Forwarded from Tournament of Towns
Осенний тур 46го Турнира городов состоялся!
На сайте Турнира опубликованы условия сложного варианта, прошедшего в это воскресенье!
The autumn round of the 46th Tournament of Towns was successfully held!
Problems of the A-level, that took place this Sunday, are already published on the website.
#осеннийтур #46турниргородов
На сайте Турнира опубликованы условия сложного варианта, прошедшего в это воскресенье!
The autumn round of the 46th Tournament of Towns was successfully held!
Problems of the A-level, that took place this Sunday, are already published on the website.
#осеннийтур #46турниргородов