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A Fragmented Party Landscape: German Voters Punish Merkel's Party in an Election Without a Clear Victor
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #AngelaMerkel #GermanElection2021 #SocialDemocraticParty #ChristianDemocraticUnion #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty

As expected, German voters declined to choose a clear victor on Sunday, setting the stage for a difficult search for a governing coalition․ Angela Merkel's CDU suffered an abysmal result while the Social Democrats have new life․ Ultimately, though, two other parties will play kingmaker
Germany's Kingmakers: Difficult Talks Ahead for Greens and Free Democrats
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #GermanPolitics #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty

The Green Party and the business-friendly Free Democrats plan to hold exploratory talks with each other before meeting with the main chancellor candidates in the coming days․ They appear to be worlds apart but are already finding some common ground
Green Party Co-Leader Annalena Baerbock on Coalition Talks: "The Government Currently Being Formed Is Finally Going to Act"
#International #Germany #AnnalenaBaerbock #GreenParty #GermanPolitics #RenewableEnergy #WindEnergy #SolarPower #Environment #ClimateChange

Germany is still in the process of putting together a government following the September election․ Green Party co-leader Annalena Baerbock speaks to DER SPIEGEL about progress on climate policy, the challenges of a three-party coalition and why German autobahns are not getting a speed limit
NATO, China and Nord Stream 2: Germany's Likely Future Coalition Partners Bicker over Foreign Policy
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #OlafScholz #SocialDemocraticParty #FreeDemocraticParty #GreenParty #NATO

Getting three political parties to agree on anything is tough․ In Germany, with coalition negotiations dragging on, that is proving especially true․ A look at the differences of opinion within the foreign policy working group highlights the challenges that lay ahead
How Stable Is Germany's New Coalition?: The First Fractures Become Apparent in Berlin
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #GermanElection2021 #AnnalenaBaerbock #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty #SocialDemocraticParty #OlafScholz

The coalition talks were secretive and the three parties involved sought to exude unity and harmony․ Now that Germany's next coalition agreement has been presented, though, fractures are becoming apparent․ And surprisingly, the Greens may not be the Social Democrats' favorite child
German Foreign Minister-Designate Annalena Baerbock: "I Don’t Believe in Applying Old Labels To New Geopolitical Developments"
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #GermanForeignPolicy #GreenParty

Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party is slated to become Germany's first female foreign minister․ She spoke to DER SPIEGEL about the policy challenges the country faces abroad and the more immediate crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic
Germany Rethinks Position on Beijing: Government in Berlin Classifies China as a “Systemic Rival”
#International #World #China #GermanForeignPolicy #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty #SocialDemocraticParty #GermanEconomy

Driven by its junior coalition partners, the Green Party and the FDP, the German government is adopting a tougher stance on Beijing․ It wants to reduce economic dependence and strengthen relations with democratic states in Asia
Germany's New Leading Woman: Foreign Minister Baerbock Takes Advantage of Her Second Chance
#International #Germany #AnnalenaBaerbock #GermanForeignPolicy #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #Ukraine #GreenParty

Following a run for the Chancellery mired with problems, the Green Party's Annalena Baerbock is now in the spotlight as foreign minister She had hoped to establish a more feminist foreign policy, but is that possible in times of war?
From Peaceniks To Hawks?: Germany's Greens Have Transformed in the Face of Russia's War
#International #Germany #GreenParty #GermanPolitics #AnnalenaBaerbock #GermanForeignPolicy #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #VladimirPutin

The Greens have long been regarded as peace-loving idealists․ They are now among the loudest voices calling for heavy weapons to be delivered to Ukraine and have placed considerable pressure on German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to do so․ The pacifists of yore have gone quiet and now the talk is of tanks and howitzers
Nuclear Power for the Winter: Germany's Green Party Confronts Its Last Taboo
#International #Germany #NuclearPhaseOut #NuclearPower #GermanEnergyRevolution #Energy #GreenParty #GermanPolitics

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck wants to keep two nuclear power plants on standby to prevent electricity shortages this winter now that Putin has cut energy supplies․ The Green Party will have to decide if it can reconcile this with the anti-atomic position that served as its genesis Will the party revolt?