DOM, DI and View: the trees of Angular
It’s easy to mistake DI tree of injectors for DOM tree of actual HTML elements & Angular views. Let’s explore… -
It’s easy to mistake DI tree of injectors for DOM tree of actual HTML elements & Angular views. Let’s explore… -
DOM, DI and View: the trees of Angular
It’s easy to mistake DI tree of injectors for DOM tree of actual HTML elements & Angular views. Let’s explore the differences &…
Building a Full-Stack React App with Azure Static Web Apps and Managed Functions
Azure Static Web Apps coupled with Azure Functions can get you all the way to a full-stack React app without having to worry about managing infrastructure. -
Azure Static Web Apps coupled with Azure Functions can get you all the way to a full-stack React app without having to worry about managing infrastructure. -
Build a full-stack React application with Azure Static Web Apps and managed functions
React is the most popular framework for frontend web applications, and Azure Static Web Apps is the best place to host these applications on Azure. With Azure..
Unveiling the Magic of Provide/Inject with Vue.js
In this blog post, explore the provide and inject feature in Vue.js, its use cases, and how to implement it effectively in your Vue.js applications. -
In this blog post, explore the provide and inject feature in Vue.js, its use cases, and how to implement it effectively in your Vue.js applications. -
Unveiling the Magic of Provide/Inject with Vue.js - Vue School Articles
Vue's provide/inject feature allows components to communicate and share data with their descendants, regardless of the component hierarchy. Learn how to use it in this article!
No Outer margin
Kyle Shevlin describes one of the most common antipatterns when building reusable components: a margin on the outermost element of a component. -
Kyle Shevlin describes one of the most common antipatterns when building reusable components: a margin on the outermost element of a component. -
Kyle Shevlin's Blog
No Outer margin | Kyle Shevlin
It is an anti-pattern to add margin to the outermost element of a component. It breaks encapsulation and makes components difficult to reuse. Let's learn what to do instead.
Domain-Driven Design and Micro Frontends: Organizing Autonomous Teams for…
Bring order to chaos with DDD and a Micro frontend architecture -
Bring order to chaos with DDD and a Micro frontend architecture -
Domain-Driven Design and Micro Frontends: Organizing Autonomous Teams for Collaborative Success
Bring order to chaos with DDD and a Micro frontend architecture
Displaying cacheable content with a partial component in Angular
Storage and Caching -
Storage and Caching -
Displaying cacheable content with a partial component in Angular
Storage and Caching
Creating an Interactive 3D 'Bulging Text' Effect with React Three Fiber
At the risk of seeming a little gimmicky, this is certainly a feature that would make your page stand out.. almost literally! -
At the risk of seeming a little gimmicky, this is certainly a feature that would make your page stand out.. almost literally! -
Creating an Interactive 3D Bulge Text Effect with React Three Fiber | Codrops
Exploring how to generate an engaging bulge effect on text using React Three Fiber.
Bringing require(esm) to Node
Joyee writes about landing experimental support for require()-ing synchronous ES modules in Node, a feature that has been a long time coming, due to both technical and cultural factors. -
Joyee writes about landing experimental support for require()-ing synchronous ES modules in Node, a feature that has been a long time coming, due to both technical and cultural factors. -
Joyee Cheung's Blog
require(esm) in Node.js
Recently I landed experimental support for require()-ing synchronous ES modules in Node.js, a feature that has been long overdue. In the pull request, I commented with my understanding about why it di
The Fifty-Fifty Split and Overflow
Ryan Mulligan shows how to create a classic layout pattern where two elements occupy the same amount of inline space inside a row. -
Ryan Mulligan shows how to create a classic layout pattern where two elements occupy the same amount of inline space inside a row. -
The Fifty-Fifty Split and Overflow
A responsive 50/50 component with a scrollable section
Configuration in Nuxt 3: runtimeConfig vs appConfig
The two key parts of Nuxt 3's configuration system are runtimeConfig and appConfig. This article will explain the purpose and differences between these two options and show you how to use them. -
The two key parts of Nuxt 3's configuration system are runtimeConfig and appConfig. This article will explain the purpose and differences between these two options and show you how to use them. -
Configuration in Nuxt 3
Nuxt 3 provides powerful configuration options, allowing you to adapt your application to different use cases.
An Introduction to Federated GraphQL — and WunderGraph Cosmo
Federated GraphQL architectures are the way forward for modular microservices-based development. But what… -
Federated GraphQL architectures are the way forward for modular microservices-based development. But what… -
An Introduction to Federated GraphQL — and WunderGraph Cosmo
Federated GraphQL architectures are the way forward for modular microservices-based development. But what happens when you need more than…
How to Create Interactive Animations Using React Spring -
How to Create Interactive Animations Using React Spring
Explore the features of React Spring, a JS-based animation library, and learn how to use its hooks and components in React applications.
Building a Node App with TypeScript
Learn how to set up TypeScript to bundle a Node app using pnpm, Node, TypeScript, and ES modules for a seamless development experience, all from someone who knows a thing or two about TypeScript! -
Learn how to set up TypeScript to bundle a Node app using pnpm, Node, TypeScript, and ES modules for a seamless development experience, all from someone who knows a thing or two about TypeScript! -
Total TypeScript
Build a Node App with TypeScript
Learn how to set up TypeScript to bundle a Node app using pnpm, Node.js, TypeScript, and ES Modules for a seamless development experience.
How to migrate Angular CoreModule to standalone APIs
In this article we’re going to learn how to migrate commonly used Angular CoreModule (or any other Angular…
In this article we’re going to learn how to migrate commonly used Angular CoreModule (or any other Angular…
How to migrate Angular CoreModule to standalone APIs
In this article we’re going to learn how to migrate commonly used Angular CoreModule (or any other Angular module) to standalone APIs!
Simplest implementation for Vue Server-side Rendering with any Backend
In this article the author takes a look at how to set up Server-side rendering using PHP + Laravel & Vue 3. -
In this article the author takes a look at how to set up Server-side rendering using PHP + Laravel & Vue 3. -
Seth Phat Blog
⭐️ Simplest implementation for Vue Server-side Rendering with any Backend
Hey guys,
I recently discovered & successfully implemented server-side rendering using PHP + Laravel & Vue 3. Thought I would note them down here and share them with you guys, so I did 😉
With this simplest way, you will have the up-and-running Serve...
I recently discovered & successfully implemented server-side rendering using PHP + Laravel & Vue 3. Thought I would note them down here and share them with you guys, so I did 😉
With this simplest way, you will have the up-and-running Serve...
You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none
Dave Rupert explains why, instead of removing the border from elements entirely, you should set the border-color to transparent instead. -
Dave Rupert explains why, instead of removing the border from elements entirely, you should set the border-color to transparent instead. -
You Want border-color: transparent, Not border: none
If you find yourself removing a border from an element that has a border and are tempted to use border: 0 , border: none, or outline: none, I’d urge you to stop for a moment and reconsider. It’s like the old G.K. Chesterton saying about fences: Do not remove…
Enhancing Frontend architecture using Federated Modules -
Enhancing Frontend architecture using Federated Modules
Written By- Arshmeet Singh
Setting up an Express.js App with TypeScript in 2024
This hour-long video doesn’t focus on building an Express.js app itself, but on getting everything set up and working in a very clear, easy to follow way with a variety of modern -
This hour-long video doesn’t focus on building an Express.js app itself, but on getting everything set up and working in a very clear, easy to follow way with a variety of modern -
Express JS with TypeScript - Setup, Examples, Testing
This is NOT a full in depth tutorial on Express JS. It is only designed to walk you through the setup process of installing TypeScript, getting it up and running with Express, and show you examples of type annotating arguments. I have also added…
This is NOT a full in depth tutorial on Express JS. It is only designed to walk you through the setup process of installing TypeScript, getting it up and running with Express, and show you examples of type annotating arguments. I have also added…
Useful Vue Utils with VueUse
In this article, the author talks a bit more about VueUse and how much you can get out of it. And believe me, you will gain a lot -
In this article, the author talks a bit more about VueUse and how much you can get out of it. And believe me, you will gain a lot -
DEV Community
Useful Vue Utils with VueUse
I always heard good words and recommendations about VueUse but I never really had a chance to use it...