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Russia's Second Front: Putin Seeks to Destabilize Ukraine's Neighbor
#International #Europe #Moldova #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #EuropeanUnion #Ukraine #VladimirPutin

Moldova is seeking to join the European Union, but Russia is doing everything it can to destabilize the small republic․ The Kremlin has radically throttled gas deliveries and is orchestrating protests in the country
The Death of a Forced Friendship: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Ends an Era in Finland
#International #Ukraine #Russia #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #EuropeanUnion

Russia and Finland once maintained close relations that were partly imposed by Moscow․ Since Putin's invasion of Ukraine, though, the Finns are strengthening their defenses and striving to join NATO․ For many, it marks the end of an era
Corruption Scandal in the European Parliament: Who Got the Bags of Money?
#International #EuropeanUnion #Qatar

A major bribery scandal is currently rocking the European Parliament․ Yet the European Commission and member states want to continue deepening relations with Qatar, the country reportedly behind the affair․ Many worry the scandal could cause significant damage to the EU
The Polish Refugee Magnet: How Warsaw Became the Exile Capital of the East
#International #Poland #EuropeanUnion #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #Chechnya #Belarus #VladimirPutin #Russia

Refugees from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus have converged on Warsaw․ They are all united by the common enemy Putin and the knowledge that many will never return home․ They are also changing the face of Poland
Friends and Strangers: The Franco-German Relationship Is Cooling at a Critical Time
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #France #GermanFrenchRelations #OlafScholz #EmmanuelMacron

With only days to go before the 60th anniversary of the treaty that reestablished Franco-German relations after two world wars, communication between Berlin and Paris is faltering․ The war in Ukraine has laid bare fundamental differences between the two partners
Gita Gopinath: "The Fight against Inflation May Take Somewhat Longer"
#International #Business #GermanEconomy #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanCentralBank

Whether it is Europe's inflation struggle, China's real estate crisis or global protectionism, Gita Gopinath is skeptical about the immediate future․ In an interview, though, the deputy head of the IMF also sees small glimmers of hope
Pressure and Fences: EU Wants To Seal Itself Off from Refugees
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration

More refugees are arriving in Germany than at any time in recent years, and districts and cities are overwhelmed․ But the system for redistributing migrants among EU states is unlikely to be improved anytime soon, with leaders instead increasingly betting on deportations and exclusion
Frankreich blockiert EU-Erklärung zu Klima- und Energiediplomatie
#Ausland #Frankreich #Atomkraft #ErneuerbareEnergien #EuropeanUnion

Zum Erreichen der Klimaziele will die EU erneuerbare Energien in Drittstaaten fördern․ Frankreich findet: Dazu gehört auch Atomkraft․ Weil andere Staaten das anders sehen, scheiterte jetzt eine EU-Erklärung zum Thema
Superpower Posturing: Fears Grow of New Cold War Between U․S․ and China
#International #World #China #VladimirPutin #Russia #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #EuropeanUnion #UnitedStates

China and the United States are lurching from one crisis to the next․ It's not just deep economic interdependence that is at stake, but also global peace Is there still a way out of this downward spiral?
"Mafia Methods": Viktor Orbán Ups the Pressure on German Companies to Leave Hungary
#International #Business #Hungary #EuropeanUnion #GermanEconomy

German companies have long been active in Hungary․ But now, Viktor Orbán is trying to force some of them to leave․ And when they do, his closest allies stand to profit