The 'Most Unknown' Redux Performance Trick?
Specifically, the areStatesEqual option on connect calls. -
Specifically, the areStatesEqual option on connect calls. -
The most unknown redux performance trick
Regarding optimizing redux, there are some well known techniques: memoizing, using reselect for example.
How to Model the Behavior of Redux Apps with Statecharts
“describing states & the events that transition from one state into another is a well studied concept” and statecharts provide a way to visually represent this. -
#react #redux
“describing states & the events that transition from one state into another is a well studied concept” and statecharts provide a way to visually represent this. -
#react #redux
How to model the behavior of Redux apps using statecharts
Our app, whether we like it or not, will be in a particular state at any given point in time. As we code User Interfaces (UI), we describe…
Analyzing How Redux Works Internally
A dive into what’s going on under the hood with the popular state management container -
A dive into what’s going on under the hood with the popular state management container -
Analyze Redux
Redux is a state management container, implemented as inspired by Event Sourcing patterns and Functional programming. It helps to save and…
What is Redux: A Designer’s Guide
A really neat high-level approach to explaining Redux and what it offers beyond state management. -
A really neat high-level approach to explaining Redux and what it offers beyond state management. -
Smashing Magazine
What Is Redux: A Designer’s Guide — Smashing Magazine
Do you know Redux's real power is beyond managing the state? As designers, if we understand the advantages and downsides of Redux, we'll be able to contribute to this decision making from the perspective of design.
A React/Redux Style Guide
“This is a working set of guidelines for developing React applications. We say ‘guideline’ because there are no hard-and-fast rules; best practices, patterns and technology change over time, so we consider this a living set of style guides.” -
#react #redux
“This is a working set of guidelines for developing React applications. We say ‘guideline’ because there are no hard-and-fast rules; best practices, patterns and technology change over time, so we consider this a living set of style guides.” -
#react #redux
GitHub - iraycd/React-Redux-Styleguide: This is a working set of guidelines for developing React applications. We say "guideline"…
This is a working set of guidelines for developing React applications. We say "guideline" because there are no hard-and-fast rules; best practices, patterns and technology change ...
The Best Way to Architect Your Redux App
Of course, if you haven’t decided to skip Redux for MobX just yet, this guide on ‘how to think in Redux’ from the perspective of your app may help. -
#react #redux
Of course, if you haven’t decided to skip Redux for MobX just yet, this guide on ‘how to think in Redux’ from the perspective of your app may help. -
#react #redux
The best way to architect your Redux app
This article is about how to think in Redux. We’ll try to understand how we can utilise this wonderful library to make our application more stable, robust, and maintainable. It is language agnostic, however we will keep our scope to Redux with React. For…
Redux vs. the React Context API
A look at how the new context API in React 16.3 works, how it compares to Redux, and when you’d want to consider using one versus the other. -
#react #redux
A look at how the new context API in React 16.3 works, how it compares to Redux, and when you’d want to consider using one versus the other. -
#react #redux
Dave Ceddia
Redux vs. The React Context API
Using Immutable.JS with React and Redux
A guide on when to use Immutable.js and how to use it with Redux. -
#react #redux #immutableJS
A guide on when to use Immutable.js and how to use it with Redux. -
#react #redux #immutableJS
Fullstack React
Fullstack React: Using Immutable.JS with React and Redux
A guide on when to use Immutable.js and how to use it with Redux
How We Ditched Redux for MobX
A look into how the talented Skillshare team moved from Redux to MobX as their state manager. If you are battling with Redux this is a good read. -
#redux #mobx
A look into how the talented Skillshare team moved from Redux to MobX as their state manager. If you are battling with Redux this is a good read. -
#redux #mobx
How We Ditched Redux for MobX
An emotional journey through state management
Why I Don’t Use React Router
“While I’m sure React-Router works quite well for a lot of people, I’ve always disliked working with React-Router. I’ll try to summarize my reasons.” -
“While I’m sure React-Router works quite well for a lot of people, I’ve always disliked working with React-Router. I’ll try to summarize my reasons.” -
Matthew Gerstman
Redux with Code-Splitting and Type Checking
How do you code-split your store so you’re not serving unnecessary JavaScript on a single page? And while you’re working on code splitting, how do you get it to play nicely with TypeScript so that you can trust what’s going in and coming out of the store?
Garbage Collection in Redux Applications
SoundCloud’s Xbox (yes, Xbox) app is a React and Redux app that runs in a native web view wrapper and due to Xbox related limitations a ‘memory leak’ (of sorts) was causing issues. —
#react #redux
SoundCloud’s Xbox (yes, Xbox) app is a React and Redux app that runs in a native web view wrapper and due to Xbox related limitations a ‘memory leak’ (of sorts) was causing issues. —
#react #redux
Garbage Collection in Redux Applications
This post describes why and how we implemented a garbage collector in our Xbox application on top of Redux and in addition to the JavaScript engine’s regular garbage collector.
I Created The Same App with Vuex and Redux. Here Are The Differences
Comparing two similar tools can bring a better understanding of the features of both. In this article, the author creates a todo app with both Vuex and Redux.
#vuex #redux
Comparing two similar tools can bring a better understanding of the features of both. In this article, the author creates a todo app with both Vuex and Redux.
#vuex #redux
I created the same app with Vuex and Redux. Here are the differences.
Side by side comparison of Vuex and Redux features by going through each step in building a simple to-do list application
How to Build Your Own React-Redux Using useReducer and useContext Hooks
Get a deeper understanding of React-Redux by building your own version of it! -
#react #redux
Get a deeper understanding of React-Redux by building your own version of it! -
#react #redux
Build Your Own React-Redux Using useReducer and useContext Hooks
Get a deeper understanding of React-Redux by building it yourself!
Redux with Code-Splitting and Type Checking
Some pointers on getting all your ducks in a row if you want to combine using Redux with TypeScript and modern code-splitting techniques. -
#react #redux
Some pointers on getting all your ducks in a row if you want to combine using Redux with TypeScript and modern code-splitting techniques. -
#react #redux
An Official Style Guide for Writing Redux Code
Recommended patterns, best practices, and suggested approaches for writing Redux-based apps. -
Recommended patterns, best practices, and suggested approaches for writing Redux-based apps. -
An Official Style Guide for Writing Redux Code
Recommended patterns, best practices, and suggested approaches for writing Redux-based apps. -
Recommended patterns, best practices, and suggested approaches for writing Redux-based apps. -
Redux Toolkit 1.8.0 Released
If you’re down with Redux for managing state, the “official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development” is what you need :-) Among other things, this release adds new ‘listener’ middleware (think useEffect but for Redux store updates). -
#redux-toolkit #release
If you’re down with Redux for managing state, the “official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development” is what you need :-) Among other things, this release adds new ‘listener’ middleware (think useEffect but for Redux store updates). -
#redux-toolkit #release
ChatGPT as a Universal Redux Reducer?
OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been getting a lot of attention lately so it should come as no surprise there’s yet another novel application for it at the heart of a React app. -
#react #redux #chatgpt
OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been getting a lot of attention lately so it should come as no surprise there’s yet another novel application for it at the heart of a React app. -
#react #redux #chatgpt