FrontEnd Development
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Администратор: @andrey2019
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Creating an Interactive 3D 'Bulging Text' Effect with React Three Fiber

At the risk of seeming a little gimmicky, this is certainly a feature that would make your page stand out.. almost literally! -

React Server Components Now in RedwoodJS

If you thought RSCs were a Next.js phenomenon, think again. Implementations are popping up all over, such as in Waku and now RedwoodJS, a full-stack framework founded by GitHub co-founder Tom Preston-Werner that leans on React, Prisma and other technologies to provide a great DX ‘out of the box.’ This post digs deep into how RSCs are used and how they can supplant Redwood’s use of GraphQL. -

Deploying a React SPA and Python Backend Together on Azure

Last week, we saw how to roll out a full stack React app on Azure using Azure Functions, but what if you want something more traditional/monolithic like a Python-powered backend? Azure App Service can help with that. -

How to Build a ChatGPT-a-Like with Clerk and AWS Bedrock

A thorough walkthrough whose focus is on the UI rather than the LLM/AI stuff behind the scenes which is taken care of by Amazon’s Bedrock service. Clerk handles the auth, while Next.js forms the base of the app. -

React Server Components in a Nutshell

A quick overview of RSCs that’s not focused around Next.js! Paul compares the approach taken by several frameworks before sharing his broader thoughts on the technology and why the small Waku framework is worth a look. -

Introducing Waku's “Pages Router”

Waku is an interesting minimal server-side React framework and it’s now also bringing a minimal API to the modern React server components era: “Making a Waku site is now as simple as making a few files and folders in the ./src/pages directory”.. -

Setting Up Storybook for React Components

How Dolt (love that name!) set up Storybook for their React component library including the use of Chromatic to test and review components. -

From 0 to Production - A Modern React Tutorial

I’d be surprised if you’re not familiar with Theo, but if not, let’s just say he’s a popular developer YouTuber 😉 He may become even more popular thank to this video which, over three hours, covers modern React app development, complete with server components, Next.js, TypeScript, the Drizzle ORM, pnpm, and shadcn/ui. -

The React 19 Beta

The React team can say this beta is designed to get library developers prepared for an eventual React 19 release, but that hasn’t stopped everyone digging into all the new features anyway -
