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The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Finnish president Niinistö: "We might not be marching to quite the same tune right now". First time a leading Finnish or Swedish politician clearly states that either country might be about to make a #NATO-decision that isn't mirrored by the other one? #FISE #turpo=#säkpol
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Not everyday you see Swedish submarines in foreign waters, and highly symbolic picture showing #HMSUppland in front of the classic #Russarö coastal artillery fortification guarding the southernmost point on the Finnish mainland. #FISE #turpo=#säkpol #PrudentiaEtAudacia 💪
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @CorporalFrisk: Someone's been listening to the discussion on #Åland and the vulnerability of Finnish lines of supply. Also note that #HMSGävle is out and about just twelve days after finishing her MLU. #FISE #turpo=#säkpol #stratcom
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Navyfi: 🇫🇮 och 🇸🇪kustförbanden har denna vecka övat stridsverksamhet i skärgårdsförhållanden. Motanfallen och intagandet av objekt har skett effektivt med #FISE-krafter. Samarbetet på gräsrotsnivå bär frukt i form av en allt effektivare prestationsförmåga.  @Nylandsbrigad #Marinen
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Puolustusvoimat: Threat from the sea is repelled together!

Finland and Sweden organized a combined Anti-Surface Warfare exercise on the Northern Baltic Sea on 13th of September. The mission was carried out on a short notice. Units from both countries' Navies and Air Forces took part. #FISE
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Puolustusvoimat: Threat from the sea is repelled together!

Finland and Sweden organized a combined Anti-Surface Warfare exercise on the Northern Baltic Sea on 13th of September. The mission was carried out on a short notice. Units from both countries' Navies and Air Forces took part. #FISE
The Lookout (Twitter)

RT @Nylandsbrigad: Strax är det dags! Nylands brigad deltar med ett kustjägarkompani i Nato-övningen #BALTOPS24 
Ett kustjägarkompani med reservister har ryckt in och förbereder sig som bäst för att ansluta till Stockholms amfibieregementets trupper för att bilda en gemensam #FISE amfibiebataljon