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Rob Lee (Twitter)

Ukraine is claiming they destroyed 10 VDV BMD vehicles in Hostomel.
🔥Спецпризначенці Головного управління розвідки МО України знищили у Гостомелі ще 10 ворожих БМД

Триває бій за контроль над містом Гостомель. В районі місцевого склозаводу станом на 18.30 вже знищено 10 бойових машин десанту ворога. 1/2
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Rob Lee (Twitter)

One of the big stories of this war so far is how Ukrainian forces have managed to hold elite Russian VDV forces back in Hostomel, Bucha, and Irpin, protecting Kyiv.
🔥Спецпризначенці Головного управління розвідки МО України знищили у Гостомелі ще 10 ворожих БМД

Триває бій за контроль над містом Гостомель. В районі місцевого склозаводу станом на 18.30 вже знищено 10 бойових машин десанту ворога. 1/2
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

On the night of January 23-24, a special purpose group of 🇺🇦 conducted a reconnaissance raid against the rear of Russian occupiers in Nova Kakhovka area. As claimed, during the raid, 12 occupants and BTR 82A were destroyed, also a prisoner was captured.
(46.7619876, 33.2399045)
Спецпідрозділ ГУР МО України за підтримки ЗСУ здійснив нічний рейд в районі Нової Каховки
Special Kherson Cat 🐈🇺🇦 (Twitter)

/2. Main Directorate of Intelligenceof Ukraine about tonight’s destruction of the Caesar Kunikov

“"Magura" destroyed "Caesar" - scouts sank a large landing ship of the Russian Federation

🫡 On February 14, 2024, the Main Directorate of Intelligence in cooperation with all components of the Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine destroyed the large amphibious ship "Caesar Kunikov" of the Black Sea Fleet of the aggressor state of Russia.

🦉 The special forces of "Group 13" of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine carried out a successful mission.

🤝 Implementation of the special operation became possible with the support of the United24 platform - (@U24_gov_ua).

💥 The enemy ship was attacked by "Magura V5" sea attack drones near the shores of the temporarily occupied Crimea near the city of Alupka.

☑️ As a result, "Caesar Kunikov" received critical holes on the left side and began to sink. It is symbolic that the Russian officer, after whom the ship was named, was killed exactly 81 years ago.

⚡️ The large amphibious ship "Caesar Kunikov" of project 775 is one of the newest Russian ships. Could accommodate 87 crew members on board. It was used by terrorist Moscow during the wars against Georgia, Syria and Ukraine.

❗️ The search and rescue operation of the occupiers was not successful.

🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!”
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IgorGirkin (Twitter)

RT @DI_Ukraine: #працюєГУР

✔️ Піке на глибину ― розвідники у Чорному морі знищили російський Су-30СМ

🌊 Під час операції в акваторії Чорного моря воїни спецпідрозділу ГУР МО України знищили російський бойовий літак Су-30СМ влучанням з ПЗРК.
