The Lookout (Twitter)
RT @CorporalFrisk: Finnish #reservist-crewed inshore #minesweepers of the #Kiiski-class out on exercise. Not too common to see vessels of this size and complexity manned by naval volunteers. The class is getting old, though, and as reported is about to be replaced.
RT @CorporalFrisk: Finnish #reservist-crewed inshore #minesweepers of the #Kiiski-class out on exercise. Not too common to see vessels of this size and complexity manned by naval volunteers. The class is getting old, though, and as reported is about to be replaced.
Corporal Frisk
Though She be but Little She is Fierce – Minesweeping Capability 2030
The Finnish Navy is passionate about naval mines. This includes both laying mines – as evident by the liberal amount of minerails found on not only the dedicated minelayers but also on surfac…
September 5, 2022
The Lookout (Twitter)
An interesting read on Finnish Defence Forces NCO training.
A key factor in making a large wartime reserve organization an effective fighting force.
Ryhmä #MIEHAU - Finnish #NCO training covers a broad range of skills and topics, and while the vast majority undergo it as conscripts, there is a #reservist option. #turpo=#säkpol #MIEHAU22 #METSO22 #AUK #KAIPR
An interesting read on Finnish Defence Forces NCO training.
A key factor in making a large wartime reserve organization an effective fighting force.
Ryhmä #MIEHAU - Finnish #NCO training covers a broad range of skills and topics, and while the vast majority undergo it as conscripts, there is a #reservist option. #turpo=#säkpol #MIEHAU22 #METSO22 #AUK #KAIPR
November 16, 2022