Английский с Еленой Арзиани
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Автор канала Елена Арзиани - лингво-коуч и полиглот. Специалист по грамматике и фонетике английского языка.

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1. heir [eə] — наследник;

2. heiress ['eəres] — наследница; преемница, продолжательница;

3. heirloom ['eəluːm] — фамильная собственность; фамильная ценность;

4. honest ['ɔnɪst] — честный;

5. honorary ['ɔn(ə)rərɪ] — почётный;

6. honour ['ɔnə] — слава, почёт, честь;

7. honourable ['ɔn(ə)rəbl] — благородный, великодушный; честный;

8. hour [auə] — час (60 минут);

9. hourly ['auəlɪ] — ежечасный; происходящий, действующий ежечасно; почасовой (о маршрутах транспорта, оплате).

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Добрый день, дорогие друзья! Специально для вас я написала рассказ о жизни несуществующего в реальности Питера Блумберга, включив в него слова, о которых я рассказала вам вчера.  Прочитайте, пожалуйста, вслух этот текст, обращая особое внимание на употребление неопределённого артикля со следующими словами: an heir, an heirloom, an hour и так далее.

An heir to a successful business empire, Peter Bloomberg was determined to prove himself as a worthy successor to his father's legacy. One of his most treasured possessions was an heirloom passed down for generations, an original manuscript ['mænjəskrɪpt] of a famous novel. Despite his immense wealth, Peter was known for being an honest and honourable leader who dedicated his life to innovation and philanthropy [fɪ'lænθrəpɪ]. He has also been awarded an honorary degree from a prestigious university, in recognition of his contributions to the tech industry.
Throughout his career, Peter had his fair share of an hour of fame as the media closely followed the success of his company CUCUMBER. However, he remained humble and grounded, never losing sight of his duty to improve people's lives and to bring honour to his family name. He was also known for his charitable work and for supporting organizations that aimed to bridge the digital divide.
Peter's dedication to his work was evident in the way he conducted himself, always putting in an hourly effort to ensure the success and growth of his company. He was an inspiration to many young entrepreneurs [ˌɒntrəprə'nɜːz] and a true embodiment of an honourable and innovative leader.
His wife, Priscilla [prɪ'sɪlə], is an an heiress of a successful business empire and a philanthropist [fɪ'lænθrəpɪst] in her own right. She has an honourable reputation for her charitable works and dedication to education and healthcare causes. Together, Peter and Priscilla have become one of the most powerful and influential couples in the world, known for their commitment to making a positive impact on society.

1. determined [dɪ'tɜːmɪnd] — решительный, твёрдый, непоколебимый, стойкий;

2. successor [sək'sesə] — преемник, наследник; правопреемник

3. legacy ['legəsɪ] — наследство, наследие;

4. pass down ​[pɑːs_daun] — фраз. гл. передавать, оставлять (следующим поколениям, по наследству);

5. immense [ɪ'men(t)s] — безмерный, очень большой, огромный;

6. in recognition of [​ɪn_ˌrɛkəɡ'nɪʃən_ʌv] — в знак признания чего-либо;

7. grounded ['graundɪd] — If you say that someone is grounded, you mean that they are sensible and reasonable, and that they understand the importance of ordinary things in life;

8. digital divide ['dɪʤətəl_dɪ'vaɪd] —цифровое неравенство; неравенство между различными слоями населения, возникающее из-за невозможности малообеспеченным гражданам пользоваться преимуществами информационных технологий, Интернетом, дистанционным обучением и т.д.;

9. conduct [kən'dʌkt] — вести себя (каким-либо образом);

10. embodiment [ɪm'bɔdɪmənt] — олицетворение, изображение, воплощение;

11. charitable ['ʧærɪtəbl] —благотворительный, филантропический;

12. commitment [kə'mɪtmənt] — обязанность, долг; приверженность, выбор, ориентация, линия, политика.

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