Introducing HumbleNet: A Cross-Platform Networking Library
A browser-based networking library that exposes a simple peer-to-peer API that allows for peer discovery and the ability to send data (via WebRTC) to others -
#networking #library
A browser-based networking library that exposes a simple peer-to-peer API that allows for peer discovery and the ability to send data (via WebRTC) to others -
#networking #library
Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Introducing HumbleNet: a cross-platform networking library that works in the browser
Announcing the release of HumbleNet, a project initiated at Humble Bundle in 2015 to port peer-to-peer multiplayer games, originally to asm.js and now to WebAssembly. ...
Taucharts One: A Mature Charting Library with a Simple API
Has a lot of features including timeline charts, value highlighting, and a sparkline mode for dense data. -
#taucharts #library
Has a lot of features including timeline charts, value highlighting, and a sparkline mode for dense data. -
#taucharts #library
Taucharts One |
Open source D3.js-based charting and visualization library
Everything I Know About Style Guides, Design Systems, and Component Libraries
A deep-dive covering these popular frontend development and design themes. -
#style #guide #design #system #component #library
A deep-dive covering these popular frontend development and design themes. -
#style #guide #design #system #component #library
Everything I Know About Style Guides, Design Systems, and Component Libraries
A deep-dive on everything I've learned in the past year building style guides, design systems, component libraries, and their best practices.
Limitrr: Rate Limiting and Response Delaying using Redis
Includes middleware functions for Express. -
#nodejs #library
Includes middleware functions for Express. -
#nodejs #library
Light NodeJS rate limiting and response delaying using Redis - including Express middleware. - eddiejibson/limitrr
Playwright: A Node Library to Automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit
If you’re familiar with Puppeteer for automating Chrome/Chromium, this is in a similar vein for multiple browsers and is being worked on by some of the same contributors. The goal? To be vendor-neutral and to make the APIs more testing-friendly than Puppeteer. -
If you’re familiar with Puppeteer for automating Chrome/Chromium, this is in a similar vein for multiple browsers and is being worked on by some of the same contributors. The goal? To be vendor-neutral and to make the APIs more testing-friendly than Puppeteer. -
Node.js library to automate Chromium, Firefox and WebKit with a single API - microsoft/playwright
DOCX: A Declarative API to Generate .docx Files
.docx files being more commonly known as modern Microsoft Word documents. This library works in both Node -
#nodejs #library
.docx files being more commonly known as modern Microsoft Word documents. This library works in both Node -
#nodejs #library
GitHub - dolanmiu/docx: Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser.
Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. Works for Node and on the Browser. - GitHub - dolanmiu/docx: Easily generate .docx files with JS/TS with a nice declarative API. ...
Building Component Library with Docz and Lerna
Component libraries are all the rage these days, with many companies rolling out their own solutions or… -
Component libraries are all the rage these days, with many companies rolling out their own solutions or… -
Building Component Library with Docz and Lerna
Component libraries are all the rage these days, with many companies rolling out their own solutions or sticking to a bunch of open source…
Date-fns vs MomentJS: Choosing the Right Date Utility Library
Comparing popular JavaScript date libraries. -
#comparing #date #library
Comparing popular JavaScript date libraries. -
#comparing #date #library
Date-fns vs MomentJS: Choosing the Right Date Utility Library
Comparing popular JavaScript date libraries.
resvg-js 2.0: A High-Performance SVG Renderer and Toolkit
Powered by Rust’s resvg on the backend, this works in both Node and the browser (via WebAssembly, though) for converting SVG to PNG with a high level of SVG spec support. -
#nodejs #library
Powered by Rust’s resvg on the backend, this works in both Node and the browser (via WebAssembly, though) for converting SVG to PNG with a high level of SVG spec support. -
#nodejs #library
GitHub - yisibl/resvg-js: A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.
A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs. - GitHub - yisibl/resvg-js: A high-performance SVG renderer and toolkit, powered by Rust based resvg and napi-rs.
visx: Airbnb's Low Level Visualization Components
Bring your own state management, animation library, or CSS-in-JS solution – visx is designed to slot into pretty much any React codebase. -
#react #library
Bring your own state management, animation library, or CSS-in-JS solution – visx is designed to slot into pretty much any React codebase. -
#react #library
Wretch 2.3: A Wrapper Around fetch with an Intuitive Syntax
A long standing, mature library that makes fetch a little more extensible with a fluent API. -
#fetch #library
A long standing, mature library that makes fetch a little more extensible with a fluent API. -
#fetch #library
GitHub - elbywan/wretch: A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. :candy:
A tiny wrapper built around fetch with an intuitive syntax. :candy: - elbywan/wretch