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Rangers battle human вторжение in Sudan's biggest park

Спрятанный by the Ethiopian border, Sudan's Dinder National Park boasts the country's most разнообразной wildlife, but rangers face a daily battle to protect it as human encroachment возрастает.

Spread over more than 10,000 square kilometres (3,800 square miles), 400 kilometres (250 miles) southeast of Khartoum, the park is Sudan's biggest and abuts Ethiopia's Alatash National Park.

Зажатый between the vast лугами of the Sahel and the forests of the Ethiopian highlands, the park boasts a variety of habitats that have made it a убежищем for wildlife.

Freshwater lakes dot the park's woodlands and savannah, making it an important flyway for migratory birds as well.

"It enjoys the richest wildlife in Sudan," said Albadri Alhassan, head of the park's development organisation. "But the growing human violations threaten to diminish the wilderness."


308.Encroаchment - вторжение, постепенный захват

309.To tuck away - прятать, убирать

310.Diverse - разнообразный

311.To mount - повышаться, возрастать

312.To sandwich - помещать посередине, зажимать

313.Grassland - луг, пастбище

314.Haven - убежище, приют

When the park was first declared a protected заповедником under Anglo-Egyptian rule in 1935, the area was мало, негусто inhabited.

But in recent decades, the population стремительно возросло in the villages that dot the park and its surrounding buffer zone, creating huge pressure for new land to grow crops.

And as cattle herders' traditional пастбищные (для выпаса скота) lands have been ploughed up, they in turn have increasingly encroached on the park in search of пастбища.

"Such behaviours are представляют колоссальную угрозу to the reserve," said the head of Dinder's wildlife research station, Omar Mohamed said.


315.Reserve - заповедник

316.Sparsely - редко, негусто, мало

317.To soar - стремительно повышаться; парить, лететь высоко

318.To graze - пастись, щипать траву

319.Pasture - пастбище

320.To pose a threat - представлять угрозу

321.Immense - огромный, колоссальный, громадный

Among the наиболее пострадавших species has been the giraffe, which has disappeared from the park in the face of habitat loss and other environmental factors, Mohamed said.о

'Great harm to wildlife'

Villagers say they do their best to follow park restrictions but add that they desperately need more land to feed themselves.

"We use traditional agriculture and we prevent our animals from grazing outside our village," said farmer Abubakr Ibrahim from Mai Carato, a village on the west bank of the Rahad river, which flows through the reserve.

He complains that some regulations are "very hard and impractical" to follow in the growing villages.

"Our village alone has an estimated population of around 2,000 people," he said, adding that its выделенные, отведённые five square kilometres of land was "too small".

"It is not enough for us," he said, arguing that "the reserve is vast, so giving us more space will not do any harm".

But активные борцы за охрану природы disagree.

"Any expansion to the villages will greatly harm the reserve, disturb the wildlife and reduce their resources," Mohamed said.

"It would be best to move those villages to better serviced areas outside the reserve."

Human encroachment disturbs the park's wildlife in other ways too.

Hungry villagers often harvest wild honey from the park's woods, lighting fires to create smoke отогнать the bees, in нарушение of park rules.


322.Hardest-hit - наиболее пострадавший

323.To allot - выделять, отводить

324.Conservationist - активный борец за охрану природы

325.To ward off - отгонять, отвращать

326.Breach - несоблюдение, нарушение

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Rangers patrol the пересечённую местность in search of violators, who can face здоровенные fines or up to six months in prison depending on the правонарушения .

"We try to pursue them but sometimes they убегают before we arrive," ranger Mohamed Makki told AFP.

But all is not lost. The park's wildlife research chief says sightings of гиен, lions and smaller cats like genets and servals remain common, particularly at night.

By day, visitors can see African buffalo and several species of gazelle as well as an array of birdlife, both resident and migratory.

Despite all the challenges, the reserve has "remained pristine and managed to maintain its wilderness," Mohamed boasts.
"All we want is to keep it this way."


З27.Rugged terrain - пересечённая местность

328.Hefty - здоровенный, изрядный, увесистый

329.Offence - правонарушение, преступление

330.To flee (fled-fled) - бежать, спасаться бегством

331.Hyena - [haɪˈiːnə] - гиена

🕯Article 17

Researchers Recover DNA From 1,600-Year-Old, Naturally Mummified Sheep Leg

The molecules offer insights on ancient farming practices near the Chehrabad salt mine in Iran

In the fifth or sixth century A.D., hungry workers in Iran probably грызли on a sheep leg, then бросили their leftovers into the salt mine where they were working.

Some 1,600 years later, researchers performed a DNA analysis of the конечности, peeking into the past and shedding light on an ancient civilization’s sheep животноводство practices. The findings were published last week in the journal Biology Letters.

The mine’s соляная environment naturally mummified the sheep leg, reports Nicoletta Lanese for Live Science. Salt removes water from biological specimens, preserving soft tissues that would otherwise decay due to microbial activity.


332.To gnaw - [nɔː] - грызть, глодать

333.To chuck - бросать

334.Limb - конечность

335.Husbandry - животноводство, сельское хозяйство

336.Saline - [ˈseɪlaɪn] - соляной, содержащий соль

This isn’t the first time that extraordinarily well-preserved biological specimens have been found at the Chehrabad salt mine: Between the 1990s and early 2000s, a different group of researchers discovered the ancient remains of eight similarly высушенных humans.

Прозванный the “Salt Men” (although they included one woman, too), some of these 1,300- to 2,500-year-old historical specimens still boast head and facial hair.

For the study, the team extracted DNA from a skin sample cut from the sheep’s leg. Thanks to the salt, the sheep’s DNA molecules were “so well preserved and not fragmented, despite their age,” says senior author Kevin Daly, a research fellow at the Smurfit Institute of Genetics at Trinity College Dublin, to Live Science.

Normally, DNA in a carcass is quick распадаются , as the animal cells’ enzymes degrade the нити by splitting the chemical bonds with water. But salt изолирует water molecules, rendering them unavailable for these chemical reactions. Daly’s team also found DNA aplenty from salt-loving bacteria and archaea, both of which probably helped preserve the sheep leg.


337.Desiccated - высушенный, сушёный

338.Dubbed - названный, называемый, прозванный

339.To disintegrate - расщеплять, распадаться

340.Strand - нить (ДНК, белка)

341.To sequester - изолировать, блокировать, соединять

The sheep’s DNA profile revealed that it was genetically similar to the породам that populate Southwest Asia today. According to a statement, the result implies that modern sheep may be directly происходили from this ancient крупного рогатого скота variety.

As Tom Yun reports for CTV News, the earlier animal probably looked quite different from the современных sheep now living in North America. It lacked the gene for a woolly coat, instead bearing the gene variant for a hairy one. On top of the DNA analysis, nanoscale imaging of the sheepskin’s hair fiber confirmed that its coat was the shorter kind that didn’t require стрижки.


342.Breed - порода

343 .To descend - происходить (генетически)

344.Cattle - крупный рогатый скот

345.Contemporary - современный

346.To shear - стричь (овец)

These results point to a fat-tailed breed; though these sheep lack овечьей шерсти, they have fat in their tails that makes their hinds look particularly perky. The researchers suggest that this ancient sheep breed was probably raised for meat or milk production, much like the fat-tailed livestock living in present-day Iran, northern Africa and parts of Asia.

“This study shows us that the people of Sasanian-era Iran may have managed flocks of sheep specialized for meat consumption, suggesting well developed husbandry practices,” says Daly in the statement.

The researchers caution that this specimen is just a single individual, making it difficult to draw definitive conclusions about ancient sheep одомашнивание in the region.

Still, the study highlights how the повседневный act of eating—and the diners’ table manners—can be accidentally preserved for потомства, all thanks to the fortuitous environment where the meal took place.

“We weren’t expecting to see that level of preservation,” lead author Conor Rossi, a geneticist at Trinity College Dublin, tells Live Science. “This site is something truly remarkable.”
