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The Diamond-Water Paradox in economics. Even though life cannot exist without water but can easily exist without diamonds, diamonds are, pound for pound, vastly more valuable than water @googlefactss #knowledge
Brazil was one of the first creators of a "crypto currency" and fixed their inflation with it @googlefactss #knowledge
A deck of cards has a metaphorical meaning: 52 cards are 52 weeks of the year, 4 suits are seasons, 13 cards of the same suit are 13 phases of a lunar eclipse. @googlefactss #knowledge #nowyouknow
Cunningham's Law: The best way to get the right answer on the Internet is not to ask a question; it's to post the wrong answer. @googlefactss #knowledge
One of the earliest pregnancy tests was a fish, called a European Bitterling. If injected with a pregnant person's urine, its ovipositor (egg-laying organ) will protrude, indicating a positive result @googlefactss #knowledge
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A click farm is a form of click fraud where low-paid workers are used to inflate video views and trick advertisers to believe that their ads are running successfully. @googlefactss #knowledge
In 36BCE, Roman statesman Marcus Varro wrote about germs, describing them as "minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, which enter the body through the mouth & nose causing serious diseases". The germ theory of disease would not be widely accepted for another 1,900 years. @googlefactss #knowledge
The Virtuous Pagan, a concept in Christian theology which states that so long as one lives a virtuous life they will not be subjected to eternal damnation, regardless of their religious beliefs @googlefactss #knowledge #religion #nowyouknow
Life expectancy and height are inversely correlated

Studies suggest that men under 5'9" live on average 4.95 years longer than men over 5'9"

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Vulnerable narcissism:

The belief that one is extremely important or special, but nobody notices. They are often highly self-conscious, insecure, hypersensitive to rejection, and harder to identify

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In Ancient Rome, the punishment for killing one's father was the death penalty, consisting of being sewn up in a sack along with a viper, a dog, a monkey and a cock. If found guilty of parricide (killing your father) in ancient Rome, you'd be sewn into a leather sack with a viper, a dog, a monkey, and a rooster then flung into a body of water to drown. This form of punishment was known as poena cullei (from the Latin 'punishment of the sack'). @googlefactss #knowledge #nowyouknow
"Fart Battles" were popular art scrolls created in Japan during the Edo period. Not only was flatulence rewarded, it became the basis for competitive play in battles known as He-gassen. He-gassen is also the name of a Japanese scroll that was made nearly a hundred and seventy years ago. According to research, it would have been created during the mid-1800s in the Edo period of Japan. @googlefactss #art #funfact #knowledge #bizarre

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Ancient Babylonians did math in base 60 instead of base 10. That's why we have 60 seconds in a minute and 360 degrees in a circle. @googlefactss #maths #knowledge #nowyouknow
The rumbling sound your stomach makes when hungry is called "borborygmus." It happens when the muscles in your digestive system move food, liquid, and gas through your stomach and small intestine, producing a rumbling sound. @googlefactss #nowyouknow #knowledge
Hemline index - when the economy is better, short skirts are more popular and vice versa.

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Pineapples are not just a single fruit, but a group of berries that have been fused together @googlefactss #food #knowledge
Usury, the practice of giving loans that unfairly enrich the lender (e.g., interest), is condemned in most religious texts, including those of Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, and others.

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Ancient romans resorted to cannibalism in order to treat certain ailments. Pliny the elder devoted a whole section of his book on body parts that can be used for healing purposes, including warm gladiator blood and baby bone marrow for treating epilepsy

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A food calorie (kcal) is equivalent to the energy of 1 gram of TNT, so an average meal would be equivalent to the energy of over a pound (454grams) of TNT.

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