Angular OnPush Change Detection Strategy: An Illustrated Guide
Master Angular’s OnPush change detection strategy with this illustrated guide. -
Master Angular’s OnPush change detection strategy with this illustrated guide. -
Angular OnPush Change Detection Strategy: An Illustrated Guide
Master Angular’s OnPush change detection strategy with this illustrated guide.
A highly configurable switch component using modern CSS techniques
Andy Bell shows how to build a highly configurable switch component using modern CSS, such as :has(), container queries, Logical Properties, and Custom Properties. -
Andy Bell shows how to build a highly configurable switch component using modern CSS, such as :has(), container queries, Logical Properties, and Custom Properties. -
A highly configurable switch component using modern CSS techniques
Learn how build a highly configurable switch component using modern CSS, such as :has(), container queries, Logical Properties and Custom Properties.
Improve React Component Maintainability with Layered Architecture
Unlocking the Secrets to Building Scalable and Maintainable React Components -
Unlocking the Secrets to Building Scalable and Maintainable React Components -
Improve React Component Maintainability with Layered Architecture
Unlocking the Secrets to Building Scalable and Maintainable React Components
Use Parcel Macros in Other Bundlers with unplugin-parcel-macros
Macros, as implemented in Parcel (and Bun!), are JS functions that run at build time whose results are inlined into a bundle in place of the original call. You can now use this feature with webpack, Vite, Rollup, esbuild, etc. -
Macros, as implemented in Parcel (and Bun!), are JS functions that run at build time whose results are inlined into a bundle in place of the original call. You can now use this feature with webpack, Vite, Rollup, esbuild, etc. -
GitHub - devongovett/unplugin-parcel-macros
Contribute to devongovett/unplugin-parcel-macros development by creating an account on GitHub.
A Beginner's Guide to Worker Threads in Node
Worker threads provide a way to create independent JavaScript execution threads that run in parallel. -
Worker threads provide a way to create independent JavaScript execution threads that run in parallel. -
Node.js Multithreading: A Beginner's Guide to Worker Threads | Better Stack Community
Node.js is more suitable for I/O-heavy workloads, but this doesn't mean you can't run CPU-heavy operations efficiently. Worker threads provide a way to do just that!
Understanding and Measuring Nuxt Performance – Vue.js 3 Performance
This article is the fist part of a series on Performance in Vue 3 and will focus on performance in an application and what makes an application termed as fast. -
This article is the fist part of a series on Performance in Vue 3 and will focus on performance in an application and what makes an application termed as fast. -
Understanding and Measuring Nuxt and Vue.js Performance - Vue School Articles
Master the art of measuring and optimizing Nuxt and Vue.js performance with key strategies to improve your app’s speed and user experience.
Learn These Viewport-Relative CSS Units (100vh, 100dvh, 100lvh, 100svh)
George Martsoukos covers the challenges of working with the classic 100vh unit to make full-screen sections and discusses some alternative CSS units. -
George Martsoukos covers the challenges of working with the classic 100vh unit to make full-screen sections and discusses some alternative CSS units. -
Web Design Envato Tuts+
Learn these viewport-relative CSS units (100vh, 100dvh, 100lvh,...
In this tutorial, we’ll cover the challenges when working with the classic 100vh unit for making full-screen sections and discuss some great alternative CSS units.
Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular
In Angular v16 we got a new hydration system. It was also hinted that experiments for partial hydration and… -
In Angular v16 we got a new hydration system. It was also hinted that experiments for partial hydration and… -
Incremental Static Regeneration for Angular
In Angular v16 we got a new hydration system. It was also hinted that experiments for partial hydration and resumability are in the works…
React Server Components Now in RedwoodJS
If you thought RSCs were a Next.js phenomenon, think again. Implementations are popping up all over, such as in Waku and now RedwoodJS, a full-stack framework founded by GitHub co-founder Tom Preston-Werner that leans on React, Prisma and other technologies to provide a great DX ‘out of the box.’ This post digs deep into how RSCs are used and how they can supplant Redwood’s use of GraphQL. -
If you thought RSCs were a Next.js phenomenon, think again. Implementations are popping up all over, such as in Waku and now RedwoodJS, a full-stack framework founded by GitHub co-founder Tom Preston-Werner that leans on React, Prisma and other technologies to provide a great DX ‘out of the box.’ This post digs deep into how RSCs are used and how they can supplant Redwood’s use of GraphQL. -
Comparing JavaScript Frameworks: Templates
A thorough comparison of the template languages used by React, Vue, Angular and Svelte. Interesting analysis and this looks set to turn into a great series. -
A thorough comparison of the template languages used by React, Vue, Angular and Svelte. Interesting analysis and this looks set to turn into a great series. -
Comparing JavaScript Frameworks part 1: templates
Comparing the template languages of React, Vue, Angular and Svelte.
Vue 3 Velocity: The Cache Busting Blueprint
Browser caching is a powerful optimization technique employed to enhance the performance of web applications. The term “cache-busting” refers to the intentional invalidation or versioning of static assets, compelling the browser to fetch fresh resources when changes occur. In this article, the author introduces cache-busting and provides detailed knowledge on you can implement cache-busting in a Vue 3 project. -
Browser caching is a powerful optimization technique employed to enhance the performance of web applications. The term “cache-busting” refers to the intentional invalidation or versioning of static assets, compelling the browser to fetch fresh resources when changes occur. In this article, the author introduces cache-busting and provides detailed knowledge on you can implement cache-busting in a Vue 3 project. -
Vue 3 Velocity: The Cache Busting Blueprint
A Deep Dive into Advanced Cache Busting Techniques
Parsing Hacker News's 'Who's Hiring' Threads with OpenAI and Node -
Jeremy Bernier
Jeremy Bernier - Software Engineer, Builder, Thinker, World Traveler
Deploying a React SPA and Python Backend Together on Azure
Last week, we saw how to roll out a full stack React app on Azure using Azure Functions, but what if you want something more traditional/monolithic like a Python-powered backend? Azure App Service can help with that. -
Last week, we saw how to roll out a full stack React app on Azure using Azure Functions, but what if you want something more traditional/monolithic like a Python-powered backend? Azure App Service can help with that. -
Deploying React SPA and Python Backend Together on the Same Azure App Service | Microsoft Community Hub
Integrating a React Single Page Application (SPA) with a Python backend on Azure App Service offers a powerful combination for building...
Integrating a React Single Page Application (SPA) with a Python backend on Azure App Service offers a powerful combination for building...
Creating Wavy Circles with Fancy Animations in CSS
Temani Afif shows how to create flower-like animated shapes using modern CSS. -
Temani Afif shows how to create flower-like animated shapes using modern CSS. -
Creating Wavy Circles with Fancy Animations in CSS – Frontend Masters Boost
In a previous article, we created flower-like shapes using modern CSS (mask, trigonometric functions, etc). This article is a follow-up where we will create a similar shape and also introduce some fancy animations. Here is a demo of what we are building.…
RxJS and Angular: Best Practices
RxJS is a powerful library for handling asynchronous data in JavaScript. It can be used to create… -
RxJS is a powerful library for handling asynchronous data in JavaScript. It can be used to create… -
RxJS and Angular: Best Practices
RxJS is a powerful library for handling asynchronous data in JavaScript. It can be used to create Observables, which are streams of data…
More secure Vue & Nuxt apps -> by default️
Making your web application more secure is not an easy process. In this article, the author introduces the Nuxt Security module, what it does, and how you can customize its functionality and behavior to match your security needs better. -
Making your web application more secure is not an easy process. In this article, the author introduces the Nuxt Security module, what it does, and how you can customize its functionality and behavior to match your security needs better. -
DEV Community
More secure Vue & Nuxt apps -> by default! 🛡️
Making your web application more secure is not easy and belive me, I have learned it the hard way in...
Comparing ECMAScript Modules (ESM) with CommonJS -
Marcin Wanago Blog - JavaScript, both frontend and backend
Comparing ECMAScript Modules and CommonJS
We compare ECMAScript Modules (ESM) and CommonJS and use them in TypeScript and Node.js
Enhancing Frontend architecture using Federated Modules -
Enhancing Frontend architecture using Federated Modules
Written By- Arshmeet Singh
CSS Button Styles You Might Not Know
David Bushell shares a few lesser-known CSS styles that can enhance your buttons. -
David Bushell shares a few lesser-known CSS styles that can enhance your buttons. -
CSS Button Styles You Might Not Know
The one where I demo some lesser-known CSS for stylin’ buttons
How to Build a ChatGPT-a-Like with Clerk and AWS Bedrock
A thorough walkthrough whose focus is on the UI rather than the LLM/AI stuff behind the scenes which is taken care of by Amazon’s Bedrock service. Clerk handles the auth, while Next.js forms the base of the app. -
A thorough walkthrough whose focus is on the UI rather than the LLM/AI stuff behind the scenes which is taken care of by Amazon’s Bedrock service. Clerk handles the auth, while Next.js forms the base of the app. -
Coner Murphy
How to Build Your Own ChatGPT Clone Using React & AWS Bedrock | Coner Murphy
Learn to create a ChatGPT clone step by step using React (Next.js) and AWS Bedrock. Build the entire application from scratch with this comprehensive guide.