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The Radical Right Loses Ground: Germany's AfD Bickers over Future Direction
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #GermanPolitics #AlternativeforGermany

The right-wing populist party AfD sought to paper over its deep split between the moderate and extremist wings for the campaign․ Now that the party won fewer votes than expected, that divide is once again front and center
Germany's Kingmakers: Difficult Talks Ahead for Greens and Free Democrats
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #GermanPolitics #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty

The Green Party and the business-friendly Free Democrats plan to hold exploratory talks with each other before meeting with the main chancellor candidates in the coming days․ They appear to be worlds apart but are already finding some common ground
German Chancellor Frontrunner Olaf Scholz: “I Want To Make the World a Better Place”
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #SocialDemocraticParty #GermanPolitics #OlafScholz

In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, Olaf Scholz of the Social Democrats, the front-runner to become Germany’s next chancellor, discusses his plan to create a stable government and reveals what he has in common with Angela Merkel
The Success of the AfD: Why Is the Right Wing So Strong in Eastern Germany?
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #ChristianDemocraticUnion #AlternativeforGermany #RightWingPopulism

The right-wing radical party AfD emerged from last Sunday's election as the strongest political force in the eastern German states of Saxony and Thuringia What did the mainstream parties do wrong?
The Post-Merkel Era: German Conservatives Need to Take a Step Back
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #ChristianDemocraticUnion #AngelaMerkel #GermanPolitics

After 16 years in government and a disastrous election result, German conservatives have lost their way․ It is time to stop pretending that they can be part of the next government and begin the process of renewal
Foreign Policy: The Global Challenges Germany's Next Chancellor Faces
#International #World #GermanElection2021 #GermanForeignPolicy #UnitedStates #JoeBiden #China #Russia #EuropeanUnion #France

During this month's election, the candidates didn't say much about geopolitics and Germany's role in the world․ That could come back to haunt Berlin in the coming months․ A preview of what to expect from Washington, Paris, Brussels, Moscow and Beijing in the months to come
How Stable Is Germany's New Coalition?: The First Fractures Become Apparent in Berlin
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #GermanElection2021 #AnnalenaBaerbock #GreenParty #FreeDemocraticParty #SocialDemocraticParty #OlafScholz

The coalition talks were secretive and the three parties involved sought to exude unity and harmony․ Now that Germany's next coalition agreement has been presented, though, fractures are becoming apparent․ And surprisingly, the Greens may not be the Social Democrats' favorite child
FDP Head Christian Lindner on Germany's New Coalition: "People Don't Want to Be Dragged Down Any Longer by Quarreling"
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #GermanElection2021 #BankingandFinance

Christian Lindner is set to become Germany's next finance minister․ In an interview with DER SPIEGEL, he talks about his plans for his portfolio, how he intends to pay for them and the new government's strategy for the ongoing pandemic
German Foreign Minister-Designate Annalena Baerbock: "I Don’t Believe in Applying Old Labels To New Geopolitical Developments"
#International #Germany #GermanElection2021 #GermanForeignPolicy #GreenParty

Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party is slated to become Germany's first female foreign minister․ She spoke to DER SPIEGEL about the policy challenges the country faces abroad and the more immediate crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic
Resurrection of the SP: The Unexpected Rise of Germany's New Chancellor, Olaf Scholz
#International #Germany #OlafScholz #GermanPolitics #GermanElection2021 #SocialDemocraticParty

Not all that long ago, it looked like Germany's Social Democrats had reached the end of the line․ Now, Olaf Scholz is in the Chancellery․ It is perhaps the most unlikely political success story in Germany's postwar history