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زبان تخصصی روانشناسی و علوم شناختی و علوم وابسته برای همه فارغ‌التحصیلان، دانشجویان و داوطلبان ایران

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#تست_درک_مطلب شماره شش
سطح: متوسط

In therapeutic effectiveness studies, researchers often use a double-blind technique. A double-blind study is one in which neither the participants nor the researcher who interacts with them is aware of the treatment or condition to which the participants have been assigned. For example, in a study, the researchers who interacted with the participants did not know which were receiving the placebo and which was the actual treatment. The researchers who did know which participants had been assigned to each group did not interact with or evaluate the participants. In contrast, a single-blind study is one in which the researchers, but not the subjects, are aware of critical information,
The purpose of the double-blind technique is to guard against the possibility that the researcher will inadvertently display demand characteristic subtle cues or signals that communicate what is expected of certain subjects. A behavior as subtle as smiling when dealing with some participants but not others could bias the outcome of a study.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره هفت
سطح: متوسط

The second most common sleep disorder, sleep apnea affects some 20 million Americans. in sleep apnea the sleeper repeatedly stops breathing during the night.
Carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, causing a momentary awakening during which the sleeper snorts or gulps in the air. Breathing may stop for as little as 10 seconds or for so long that the sleeper's skin turns blue before he or she wakes up. During a single night, more than 300 sleep apnea attacks can occur. Often the person has no recollection of the repeated awakenings but falls asleep throughout the following day.
Sleep apnea is more common in men over the age of 50, especially those who are overweight, but also occurs in women and even children. Special mouthpieces, weight loss, and surgical intervention have been effective in treating sleep apnea. For people who suffer from sleep apnea only when they sleep on their backs, treatment is sometimes as simple as sewing a tennis ball to the back of their pajama tops, which forces them to sleep on their sides.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره هشت
سطح: دشوار

A better strategy for complex decisions is to systematically evaluate the important features of each alternative. One such decision-making model is called the additive model.
In this model, you first generate a list of the factors that are most important to you. Then, you rate each alternative on each factor using an arbitrary scale, such as -5 to +5. If a particular factor has a strong advantage or appeal, you give it the maximum rating of +5. If a particular factor has strong drawbacks, you give it the minimum rating of -5. Finally, you add up the ratings for each alternative. This strategy can often reveal the best overall choice. If the decision involves a situation in which some factors are more important than others, you can emphasize the more important factors by multiplying the rating.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره نه

Trained educational psychologists help to ensure that the best possible decisions are made in respect to children who are having trouble at school. To this end, they will spend time talking with, and perhaps administering tests to, the child in question; consulting with teachers, parents and other professionals; finding out what suitable provisions are available, and writing detailed reports and recommendations. This latter activity is an increasingly prominent and time-consuming part of the work. In addition to this, educational psychologists may work directly with parents to teachers to help them set up and monitor programs of training or other conditions that will be helpful to the child. And they act too in an advisory and consultative capacity to schools, local authorities and other interested parties. Senior members of the profession will also be involved in formulating policy on how to deal with the various types of children in need of special educational help. Whether children with such special educational help.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره ده

Experts emphasize that senility is not an inevitable result of the ageing process, like greying hair. It is a specific disease with a variety of causes, resulting in failing memory, a decline in the ability to work with numbers, errors in judgment, and irritability often leads to paranoia.
By their 70s, many normal people show some decline in memory, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving, but others do not. Older people with a good deal of education who are used to using their minds appear to have less difficulty. Moreover, about 15-20 percent of patients who become senile suffer from conditions that can be corrected.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره یازده

If the child happens to work hard at geography, the geography teacher's concept of him will be "a hard-working student," but if the child happens to dislike mathematics and does not work on this project, the mathematics teacher's concept of him will be "a lazy student." Since each teacher has seen the child only in the situations mentioned, neither has a true concept of him. The more chances we have of seeing how a person behaves in different situations, the more accurate our concept of that person is likely to be.
Whenever we generalize about a thing, or a class of things, on the basis of too little evidence, our concept of that thing or class of things is likely to be inaccurate.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره دوازده

The most publicized was an article in 1979 by Arthur Jensen which claimed that most compensatory programs had failed, and therefore children of different intellectual ability should be taught differently. Children with high IQ scores, Jensen argued, should be taught conceptually by problem- solving methods. Children with low IQ scores should be taught through associative methods. Jensen's article was controversial: IQ tests measure intelligence; in a population intelligence is eighty percent explained by genetic factors; and blacks as a population score on the average consistently lower than Whites on both standard IQ tests and culture-fair tests. Jensen concluded that environmental enrichment programs were severely limited in their ability to raise IQ scores, and that educators would better spend their time and resources identifying conceptual and associative learners and teaching them through the methods appropriate to their learning style.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره سیزدهم

Many secondary schools have undergone administrative reorganization to enable the staff to provide greater individualization of instruction. These new procedures and practices include a more flexible type of class scheduling that enables the teaching staff to vary the nature and type of instruction. Provisions are often made for a self-directed and independent study on the part of the students. Basic material may be presented to a large group and supplemented by a seminar of small-group discussions. Grouping, sectioning, and tracking procedures have also been introduced in schools, including experimentation with an ungraded school system. The development of alternate course programs, often designated as "trades," which students can select on the basis of their achievement levels or career plans, and opportunities for selected students to engage in independent research and laboratory activities have led to increased individualization.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره چهاردهم

An underlying assumption of the psychology of education is the importance of teachers in schools as well as in learning. Many people would agree with Ausubel that it is the teacher's prime task to "ascertain what the learner knows and teach him accordingly." The best way to ascertain what the learner already knows is to feed him and let him spit out what he doesn't want. But teachers acquire from psychologists a lack of trust in the learner's ability to chew and to choose. In general, psychologists of education are beginning to suspect that teaching is neither necessary nor sufficient to produce learning and that it can have many unintended, unacknowledged, conflicting and counterproductive effects.
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره پانزده

The United Nations organizations, and their institutes which specialize in the field of education, include unique platforms for international communication from a comparative perspective. At the same time, they act as catalysts and assist in educational development and reform process. Improving education and education policies requires informed decision-making, professional planning and management based on research and study results, as well as easy access to and adequate use of relevant information and documentation. Research and other services in comparative and international education are, therefore, crucial areas of cooperation in which the specialized UN institutions have a particular responsibility.
آکادمی زبان روانشناسی
رقابت بسیار نزدیک هست و هر دقیقه نتیجه عوض میشه ولی به‌طور کل به نظر می‌رسه هشتگ تست درک مطلب طرفداران بیشتری داره و با توجه به نزدیکی کنکور فکر خوبی هست که زیاد به تست‌زنی بپردازید ✌🏻
بنابراین بریم که تا کنکور تست‌زنی کنیم. اگر تست‌های قبلی کانال را نزدید با هشتگ #تست_درک_مطلب اون‌ها را بررسی کنید و حتما پاسخ بدید 👏🏻
#تست_درک_مطلب شماره شانزده

A form of attribution theory developed by Bernard Weiner describes how students' beliefs about the causes of academic success or failure affect their emotions and motivations. For example, when students attribute failure to a lack of ability and ability is perceived as uncontrollable, they experience the emotion of embarrassment and consequently decrease effort and show poorer performance. In contrast, when students attribute failure to lack of effort and effort is perceived as controllable, they experience the emotion of guilt and consequently increase effort and show improved performance.
Motivational theories also explain how learners' goals affect how they engage with academic tasks. Those who have mastery goals strive to increase their ability and knowledge. Those with performance approach goals strive for high grades and seek opportunities to demonstrate their abilities.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره هفده

The fusion of behavioral, cognitive and social elements is highly influential and was initially developed by psychologist Albert Bandura. In its earlier, neo-behavioral incarnation called social learning theory, Bandura emphasized the process of observational learning in which a learner's behavior changes as a result of observing others' behavior and its consequences. The theory identified several factors that determine whether observing a model will affect behavioral or cognitive change. These factors include the learner's development at status, the perceived prestige and competence of the model, the consequences received by the model, the relevance of the model's behaviors and consequences to the learner's goals, and the learner's self-efficacy. The concept of self–efficacy, which played an important role in later developments of the theory, refers to the learner's belief in his or her ability to perform the modelled behavior.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره هجده

An experiment by Schunk and Hanson, that studied grade 2 students who had previously experienced difficulty in learning subtraction. One group of students observed a subtraction demonstration by a teacher and then participated in an instructional program on subtraction. A second group observed other grade 2 students performing the same subtraction procedures and then participated in the same instructional program. The students who observed peer models scored higher on a subtraction post-test and also reported greater confidence in their subtraction ability. The results were interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that perceived similarity of the model to the learner increases self efficacy. It is supposed that peer modeling is particularly effective for students who have low self–efficacy.Over the last decade, much research activity in educational psychology has focused on developing theories of self-regulated learning (SRL) and meta- cognition. These theories work from the central premise that effective learners are active agents who construct knowledge by setting goals, analyzing tasks, planning strategies and monitoring their understanding. Research has indicated that learners who are better at goal setting and self–monitoring tend to have greater intrinsic task interest and self–efficacy.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره نوزده

Factor analysis is a statistical technique which can evaluate dimensions underlying correlations. Thus a factor analytic test measures a dimension. The best-known examples of these are Cattell's 16PF test, Eysenck's EPQ and the Personality Inventories constructed by Guilford. Personality inventories are reliable and reasonably valid, and have been found useful in industrial and educational psychology for guidance and selection. From these nomothetic tests two variables stand clear: extraversion and anxiety.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره بیست

Client-centred counselling stresses the students' control of the counseling. Counselor intervention in actively discussing problems, background, related data, or even in evaluating planned actions, is avoided. The important elements in client-centred counselling are the establishment of a warm, permissive, and accepting climate within which the student can feel comfortable and is able to progress in his problem-solving at his own pace, aided by reflection, understanding, and restatement on the part of the counsellor, but with little if any intervention or interpretation.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره بیست و یک

Psychosis is the term commonly used to designate a severe or major psychiatric disorder. The term psychosis is at times indistinctly equated with insanity; the later term, when used legally or in popular language, suggests a person who is so incompetent that he may require special control or supervision. Difficulty in definition also from the inclusion in the psychotic category of many disturbances of different origins, courses and symptoms.
Most people who are labelled psychotic seem not to know that there is anything wrong with them. No matter what unusual behaviour the psychotic exhibits (e.g., severe withdrawal from ordinary life or major emotional changes, or defect in memory or perception), that behaviour represents the routine way of responding to the environment around the person. By contrast, people who are placed in another psychiatric category, psychoneurosis (or neurosis), generally strive to get rid of the symptoms. Thus a psychoneurotic who is panicked by cats, or who tries to wash his hands every five minutes, almost invariably seeks relief from symptoms; it is said to have insight into his abnormal state.

#تست_درک_مطلب شماره بیست و دو

Fortunately, psychologists believe that books can serve as therapeutic tools (or at least as effective adjuncts to professional therapy) to help children come to terms with their parents' divorce. According to educator-counselor Joanne Bernstein, stories that confront life's problems with frankness and credibility may provide insight, promote self-examination, and lead to changes in attitude and behavior. One way stories accomplish this is through identification. Reading about the grief and anxiety of others, she explains, can arouse sudden awareness as "problems that had not been consciously or completely recognised are allowed to surface." When introduced to characters who share their difficulties, children may feel less alienated and thus freer to discuss and resolve their own plight.

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دوره‌های در حال برگزاری 👈🏻

1️⃣ دوره رایگان "زبانِ روانشناسی" براساس تنها کتاب استانداردِ زبانِ روانشناسی با خانم دکتر دمیرچی (برای غیرکنکوری‌ها) 👈🏻
* ویدئو‌های این دوره هر هفته روی کانال آپلود می‌شود

2️⃣ پکیج آقای محمد حسین یاورزاده (برای کنکوری‌های ارشد) 👈🏻

3️⃣ کلاس خانم گل‌محمدی (برای کنکوری‌های دکتری) 👈🏻

سایر مطالب کانال 👈🏻

1️⃣ دوره رایگان لیندالیل‌خوانی و تست (بیشتر مناسب کنکوری‌ها)

جلسه اول 👈🏻

جلسه دوم 👈🏻

جلسه سوم 👈🏻

جلسه چهارم 👈🏻

جلسه پنجم 👈🏻

جلسه ششم 👈🏻

جلسه هفتم 👈🏻

جلسه هشتم 👈🏻

جلسه نهم 👈🏻

جلسه دهم 👈🏻

جلسه یازدهم 👈🏻

جلسه دوازدهم 👈🏻

فایل متون روانشناسی لیندا‌لیل 👈🏻

2️⃣ دوره رایگان مقاله‌خوانی به زبان انگلیسی (مناسب تمام روانشناسان)

جلسه اول 👈🏻

جلسه دوم 👈🏻

جلسه سوم 👈🏻

جلسه چهارم 👈🏻

جلسه پنجم 👈🏻

#️⃣ هشتگ‌های کانال 👈🏻

#تست_درک_مطلب 👈🏻 تمرین درک مطلب
#تحلیل_متن_کنکور 👈🏻 تحلیل کنکور سال‌های گذشته
#معرفی_اپلیکیشن 👈🏻 اپلیکیشن‌های مناسب زبان‌آموزی
#مشاورانه_زبان 👈🏻 استراتژی‌های مطالعه زبان

🧑🏻‍💻 ارتباط با ادمین 👈🏻
🏆 آکادمی زبان روانشناسی تنها کانال اختصاصی زبان روانشناسی و علوم مرتبط تقدیم می‌کند:

👩🏻‍🎓👨🏻‍🎓 آرشیو مطالب ما برای دوستانی که تازه وارد کانال شدن 👈🏻

1️⃣ دوره رایگان لیندالیل‌خوانی:

جلسه اول 👈🏻

جلسه دوم 👈🏻

جلسه سوم 👈🏻

جلسه چهارم 👈🏻

جلسه پنجم 👈🏻

جلسه ششم 👈🏻

جلسه هفتم 👈🏻

جلسه هشتم 👈🏻

جلسه نهم 👈🏻

جلسه دهم 👈🏻

جلسه یازدهم 👈🏻

جلسه دوازدهم 👈🏻

فایل متون روانشناسی لیندا‌لیل 👈🏻

2️⃣ دوره رایگان مقاله‌خوانی به زبان انگلیسی:

جلسه اول 👈🏻

جلسه دوم 👈🏻

جلسه سوم 👈🏻

جلسه چهارم 👈🏻

جلسه پنجم 👈🏻

3️⃣ کلاس "زبانِ روانشناسی" براساس تنها کتاب استانداردِ زبانِ روانشناسی با خانم دکتر دمیرچی 👈🏻

جلسه 1 👈🏻

جلسه 2 👈🏻

جلسه 3 👈🏻

جلسه 4 👈🏻

جلسه 5 👈🏻

جلسه 6 👈🏻

جلسه 7 👈🏻

جلسه 8 👈🏻

جلسه 9 👈🏻

جلسه 10 👈🏻

جلسه 11 👈🏻

جلسه 12 👈🏻

#️⃣ هشتگ‌های کانال که روی هرکدام کلیک کنید مطالب بسیار مفیدی واستون میاد 👈🏻

#تست_درک_مطلب 👈🏻 تمرین تست درک مطلب برای کنکوری‌ها
#تحلیل_متن_کنکور 👈🏻 تحلیل کنکور سال‌های گذشته
#معرفی_اپلیکیشن 👈🏻 اپلیکیشن‌ها و هوش‌مصنوعی‌ها مناسب زبان‌آموزی
#مشاورانه_زبان 👈🏻 استراتژی‌های مطالعه زبان
#توصیه_های_درصدهای_برتر_زبان 👈🏻 مصاحبه‌ با درصدهای برتر زبان در کنکور روانشناسی

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