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Childcare benefits scandal: Dutch government to pay million Euro fine over racist data discrimination
#Datenschutz #Datenrassismus #Diskriminierung #DSGVO #DSGVOPrüfung #english #MarkRutte #Niederlande #Rassismus #Toeslagenaffaire

The child benefit scandal shakes the Netherlands to this day – Gemeinfrei-ähnlich freigegeben durch unsplash․com GabrielA scandal involving racial discrimination in the verification of childcare benefit claims continues to rock the Netherlands․ Now the government accepts a fine in the millions․ It is probably the first case in which a government has had to pay for data-based discrimination against citizens․
Privacy labels fail: Many ‚tracking-free‘ apps in iOS secretly track users
#Datenschutz #Android #Apple #ComScore #english #GDPR #Google #iOS #iOS152 #iphone #KonradKollnig #Privacy #Taboola #TimCook #Tracking

iPhone-Apps müssen seit einem Jahr klare Labels tragen – oft stimmen die aber gar nicht – Gemeinfrei-ähnlich freigegeben durch unsplash․com Rami Al-zayatApple forces developers give clear privacy information to app users․ But according to new research, four out of five tested apps that claim to not collect data from users actually do․
Depictions of child abuse: The internet forgets nothing, as long as it’s not supposed to forget
#Öffentlichkeit #BKA #childabuse #english

Police employees at a hotline for child abuse suspicions in North-Rhine Westfalia․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten IMAGO / Future ImageTo this day the German Federal Criminal Police Office BKA and other law enforcement agencies fail to systematically remove content from darknet forums where child abuse material is shared․ Leading investigators claim it is more important to find the perpetrators․ Is that really mutually exclusive?
Pegasus scandal in Hungary: „Not surprising, but still shameful“
#Demokratie #AmnestyInternational #AronDemeter #english #NSOGroup #Pegasus #Ungarn #ViktorOrbán

Die Opposition demonstriert in Budapest vor der Fidesz-Parteizentrale gegen die Überwachung mit dem Spähprogramm Pegasus․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten Daniel Nemeth/ImagoWhen the Hungarian data protection authority concluded their investigation into the Pegasus scandal last week, they came to a surprising result: The surveillance of journalists and lawyers was supposedly legal, but those who helped uncover it should be investigated․ Áron Demeter, head of Amnesty Hungary, talks about loopholes in the Hungarian judicial system․
Future of online advertising: Adtech’s new clothes might redefine privacy more than they reform profiling
#Datenschutz #Apple #Browser #datenhandel #EdgeComputing #english #Facebook #firefox #FLoC #Google #Meta #MichaelVeale #Microtargeting #mozilla #OnlineWerbung #personalisiertewerbung #PrivacySandboxInitiative #Profiling #TargetedAdvertising #Überwachungskapitalismus

Once again, advertising technology is changing․ But is the new direction the right one? – Gemeinfrei-ähnlich freigegeben durch unsplash․com Joe YatesAs the era of cookie tracking is about to end, a new battle for control over the billion dollar ad tech business has begun․ An astonishing partnership between non-profit Mozilla and surveillance capitalist Meta is only a small chapter of a bigger story, argues Michael Veale․ For the next phase of online advertising could be even worse․
Violation of Twitter’s ban on political ads: No consequences for far-right presidential candidate
#Demokratie #Ads #AfD #Bundespräsident #english #MaxOtte #Microtargeting #Onlinewerbung #politischeWerbung #Rechtspopulismus #TargetedAdvertising #Twitter #Werbung

Max Otte, Germany, member of the CDU and leader of the Werteunion – Alle Rechte vorbehalten IMAGO / IPONThe social media platform officially confirms that Max Otte violated the ban on political advertising several times․ This was apparently possible because it did not properly control the advertisements․
OSINT in the Ukraine: Putting the Pieces in Place
#Öffentlichkeit #Bellingcat #citizenjournalism #Crowdjournalismus #DataJournalism #DigitalerJournalismus #english #OSINT #ProjectOwl #Research #Russland #Ukraine #UkraineKrieg

Meanwhile, OSINT often compares images from social media with satellite images․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten Screenshot Twitter BellingcatToday, it is possible to observe crises unfold in unprecedented detail․ A global community systematically evaluates publicly available information of all kinds and feeds it into the news flow․ We spoke with someone involved as a volunteer for more than a decade․
XVideos: The porn empire next door
#Öffentlichkeit #english #pornhub #StéphanePacaud #XVideos

Krakovská 1366/25 in Prague – address of the world’s largest porn empire․ – House: Google Street View; Screenshot: XVideos․com; Editing: netzpolitik․orgThe world's most visited porn site operates in the heart of Europe․ Survivors of sexualized violence are raising serious accusations against XVideos․ The trail of XVideos leads to the Czech Republic, France – and Germany․
World’s largest porn site: How XVideos does very little against sexualized violence
#Öffentlichkeit #DigitalServicesAct #digitalviolence #english #imagebasedsexualabuse #Mastercard #onlinepornography #pornplatforms #uploadfilter #upskirting #Visa #XVideos

XVideos says it „continuously monitors“ the platform – but not how it does so․ – Foto: Pixabay/ ninocare, Screenshot: xvideos․com, Editing: netzpolitik․org"Knocked out and fucked": On XVideos clips dealing with rape are automatically recommended․ Anonymous uploads raise doubts about whether recordings are consensual․ Our research reveals how sexualized violence can spread on the platform․
Russian exile medium Meduza: „Everything has changed dramatically“
#Demokratie #crowdfunding #english #krautreporter #Meduza #Russland #RusslandSanktionen #Ukraine #UkraineKrieg

The Meduza team․ For security reasons, not all members of the editorial team can show their faces․ – Alle Rechte vorbehalten MeduzaThe news website Meduza was among the last independent reporters for Russia․ At the beginning of March the website was blocked in Russia․ There are also problems with funding․ We talked with Katerina Abramova about the work in exile and the future of Meduza․