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Personal Trainer (Dubai)

Fitness Club in Dubai is looking for a personal trainer with 2 years experience.


1. hard workers, ability to sell, conduct over time;
2. salary — 4000AED
3. accommodation — studio for 4 ladies, fully furniture kitchen + bed or + 1000AED if without;
4. contract Duration — 2 years

Scan the vacancy page and send your CV:
معرض "الحرير والشاي والخزف: حوار عبر الثقافات في طريق الحرير" يصطحب زواره في جولة مميزة في طريق الحرير القديم

دبي، 10 يناير 2019: تستضيف مبادرة "هلا بالصين" التي تنظمها كل من مِراس وشركة "دبي القابضة"، معرض "الحرير والشاي والخزف: حوار عبر الثقافات في طريق الحرير" وذلك ضمن الأنشطة التي تستمر لمدة عام بهدف تعزيز العلاقات التجارية والثقافية بين دبي والصين.

يستمر المعرض لغاية 15 يناير 2019 ويسعى إلى اصطحاب الزوار في جولة رائعة على طول طريق الحرير القديم، حيث يعرض أكثر من 100 قطعة فنية تظهر المهارة الحرفية والخيال الجريء والإبداعات اليدوية للفنانين في مقاطعة تشيجيانغ الصينية، ويشمل ذلك الملابس والأزياء الحريرية وأدوات الشاي والأدوات المستخدمة في احتفالات الشاي الصينية التقليدية، بالإضافة إلى قطع خزف السيلادون الرائعة.

وقد تم تنظيم المعرض المستمر لستة أسابيع بالتعاون مع دائرة الثقافة والسياحة لمقاطعة تشيجيانغ، وبدعم من حكومة الشعب في لونغتشيوان بمقاطعة تشيجيانغ، ومتحف الصين الوطني للحرير، ومتحف الصين الوطني للشاي. وتعد مقاطعة تشيجيانغ مركزاً ثقافياً للصين ومهداً لتراث خزف السيلادون الأخضر العريق.

لمزيد من المعلومات حول المعرض، يرجى زيارة –

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The Dubai International Horse Fair sets you off on a journey to explore the grace and beauty of horses, captured with creative flair by global artists. Art & décor pieces with an equestrian theme will be on offer to the public in an extensive gallery. Come & see the creative & unique equine art at the show as it returns for its 15th edition.

The show will also feature the latest equine products, horse therapies and the finest breeds of horses the world has to offer as well as renowned brands specializing in state of the art stables, feeds, riding apparel and garments.

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19–20 февраля Валдайский клуб в партнёрстве с Институтом Востоковедения РАН проведёт восьмую Ближневосточную конференцию.

Тема – «Ближний Восток: новый этап, старые проблемы?».

Данная конференция станет продолжением разработки темы российской политики на Востоке, которую Клуб сделал своим центральным направлением в 2019 году.

«Валдай» планирует провести в течение года целую серию мероприятий, которые будут посвящены Востоку.


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Young Emiratis inspired by UAE leaders drive community initiative to help Expo 2020 say ‘hayyakum’ to the world

• Three UAE school students have teamed up to help Expo showcase traditional Emirati hospitality
• Initiative supports Expo 2020’s mission to welcome the world as part of ‘Hayyakum’ movement
• Youths take inspiration from HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid and HH Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed

DUBAI, 11 March, 2019: Three young UAE nationals are driving a community initiative to help Expo 2020 Dubai showcase traditional Emirati hospitality on a global scale through the ‘Hayyakum’ movement, which aims to extend a warm welcome to millions of international visitors and hundreds of participants ahead of the next World Expo.

Nine-year-olds Hamdan Sultan Al Subousi and Elyazia Al Remeithi, and 12-year-old Abdulla Farhan Al Marzoogi, were inspired by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, who has called on youth to play a central role in the delivery of Expo 2020.

The students decided to encourage their communities to help the World Expo welcome the world after hearing a message delivered by His Highness Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Sultan Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, during a recent visit to Expo, in which he used the traditional Emirati greeting of ‘hayyakum’.

After agreeing on their strategy, the children visited Expo 2020 to present their idea to Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation and Director General of Dubai Expo 2020 Bureau.

Her Excellency Reem Al Hashimy said: “The spirit of these children is exactly what makes our country so special. Although they are young, they have a strong sense of responsibility and willingness to speak up.

“We welcome the world to the UAE by saying, ‘hayyakum’, and I am moved to see our youth inspired by our leadership and acting on that inspiration. We welcome their initiative, which embodies the values of the UAE society and is in line with Expo’s aim to connect minds to build a better future.”

The youth-led community engagement will bring together UAE citizens and expatriates through a number of initiatives and activities to contribute to the success of the first ever World Expo to be held in the Middle East, Africa and South Asia (MEASA) region.

Hamdan Al-Subousi, one of the students behind the initiative, said: “I already talk to my friends at school about Expo 2020, so I thought it would be even better to talk to the rest of the world as well. I speak several languages so I think I can welcome people from different countries and help make this the best World Expo in history.”

Abdulla Al Marzoogi said: “I follow Expo news closely and cannot wait until 2020 to welcome the world and say ‘hayyakum’ to everyone. I would like to introduce people from all over the world to Expo and talk to them about our country – its past, present and future.”

Elyazia Al Remeithi said: “I am glad to see Expo 2020 supporting the ideas of the younger generation. I hope our initiative will reach everyone in the Emirates. I will ask my family and friends to welcome guests to the UAE and I hope to see all UAE residents involved with us in this initiative.”

To date, 190 nations have confirmed their participation in Expo 2020. Organisers expect to record 25 million visits between 20 October, 2020 and 10 April, 2021, with 70 per cent of visitors projected to come from outside the UAE – the highest proportion of international visitors in the 168-year history of World Expos.

The international interest in Expo 2020 highlights the status of the UAE as a global destination that brings people and countries together.

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“Right Where I’m Supposed To Be” to be performed for the first time at Opening Ceremony of the Games on Thursday 14 March at Zayed Sports City Stadium

A number of widely acclaimed music stars and producers, including Grammy Award winner for The Greatest Showman Soundtrack, Music Producer, Greg Wells, and Honorary Executive Producer and 28-time Grammy Winner, Quincy Jones, have come together to create the official song for Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019.

The anthem, titled Right Where I’m Supposed To Be, will be revealed for the first time at the Opening Ceremony of the World Games where global superstar Avril Lavigne, whose song ‘Fly’ was the official anthem for the 2015 World Games, and Luis Fonsi, singer of global smash-hit single ‘Despacito’, will be among the personalities performing the song.

Joining them on the stage in front of more than 40,000 fans at Zayed Sports City Stadium to sing the anthem will be three Arabic music stars including Emirati singer and Good Will Ambassador at Large HE Hussain Al Jassmi, Syrian superstar Assala Nasri, and Star of Egypt and the Arab World, Tamer Hosny.

The anthem was given the seal of approval by Honorary Executive Producer and 28-time Grammy award winner, Quincy Jones, who also composed the song, ‘I know I can’, for the 2007 World Games in Shanghai. The song is co-written by Ryan Tedder, lead singer of chart-topping boy band OneRepublic and Grammy award-winning Canadian songwriter, Greg Wells and Nina Woodford.

Ryan Tedder and Greg Wells are proud to have written such a powerful song that promotes inclusion and motivate the athletes during the World Games.

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Sharjah Book Authority takes Arab culture to London Book Fair visitors

Sharjah 24: In keeping with its dedication to furthering cross-cultural communication and establishing a presence in important cultural events worldwide, Sharjah Book Authority (SBA) participated at the 48th edition of the London Book Fair (LBF), from 12-14 March 2019.

The SBA showcased Sharjah’s cultural project and key initiatives aimed at enhancing the local publishing industry, and its efforts to celebrate Emirati literature at international book fairs.

The authority organised a series of meetings with a host of British and international intellectuals and publishing professionals at its pavilion, and shed light on the emirate’s key cultural events – Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF), and Sharjah Children’s Reading Festival (SCRF), whose 11th edition is coming up in April.

SBA also showcased its first flagship initiative, Sharjah Publishing City (SPC), which is the world’s first publishing and printing free zone, highlighting the plethora premium services and commercial advantages its offers to publishers, authors and other literary professionals from around the world.

His Excellency Ahmed bin Rakkad Al Ameri, Chairman of SBA, stressed Sharjah’s keenness to participate in key cultural events worldwide, pointing out that it contributes to strengthening cultural understanding through active dialogue, in addition to promoting Emirati and Arab culture and its achievements.

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‼️"GulfFood 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣ -Dubai 🏙️:
🔎 Ищете переводчика АР-РУ-АНГЛ⁉️
Подберем под ваши требования👍🏻

Кадровое агентство Job for Arabists ( и бюро переводов Arabist ( предлагают услуги по подбору квалифицированных устных переводчиков, владеющих арабским, английским, русским и другими языками, для работы на стендах ваших компаний в ходе ежегодной крупнейшей международной выставки Gulf Food 2021, посвященной производству, поставкам и упаковке продуктов питания и напитков🧁🥤🍱🍟🌯.

Выставка пройдет с 21 по 25 февраля 2021 года в Дубайском международном выставочном центре (ОАЭ).

🔝 Мы гордимся многолетним совокупным опытом работы наших специалистов на этой выставке👥.

🔴 Наша услуга это:

✔️предоставление резюме кандидата на утверждение

✔️координация между заказчиком и переводчиком на подготовительном этапе

✔️работа переводчика на 1 полный день 8 часов

✔️проезд переводчика до площадки и обратно

✔️самое главное - качественный перевод

✔️работа по договору с оплатой по факту проведения мероприятия и успешного участия переводчика в проекте

📝 Для оформления заявок и по всем интересующим вас вопросам, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам по адресам: и с пометкой в теме писем "Gulf Food 2021".

Сконцентрируйтесь на своем бизнесе, а профессиональный устный перевод доверьте Job for Arabists

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    Страница мероприятия в facebook:

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️ "GulfFood 2021 - Dubai 🏙:

🔎 Are you looking for an interpreter AR-RU-ENG
We will select the best one according to your requirements👍🏻

The recruitment agency Job for Arabists ( and Translation Bureau "Arabist" ( offer language service provider for the selection of qualified interpreters who speak Arabic, English, Russian, and 50+ languages ​​to work at the stands of your companies during the annual largest international exhibition Gulf Food 2021.

Gulf Food 2021 - one of the most important events for F&B industry dedicated to food and beverage manufacturing, supply, and packaging🧁🥤🍱🍟🌯.
The exhibition will be held from 21 to 25 February 2021 at the Dubai International Exhibition Center (UAE).
🔝 We are proud of the long-term combined experience of our specialists at this exhibition👥.

🔴 Our services include:
submitting the candidate's CV for approval
coordination between the customer and the interpreter at the preparatory stage
8-hours working day of interpreter (overtime upon request)
transfer to the center and back
the most important thing is high-quality interpretation
work under a contract with payment upon the event and the successful participation of the interpreter in the project

📝 For registration and application and all your questions, please contact us at and with a letter subject "Gulf Food 2021".
Concentrate on your business and entrust professional interpretation to Job for Arabists

📌Official website of the event:
      Facebook page of the event:

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🚢🛫🧳Arabian Travel Market 2021:

يرافق مترجمو  مكتب "أرابيست" للترجمة الحدث الرئيسي في صناعة السياحة في الشرق الأوسط.

سيقام أكبر معرض للسياحة والسفر في الشرق الأوسط في دبي في الفترة من 16 إلى 19 مايو/أيار 2021 للمرة ال28

هل شركتك مشاركة في هذا المعرض؟

هل تحتاج إلى مترجم فوري للتواصل بشكل فعال مع الزوار والمشاركين الآخرين؟

ذلك سهل

تقدم وكالة التوظيف "Job for Arabists" ومكتب "أرابيست"  للترجمة خدمات لاختيار المترجمين الفوريين المؤهلين الذين يتحدثون العربية والروسية والإنجليزية ولغات أخرى للعمل  على منصات شركاتكم خلال المعرض الدولي السنوي الأكبر Arabian Travel Market 2021المخصص لصناعة السفر في الشرق الأوسط.

لتقديم طلب ولمعرفة المزيد من المعلومات تواصلوا معنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني:
مع ذكر "Arabian Travel Market 2021" في موضوع البريد الإلكتروني.

يمكنك التركيز على عملك، وتكليفنا بالترجمة الاحترافية👌

الموقع الرسمي للحدث:
Facebook: arabiantravelmarket

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#ATMDubai #UAEtravel #TravelIndustry #travel2021
Arabian Travel Market 2021: переводчики БП «Арабист» сопровождают главное событие в сфере туризма Ближнего Востока🛫🛳️🧳

Крупнейшая выставка туризма и путешествий на Ближнем Востоке пройдет в Дубае с 24 по 26 мая 2021 года в 28-й раз!

Ваша компания участвует в выставке
Вам нужен устный переводчик для эффективного общения с другими экспонентами и посетителями


Кадровое агентство Job for Arabists и бюро переводов Arabist предлагают свои УСЛУГИ по подбору квалифицированных устных ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ, владеющих арабским, английским, русским и другими языками, для работы на стендах ваших компаний в ходе ежегодной крупнейшей международной ближневосточной выставки Arabian Travel Market 2021, посвященной сфере путешествий на Ближнем Востоке.✈️⛱️🏙️

Выставка пройдет с 16 по 19 мая 2021 года и займет все залы Дубайского международного центра выставок и конгрессов.

📝 Для оформления заявок и по всем интересующим вас вопросам, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к нам по адресу: с пометкой в теме писем "Arabian Travel Market 2021".

🏆Сконцентрируйтесь на своем бизнесе, а профессиональный устный перевод доверьте Job for Arabists!

🔴 Официальный сайт мероприятия:
🔴 Страница мероприятия в facebook:

#byjob4arabists #bparabist #rabota #official #work #workplace #atwork #level #levelup #readyforwork #goal #goals #purpose #jobblog #makemoney #workfromhome #parttimejobs #experience #post #employment #working #lifeisgood #jobforme #work #ATM2021 #DWTC #UAE #Dubai #MiddleEast #TravelandTourism #tradeshow #live #networking #business #event #trends #futureoftourismindustry #sustainability #travelsolutions