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"Even though there are pendants made of бобровых and bear teeth in the graves, the share of elk teeth in them is overwhelming," Mannermaa says.

Typically, only one or at the most a couple of different groove types were prevalent in individual graves. This indicates that the pendants found in a specific grave or cluster were the result of routine serial production of sorts carried out in a fairly short period of time.

The most common groove types were firm as well as quick and easy to make.

"Interestingly, the grooves were not always made on the broadest side of the tooth, which would be the easiest option. In many graves, the grooves are on the thin side of the tooth where the unstable position of the tooth makes them harder to do. The ремесленник may have прибегать к this method in order to tie them in a specific position," researcher Riitta Rainio notes.

The highest number of elk teeth were found in the graves of young adult women and men, the lowest in those of children and elderly people. In other words, elk tooth ornaments were in one way or another linked to age, possibly specifically to the peak reproductive years.

Elk was the most important animal in the ideology and beliefs of the prehistorical hunter-gatherers of the Eurasian forest zone, and their limited availability made elk teeth a valuable material to ancient hunters. Elks were not brought down very often, and not all members of the community contributed to hunting. It may be that a single individual was given all of the incisors of a caught elk.

Elks have a total of eight incisors, six permanent ones in the lower jaw and two permanent клыков in the shape of incisors. At times, corresponding молочных teeth were also processed into ornaments. The largest ornaments required the teeth of at least 8 to 18 elks.


282.Beaver - бобёр

283.Artisan - ремесленник

284.To resort to - прибегать, обращаться (к чему-то)

285.Canine - [ˈkeɪnaɪn] - клык

286.Deciduous - молочный (о зубах)

📌 У многих животных, как и у человека есть несколько типов зубов.

Передние резцы называют incisors, а похожие на клыки зубы по бокам canines.

Слово canine также имеет значение - "собачий", т.к. такой вид зубов характерен для данного отряда животных.

🕯 Article 14

A способный погружаться под воду soft robot survived the pressure in the Mariana впадина

A silicone robot has survived a journey to 10,900 metres below the ocean’s surface in the Mariana trench, where the crushing pressure can подвергнуть сильному сжатию, взорвать all but the strongest корпусы приборов, содержимое . This device could lead to lighter and more проворным, быстрым submersible designs.

A team led by Guorui Li at Zhejiang University in China based the robot’s design on snailfish, which have relatively delicate, soft bodies and are among the deepest-living fish. They have been observed swimming at depths of more than 8000 metres.


287.Submersible - способный погружаться под воду и оставться под водой

288.Trench - впадина (морская)

289.To implode - подвергаться сильному сжатию, взрываться

290.Enclosure - корпус прибора, содержимое

291.Nimble - проворный, быстрый

The submersible robot looks a bit like a manta ray and is 22 centimetres long and 28 centimetres in размах крыльев. It is made of silicone rubber with electronic components spread throughout the body and connected by wires, rather than mounted on a circuit board like most submersibles. That’s because the team found in tests that the connections between components on rigid circuit boards were a weak point when placed under high pressure.

The robot приводится в движение through the water by two хлопающими wings designed to work like the fins of a snailfish, but which are operated by artificial muscles made of a conductive polymer that contracts when an electrical current is applied. This moves the fins in a 6.3 degree arc and pushes the robot forward in the water.

This silicone rubber robot can выдержать the pressures in the ocean’s deepest бездне.

It is designed for deep-sea exploration and has been successfully tested at the bottom of the Mariana trench, the deepest part of the world’s oceans, while привязанный to a traditional submersible. It maintained its flapping motion for 45 minutes.

In untethered tests 3224-metres deep in the South China Sea, the robot swam at speeds of more than 5 centimetres a second. Further untethered tests in the Mariana trench are planned once covid-19 restrictions are lifted.


292.Wingspan - размах крыла

293.To propel - приводить в движение, продвигать вперёд

294.To flap - махать, хлопать

295.To withstand - устоять, выдержать, выстоять

296.Abyss - бездна

297.To tether - ограничивать, привязывать, сковывать

🕯Article 15

Сильное, острое воздействие of lung tissue to vape aerosol has lesser impact on gene expression than cigarette smoke

A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Toxicological Research & Application shows acute exposure of a 3D human bronchial ткань model to e-cigarette aerosol has minimal impact on gene expression compared to smoke from горючих cigarettes.

The research involved sub-cytotoxic exposure to cells in a 3D human bronchial model (MucilAirTM) to nicotine-containing vape aerosol, combustible cigarette smoke and fresh air control under strict laboratory conditions.

The highly sensitive Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-First Century (TT21C)-based technique allows researchers to gain a mechanistic understanding of the potential effects of exposure to vape aerosol and 3R4F (reference cigarette) smoke, without experiencing other processes that may be вызваны by significantly higher exposures - including cell death - that could potentially make interpretation of results difficult.


298.Acute - острый, сильный

299.Exposure - воздействие

300.Tissue - ткань (биологическая)

301.Combustible - горючий, легко воспламеняющийся

302.To trigger - инициировать, вызывать (что-то), дать начало 

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After cell 'recovery' periods of 4 and 48 hours, scientists assessed the expression of a variety of genes to determine if any were increased or decreased by the single exposure.

Matt Stevenson, Pre-Clinical Toxicology Manager, Imperial Brands: "В рамках this model, exposure to combustible cigarette smoke triggered significant changes in gene expression, indicating - amongst other effects - changes in oxidative stress and inflammation markers. Наоборот, the vape aerosol generated only a minimal response, similar to that observed in the air control."

Principal Toxicologist at Imperial Dr Liam Simms added: "Gene set enrichment analysis examining those genes most over/under expressed were compared across five key pathways - cell cycle, apoptosis, p53 signaling, cell death and NF-KappaB signaling [a protein complex that controls transcription of DNA, цитокин production and cell survival].

Focusing on the 3R4F reference cigarette, no pathways were activated after four hours exposure, but at 48 hours the cells had both genes associated with cell cycle and cell death pathways activated.

Conversely, those cells exposed to vape aerosol demonstrated slightly повышенную NF-KappaB signaling pathways after four hours exposure. However, at 48 hours no pathways were activated."

The results from this study show, that under the conditions of test, acute exposure to vape aerosol had less impact on gene expression in human lung cells in vitro than the equivalent dose of cigarette smoke.

"This latest research adds to the growing body of research gathered by both Imperial Brands and others, demonstrating the considerable harm уменьшение potential of Next Generation Products (NGPs) like vapes compared to continued combustible cigarette smoking," said Dr Grant O'Connell, Head of Tobacco Harm Reduction Science at Imperial.

"We encourage regulators and policy makers to consider the weight of evidence that shows the clear scientific differences between combustible cigarettes, which burn tobacco, and potentially harm-reduced NGPs that do not," he concluded.


303.Within - в рамках (чего-либо), в пределах

304.Conversely - наоборот

305.Cytokine - цитокин (белковые молекулы, которые продуцируются всеми клетками)

306.To elevate - поднимать, повышать

307.Reduction - уменьшение, сокращение

Cytokine storm - это неблагоприятное состояние, когда иммунная система показывает весь свой потенциал и выбрасывает в кровь все воспалительные молекулы - cytokines.

Избыток cytokines запускает каскад иммунных реакций, и вместо адекватного ответа иммунитета на инфекцию формируется избыточный. В итоге организм может уничтожить себя быстрее инфекции.

🕯 Article 16
