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Former Deutsche Bank Executive on Green Investments: "The Sustainability Propaganda Got Completely Out of Control"
#International #Business #BankingandFinance #ClimateChange

The Deutsche bank subsidiary DWS claims to be a pioneer in green investment․ But is it? DER SPIEGEL spoke with former DWS executive Desiree Fixler, whose accusations against the company have led to an official investigation
A First Look at Angela Merkel's Legacy: The Era of Missed Opportunities
#International #Germany #AngelaMerkel #GermanPolitics #EuroCrisis #BankingandFinance #VladimirPutin #Coronavirus

Angela Merkel's 16 years as German chancellor have been characterized by crisis after crisis, most of them global in nature․ Her intellect has been a critical tool in addressing those challenges, but her follow through left a lot to be desired
Controversial Eurozone Accession: Concerns Rise as Bulgaria Prepares to Join the Euro
#International #Europe #Bulgaria #EuroCrisis #EuroCrisis2010 #DebtCrisis #BankingandFinance #EuropeanCentralBank #GreekDebtCrisis2010 #EuropeanUnion

Bulgaria has significant problems with corruption and money laundering․ Nevertheless, the European Union is prepared to accept the country as the next member of the eurozone․ Many fear that might be a bad idea
FDP Head Christian Lindner on Germany's New Coalition: "People Don't Want to Be Dragged Down Any Longer by Quarreling"
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #GermanElection2021 #BankingandFinance

Christian Lindner is set to become Germany's next finance minister․ In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, he talks about his plans for his portfolio, how he intends to pay for them and the new government's strategy for the ongoing pandemic
USA drohen Zahlungsausfall: »Zehn Prozent Aktienverluste wären keine Überraschung«
#Wirtschaft #USA #USKongress #Republikaner #Demokraten #NewYorkStockExchange #Wirtschaftskrise #BankingandFinance #11WallStreet #Aktien #Wirtschaft #Staatsanleihen #USA #USA

In den USA haben sich Demokraten und Republikaner im Streit über die Erhöhung der Schuldengrenze völlig verhakt․ Ökonom Volker Brühl sieht die Gefahr einer Staatspleite – und warnt vor den Folgen für die Weltwirtschaft
Jamie Dimon von JPMorganChase: Warum Amerikas mächtigster Banker immer gewinnt
#Wirtschaft #JPMorganChase #BankingandFinance #Wirtschaftskrise #Weltfinanzkrise #Finanzkriseab2007 #Banken

Rauswurf, Finanzkrise, Krebserkrankung: Jamie Dimon überlebt alles․ Der Chef der US-Großbank JPMorgan Chase ist so etwas wie der Gott der Wall Street․ Sein neuester Coup könnte sogar den Präsidentschaftswahlkampf überschatten
Whistleblower Desiree Fixler on the DWS and Deutsche Bank Controversy: "I Haven’t Seen Such a Cultural Overhaul"
#International #Business #DeutscheBank #BankingandFinance

Desiree Fixler served as head of sustainability at the DWS․ Her ouster after criticizing the German fund internally for "greenwashing" generated considerable outrage against parent company Deutsche Bank․ In an interview, she talks about the mendacity of the financial industry and an apology she is still waiting to receive