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Ulcers aren't caused by stress, they're most commonly caused by bacteria @googlefactss #diseases
Cancer can be directly contagious in dogs, hamsters and Tasmanian Devils @googlefactss #animals #diseases
Malaria may have killed half of all the people that ever lived. @googlefactss #diseases
The Tanganyika laughter epidemic of 1962 - an outbreak of mass psychogenic illness among school children which occurred shortly after Tanzanian independence. @googlefactss #diseases #africa
Puppy Pregnancy Syndrome, a psychosomatic illness found only in parts of India, where individuals who have been bitten by a dog believe that a puppy is conceived in their abdomen. Sufferers often report seeing the puppy in their reflection, or hearing it growl in their belly. @googlefactss #diseases
Fatal Familial Insomnia/ Fatal Insomnia, people who suffer from this condition are unable to sleep for months on end or develop near-permanent insomnia, leading to poor memory and coordination, hallucinations, delirium, exhaustion and eventually death. @googlefactss #diseases
There is a rare incurable genetic disorder called Sanfilippo Syndrome that is known as “Alzheimer's in children”. It causes them to lose all the skills they’ve gained, suffer seizures and movement disorders, experience pain and suffering, and then die, often before the second decade of life. @googlefactss #diseases #conditions #nowyouknow
Fatal familial insomnia (FFI) is a little-known yet horrific disease in which people die from lack of sleep. A protein mutation in the brain prevents sleep, and the body gradually deteriorates. Fortunately, the disease is extremely rare.

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Syphilis had been called the “French disease” in Poland, Italy, and Germany, the “Italian disease” in France, the “Spanish disease” by the Dutch, the “Polish disease” by Russians, and the Turks called it the “Christian disease.”

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If you suffer from micturition syncope, you faint while urinating or immediately after urinating.

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There is a disease called “Sudden unexpected death syndrome” where the heart of a seemingly healthy adult just stops for no reason. It mostly affects young men in select Southeast Asian countries.

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A fungus has been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients, but it is not known if the fungus is a cause or consequence of the disease.

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There's a condition called Fregoli delusion, where individuals believe that different people they meet are actually the same person in disguise.

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There is a disease nicknamed Stone man syndrome that converts damaged tissue to bones. Over the course of many years, this leads to the victim becoming more and more like a statue.

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Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes a constant feeling of starvation. Left unchecked, sufferers of Prader-Willi Syndrome can eat until their stomachs rupture.

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Porphyria is a collection of diseases where symptoms include severe sun sensitivity, prominent canine teeth, and peculiar behavior, is thought to be the basis of the vampire legend.

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Chimney sweeps' carcinoma, is a type of skin cancer of the scrotum, caused because chimney sweep boys would climb up narrow chimneys naked. It was the first disease linked to occupational exposure.

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Breast cancer used to be known as "Nun's disease" due to the higher prevalence amongst nuns, who were at increased risk due to their celibate lifestyle. An association between reproductive history and cancer risk wasn't proven for about 250 years after it was associated with nuns.

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