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Dan (Twitter)

29. An interesting thread on Finish volunteers. Informs that about 50 Finns serve in UAF currently. No deaths listed until now but 3 WiA.
In the wider international unit no single loss from small arms fire but rather from artillery or direct tank fire.

Finnish reserve lieutenant @rsiren2 fought for months as volunteer in #Ukraine armed forces. He fought against #Russia`n invaders in direction of #Kharkiv, saw the reality of war:

"You talk to someone & after a while he is dead"

#Turpo #Säkpol #Finland
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @eskelinen_antti: In #Finland, construction companies use their extra concrete every day for protective elements. State buys them for use by army.

In this exercise, rescue service practices ruin rescue after #Russia`n attack against civilian targets.

#Turpo #Säkpol
Dan (Twitter)

32. Finnish volunteers in the UAF.
Happy singing Finns, who don't usually smile, but today they are going to fight the Russians. h/t @hejtas
Finns in #Ukraine going their next operation to kill #Russia`ns.

Looks that they are ironically playing old leftist song "Palkkasoturi" (Mercenary) by Hector from 1965

#Turpo #Säkpol #Finland
Def Mon (Twitter)

RT @Ongaunited: Jaha, då gick den här transponderlösa skönheten (med eskort) in väster om Bornholm idag. Blev dock duktigt punktmarkerad. #säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Ongaunited: Jaha, då gick den här transponderlösa skönheten (med eskort) in väster om Bornholm idag. Blev dock duktigt punktmarkerad. #säkpol
Def Mon (Twitter)

RT @Cornubot: Onsdagen den 2:a november och den nya regeringen har fortfarande inte skickat något militärt stöd till Ukraina, annat än varm luft och upprepanden av vallöften från augusti. #säkpol #föpol #svpol
Def Mon (Twitter)

@SwedishPM Accused the former Swedish government for being weak for not sending Archers to Ukraine.

He him self has sent NO military aid to Ukraine.

Till Ulf Krisersson: Fäll ner pungen och landa, öka det millitära stödet till Ukraina nu.

The Lookout (Twitter)

An interesting read on Finnish Defence Forces NCO training.

A key factor in making a large wartime reserve organization an effective fighting force.
Ryhmä #MIEHAU - Finnish #NCO training covers a broad range of skills and topics, and while the vast majority undergo it as conscripts, there is a #reservist option. #turpo=#säkpol #MIEHAU22 #METSO22 #AUK #KAIPR
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Sounds like a big deal for #NATO #SIGINT-capability in the #BalticSea, wouldn't be surprised to see these focusing on the #BalticFleet and #Kaliningrad. #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Nice, yesterday's #B52 mission practiced deploying #navalmines jointly with a Swedish #corvette in protection of a friendly port. #BalticSea #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Thread about #Finland's new government, but I believe this is the key tweet for my followers. #turpo=#säkpol #NATO
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The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: I'll buy a coffee to the next Finnish journalist who gets @PetteriOrpo, @anttihakkanen, or @elinavaltonen to state on the record what our positon is regarding *our ally* being under continuous threat of collateral damage from these airstrikes. #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: The #Pohjanmaa-class (#SQ2020) will get #Mk41VLS, but how many? A new render seems to give an unexpected answer. #turpo=#säkpol #LV2020…
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @STRATMIL: @The_Lookout_N: Time to act, Nordics.

Leveraging and pushing the institutions (Nato, EU), yes, but no longer just waiting for the miracle.

>> Nordics
>> @JEFnations

Cluster & influence together.

#turpo #säkpol