃣ 🔤 physical activity [ˈfɪzɪkl ækˈtɪvɪti] — физическая активность;
5️⃣ 🔤 mental health [ˈmɛntl hɛlθ] — психическое здоровье;
6️⃣ 🔤 stress [strɛs] — стресс;
7️⃣ 🔤 moderate exercise [ˈmɒdərət ˈɛksəsaɪz] — умеренные физические нагрузки;
8️⃣ 🔤 well-being [ˈwɛlbiːɪŋ] — благополучие, хорошее самочувствие.
Учитесь с удовольствием и заботьтесь о себе!
#FCE #ExamPreparation #B2 #HealthyLifestyle #BalancedDiet #PhysicalActivity #MentalHealth #StressManagement #WellBeing #EnglishLearning
In today’s fast-paced world, many people struggle to maintain a healthy lifestyle. With busy schedules, it can be difficult to find the time to exercise regularly or eat a balanced diet. However, taking care of your physical and mental health is essential if you want to live a long and fulfilling life.
One of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. On the other hand, consuming too much fast food, sugary drinks, and processed snacks can lead to obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.
Another key component of a healthy lifestyle is regular physical activity. Experts recommend that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, such as walking, cycling, or swimming. Physical activity helps to strengthen your heart, improve your mood, and boost your energy levels.
In addition to diet and exercise, it’s crucial to take care of your mental health. Stress is a major factor in many health issues, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through meditation or spending time with loved ones, is vital for maintaining overall well-being.
In conclusion, leading a healthy lifestyle requires effort and discipline, but the benefits far outweigh the challenges. By making healthy choices in your diet, staying active, and taking care of your mental health, you can improve your quality of life and reduce the risk of developing serious health conditions.
Учитесь с удовольствием и заботьтесь о себе!
#FCE #ExamPreparation #B2 #HealthyLifestyle #BalancedDiet #PhysicalActivity #MentalHealth #StressManagement #WellBeing #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
LOOK [luk] — смотреть, глядеть.
It isn’t just about using your eyes! Let’s explore its other uses:
*️⃣ To see something: "Look at that rainbow!" (Посмотри на эту радугу!)
*️⃣ To seem: "You look tired." (Ты выглядишь уставшим.)
*️⃣ To search for: "I’m looking for my keys." (Я ищу свои ключи.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone *looks down on you*, it means they think they’re better than you.
#EnglishVibes #LookAround #a2 #EnglishLearning
LOOK [luk] — смотреть, глядеть.
It isn’t just about using your eyes! Let’s explore its other uses:
#EnglishVibes #LookAround #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
TAKE [teɪk] — брать, хватать.
It isn’t just about grabbing things! Let’s dive into its different meanings:
*️⃣ To grab or hold: "Can you take this bag?" (Можешь взять эту сумку?)
*️⃣ To go somewhere: "I’ll take the bus." (Я поеду на автобусе.)
*️⃣ To accept: "She took the job offer." (Она приняла предложение о работе.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If you *take it easy*, it means you relax and don’t stress!
#EnglishVibes #TakeItEasy #a2 #EnglishLearning
TAKE [teɪk] — брать, хватать.
It isn’t just about grabbing things! Let’s dive into its different meanings:
#EnglishVibes #TakeItEasy #a2 #EnglishLearning
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RUN [rʌn] — бежать, бегать.
It can be much more than just moving fast! Let’s explore:
*️⃣ To move quickly: "She runs every morning." (Она бегает каждое утро.)
*️⃣ To manage: "He runs a successful business." (Он управляет успешным бизнесом.)
*️⃣ To continue: "The show will run for two more weeks." (Шоу будет идти еще две недели.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If something *runs in the family*, it means it’s a common trait among family members!
#EnglishVibes #RunWithIt #a2 #EnglishLearning
RUN [rʌn] — бежать, бегать.
It can be much more than just moving fast! Let’s explore:
#EnglishVibes #RunWithIt #a2 #EnglishLearning
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SET [set] — ставить, класть.
It is one of those words with a ton of meanings! Let’s look at a few:
*️⃣ To place something: "She set the table for dinner." (Она накрыла на стол.)
*️⃣ To become firm: "The jelly needs time to set." (Желе нужно время, чтобы застынуть.)
*️⃣ To establish: "They set new rules at school." (Они установили новые правила в школе.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If something is *set in stone*, it means it’s permanent and can’t be changed!
#EnglishVibes #SetTheMood #a2 #EnglishLearning
SET [set] — ставить, класть.
It is one of those words with a ton of meanings! Let’s look at a few:
#EnglishVibes #SetTheMood #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
TURN [tɜːn] — поворачиваться, вращаться.
It isn’t just about moving in circles! Let’s see how else you can use it:
*️⃣ To rotate: "Turn the page, please." (Переверни страницу, пожалуйста.)
*️⃣ To change direction: "He turned left at the corner." (Он повернул налево на углу.)
*️⃣ To become: "The leaves turn yellow in autumn." (Листья желтеют осенью.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone *turns a blind eye*, it means they ignore something on purpose!
#EnglishVibes #TurnItAround #a2 #EnglishLearning
TURN [tɜːn] — поворачиваться, вращаться.
It isn’t just about moving in circles! Let’s see how else you can use it:
#EnglishVibes #TurnItAround #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
KEEP [kiːp] — держать, хранить.
It can be used in so many different ways! Let’s look at a few:
*️⃣ To hold onto something: "Keep your phone in your bag." (Держи телефон в сумке.)
*️⃣ To continue doing something: "Keep talking, I’m listening." (Продолжай говорить, я слушаю.)
*️⃣ To maintain: "She keeps her room clean." (Она держит свою комнату в чистоте.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *keep your cool*, they mean stay calm and don’t get upset!
#EnglishVibes #KeepItUp #a2 #EnglishLearning
KEEP [kiːp] — держать, хранить.
It can be used in so many different ways! Let’s look at a few:
#EnglishVibes #KeepItUp #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
CALL [kɔːl] — звонить, говорить по телефону.
It isn't just about using the phone! Let’s explore its meanings:
*️⃣ To use the phone: "I’ll call you later." (Я позвоню тебе позже.)
*️⃣ To name someone or something: "They call him a genius." (Они называют его гением.)
*️⃣ To shout or say something loudly: "She called his name across the street." (Она окликнула его через улицу.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If you *call it a day*, it means you stop working for the day and relax!
#EnglishVibes #CallItIn #a2 #EnglishLearning
CALL [kɔːl] — звонить, говорить по телефону.
It isn't just about using the phone! Let’s explore its meanings:
#EnglishVibes #CallItIn #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
FALL [fɔːl] — амер. осень.
It isn’t just about the season! Let’s check out its other meanings:
*️⃣ To drop down: "Be careful, don’t fall!" (Будь осторожен, не упади!)
*️⃣ To decrease: "The temperature falls at night." (Температура падает ночью.)
*️⃣ To be defeated: "The city fell to the enemy." (Город пал перед врагом.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone *falls for something*, it means they are tricked or deceived!
#EnglishVibes #FallForIt #a2 #EnglishLearning
FALL [fɔːl] — амер. осень.
It isn’t just about the season! Let’s check out its other meanings:
#EnglishVibes #FallForIt #a2 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
HOLD [həuld] — держать, обнимать.
It has more depth than you might think! Let’s see how it works in different contexts:
*️⃣ To grip something: "Can you hold this for me?" (Можешь подержать это для меня?)
*️⃣ To delay: "The meeting was held back due to the weather." (Встречу задержали из-за погоды.)
*️⃣ To have an opinion: "He holds strong views on the topic." (У него твёрдая позиция по этому вопросу.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone tells you to *hold your horses*, they mean you should wait or be patient!
#EnglishVibes #HoldOn #b1 #EnglishLearning
HOLD [həuld] — держать, обнимать.
It has more depth than you might think! Let’s see how it works in different contexts:
#EnglishVibes #HoldOn #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
BREAK [breɪk] — ломать, разрушать, переставать работать.
It has plenty of meanings beyond just taking a rest! Let’s explore:
*️⃣ To interrupt: "Let’s break for lunch." (Давайте сделаем перерыв на обед.)
*️⃣ To stop working: "My computer broke down yesterday." (Мой компьютер сломался вчера.)
*️⃣ To violate: "He broke the rules during the game." (Он нарушил правила во время игры.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If you hear the phrase *break the ice*, it means to start a conversation in a situation that’s a bit awkward!
#EnglishVibes #BreakItDown #b1 #EnglishLearning
BREAK [breɪk] — ломать, разрушать, переставать работать.
It has plenty of meanings beyond just taking a rest! Let’s explore:
#EnglishVibes #BreakItDown #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
CATCH [kæʧ] — ловить, поймать, схватить.
It is not just about grabbing something! Let’s dive into its other meanings:
*️⃣ To physically grab: "Can you catch the ball?" (Ты можешь поймать мяч?)
*️⃣ To understand: "Did you catch what she said?" (Ты понял, что она сказала?)
*️⃣ To get an illness: "I think I’m catching a cold." (Кажется, я простужаюсь.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *catch you later*, it’s an informal way of saying "see you later"!
#EnglishVibes #CatchUp #b1 #EnglishLearning
CATCH [kæʧ] — ловить, поймать, схватить.
It is not just about grabbing something! Let’s dive into its other meanings:
#EnglishVibes #CatchUp #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
DRAW [drɔː] — рисовать, чертить.
It has more than one meaning beyond art! Let’s check them out:
*️⃣ To create a picture: "She loves to draw animals." (Она любит рисовать животных.)
*️⃣ To attract attention: "His speech drew a lot of interest." (Его речь привлекла много внимания.)
*️⃣ To pull or move something: "He drew the curtains to block the sunlight." (Он задернул шторы, чтобы закрыть солнечный свет.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *draw the line*, it means they set a limit on what they’re willing to accept or do!
#EnglishVibes #DrawItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
DRAW [drɔː] — рисовать, чертить.
It has more than one meaning beyond art! Let’s check them out:
#EnglishVibes #DrawItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
CHECK [ʧek] — проверять, сверять, отмечать галочкой.
It can be more than just a mark on paper! Let’s see its other meanings:
*️⃣ To examine: "Can you check my homework?" (Можешь проверить мою домашнюю работу?)
*️⃣ To look or verify: "I need to check my schedule." (Мне нужно проверить своё расписание.)
*️⃣ To leave something temporarily: "We checked our bags at the airport." (Мы сдали багаж в аэропорту.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *check it out*, they mean you should take a look or pay attention to something interesting!
#EnglishVibes #CheckItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
CHECK [ʧek] — проверять, сверять, отмечать галочкой.
It can be more than just a mark on paper! Let’s see its other meanings:
#EnglishVibes #CheckItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
PASS [pɑːs] — передавать.
It isn’t just about handing something to someone! Let’s explore its other uses:
*️⃣ To move past something: "We passed by the museum yesterday." (Мы прошли мимо музея вчера.)
*️⃣ To succeed in a test: "I passed my English exam!" (Я сдал экзамен по английскому!)
*️⃣ To give something: "Can you pass me the salt?" (Передай мне соль, пожалуйста.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If you hear *pass the buck*, it means to shift responsibility to someone else!
#EnglishVibes #PassItOn #b1 #EnglishLearning
PASS [pɑːs] — передавать.
It isn’t just about handing something to someone! Let’s explore its other uses:
#EnglishVibes #PassItOn #b1 #EnglishLearning
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CUT [kʌt] — резать, разрезать.
It isn’t just for scissors! Let’s see how else it’s used:
*️⃣ To divide with a sharp tool: "I cut the paper with scissors." (Я разрезал бумагу ножницами.)
*️⃣ To reduce: "The company had to cut costs." (Компании пришлось сократить расходы.)
*️⃣ To skip something: "He cut class yesterday." (Он прогулял урок вчера.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *cut to the chase*, it means they want to skip the unnecessary details and get straight to the point!
#EnglishVibes #CutItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
CUT [kʌt] — резать, разрезать.
It isn’t just for scissors! Let’s see how else it’s used:
#EnglishVibes #CutItOut #b1 #EnglishLearning
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HIT [hɪt] — ударять (по чему-л.), поражать.
It isn’t just about striking something! Let’s explore its other meanings:
*️⃣ To strike: "He hit the ball with a bat." (Он ударил по мячу битой.)
*️⃣ To achieve success: "Their new song is a hit!" (Их новая песня — хит!)
*️⃣ To reach a place or goal: "We hit the beach early in the morning." (Мы добрались до пляжа рано утром.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *hit the books*, it means they’re going to study hard!
#EnglishVibes #HitTheMark #b1 #EnglishLearning
HIT [hɪt] — ударять (по чему-л.), поражать.
It isn’t just about striking something! Let’s explore its other meanings:
#EnglishVibes #HitTheMark #b1 #EnglishLearning
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WORD OF THE DAY: 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
FIGURE ['fɪgə] — цифра.
It has more meanings than just numbers! Let’s break it down:
*️⃣ To calculate or work out: "I need to figure out the solution." (Мне нужно разобраться с решением.)
*️⃣ A person or role model: "He’s a well-known political figure." (Он известный политический деятель.)
*️⃣ Shape or outline of something: "The shadowy figure in the distance was hard to see." (Трудно было разглядеть тень вдали.)
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 If someone says *go figure*, it means they find something surprising or ironic!
#EnglishVibes #FigureItOut #b2 #EnglishLearning
FIGURE ['fɪgə] — цифра.
It has more meanings than just numbers! Let’s break it down:
#EnglishVibes #FigureItOut #b2 #EnglishLearning
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Когда кто-то говорит He has gone to the store, стоит ли его ждать через пять минут или уже звонить в розыск? 🧐 Сегодня разберемся, почему
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤 🔤
— это не одно и то же! Узнаем, какое выражение использовать, чтобы не запутаться и не потеряться.
*️⃣ Присоединяйтесь, чтобы уверенно использовать эти выражения в речи!
*️⃣ Этот эпизод подходит как для начинающих, так и для продолжающих изучать английский язык.
*️⃣ Прослушайте этот подкаст сами и перешлите его всем, кто также, как и вы, хочет знать английский язык!
Учитесь с удовольствием!
#grammar #englishlearning #havebeento #havegoneto #audio #presentperfect
Когда кто-то говорит He has gone to the store, стоит ли его ждать через пять минут или уже звонить в розыск? 🧐 Сегодня разберемся, почему
— это не одно и то же! Узнаем, какое выражение использовать, чтобы не запутаться и не потеряться.
Учитесь с удовольствием!
#grammar #englishlearning #havebeento #havegoneto #audio #presentperfect
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Выберите правильный вариант и проверьте, насколько хорошо вы понимаете разницу между have been to и have gone to!
#test #grammar #englishlearning #havebeento #havegoneto #audio
Выберите правильный вариант и проверьте, насколько хорошо вы понимаете разницу между have been to и have gone to!
#test #grammar #englishlearning #havebeento #havegoneto #audio