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Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once called poverty “a personality defect.”

@googlefactss #quotes
Chimney sweeps' carcinoma, is a type of skin cancer of the scrotum, caused because chimney sweep boys would climb up narrow chimneys naked. It was the first disease linked to occupational exposure.

@googlefactss #diseases #nowyouknow

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The skin of all human beings is covered in stripes. They’re called Blaschko’s Lines, and they cover the body from head to toe. We just can’t see them.

@googlefactss #dermatology #nowyouknow
Your brain burns 20% of your daily calories, despite only being 2% of your body mass.

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Eating dates in the last 4 weeks before labour helps with birth.

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UCALEGON — a neighbour whose house is on fire. @googlefactss #funword
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Flatulence is flatus or gas expelled through the anus and the scientific study of this area of medicine is flatology.

@googlefactss #nowyouknow #medicine
Ladybugs are extremely promiscuous, and as a result have rampant STD'S.

@googlefactss #insects
Homosexual and bisexual people have higher levels of psychopathy, machiavellianism, and narcissism.

@googlefactss #research #studies

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Earthworms are hermaphrodites. Each carries male and female reproductive organs. When mating, two individual earthworms will exchange sperm and fertilize each other's eggs.

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Joseph Smith, the founder of the LDS Church, aka Mormon Church, was assassinated in 1844 in Illinois by a mob. He was running for president at the time and he's the first presidential candidate in US History to be assassinated

@googlefactss #history

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The "Perfect Aryan" poster child that was widely used in Nazi propaganda was actually Jewish. The photo was selected from a Nazi-held contest, where the photographer of the baby had submitted the photo as an ironic joke.

@googlefactss #history
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If we lose 10 kg (22 lbs) of fat, 8.4 kg (18.5 lbs) turns into carbon dioxide which is exhaled when we breathe out, while 1.6 kg (3.5lbs) turns into water that is excreted through urine, tears and sweat.

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Pope John Paul II forgave his attempted assassin Mehmet Ali Ağca who shot him four times in 1981. At the Pope's request, the Italian President pardoned Ağca of the crime and he was deported back to Turkey. Ağca requested to meet Pope Francis in 2014 but Francis chose to decline.

@googlefactss #history
Yahoo was originally called "Jerry's guide to the world wide web"

@googlefactss #funfact #technology
Breast cancer used to be known as "Nun's disease" due to the higher prevalence amongst nuns, who were at increased risk due to their celibate lifestyle. An association between reproductive history and cancer risk wasn't proven for about 250 years after it was associated with nuns.

@googlefactss #diseases

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In 1582 people went to bed on October 4th and woke up the next day on October 15th when Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar to replace the Julian calendar.

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Taking an old song and just changing the words to make a new song is called contrafactum. Earliest examples of contrafactum date to the 9th century and a famous examples is "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow", 1800s adapted from "Marlborough Has Left for the War", 1700s.

@googlefactss #music #nowyouknow

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One serving of Kiwi has more potassium than a banana, more vitamin C than an orange, and more vitamin E & K than an avocado.

@googlefactss #fruits

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There is mental disorder called Maladaptive Daydreaming which causes people to excessively daydream to escape reality as a defense mechanism due to trauma usually from abuse.

@googlefactss #psychology