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“What did #Trudeau and the Liberals do that’s so bad?” Here's a List of just some things:
The minister of defense is guilty of public perjury, gross negligence causing a threat to national security and should be in jail. The minister of finance is guilty of inside trading - a 10 year sentence. The minister of immigration actively and quietly attempted to remove protections of FGM from the Canadian citizenship guide, which had he succeeded would have provided a lawful excuse under the current Canadian laws for practitioners of this crime on humanity to never face sentencing or punishment if they performed it here. Domestic terror.
The Prime Minister is guilty of domestic terrorism as well. He should be jailed.
1/ according to sec 83:01-83:09 of the criminal code of Canada; any political leader in Canada who insights, endorses, supports or forces ANY IDEOLOGY upon the citizens of Canada is guilty of domestic terror.
2/any citizen who is actively sending money by donation or otherwise to any organization that has known affiliations to terrorists is committing domestic terror
He blew the Asia Pacific deal. He blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines. He blew the pipeline deal. He blew the deal with China. He blew the deal with Europe. He blew pot legalization. He tried to screw up NAFTA. What more do people need to realize Trudeau is a complete failure at everything he does. Do we need to mention the fiasco at our Southern border? He’s become Canada’ joke to the world.
At the G7 he pledged $400 Million to Education around the world along with another $180 Million to the Global Partnership for Education in Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here at home. Why are we supporting education in Europe? Meanwhile education cost are skyrocketing for our youth making university a mountain too high for many to climb. Foreign students get first choice at university spots and refugees get a free university education. Education on our own reserves is often sub standard.
He pledged $241 Million to Family Planning around the world including a $300 Million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation.
Trudeau told Canadian veterans that they were asking for too much but he found money to build the Afghanistan army new housing.
He pledged $2.65 Billion to climate change at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit and now he is trying to bully the provinces into new carbon taxes to pay for this pledge.
He pledged $300 Million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that he won't address.
He pledged $125 Million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own infrastructure in cities is falling apart.
He pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti, Africa and the Middle East, wanting accessible abortions for woman while many woman in our own country are left without a family doctor. Since when did abortions abroad become the Canadian taxpayers responsibility?
He has pledged $50 million to Palestine for flood relief when NB had some of the worst flooding in decades this past spring. This money will go straight to Hamas.
He pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking water. This will go straight to rebel forces, not to the people.
He gave $10.5 Million to a convicted terrorist in a backroom deal that has lead to another $30.8 Million payed out for three other fellers who say they were wrongfully detainedin countriesthey fled in the first place. Travel back at your own risk.
He spent $4.5 Billion on a pipeline, and now the courts have ruled it shut down because of requests by Canadian indigenous chiefs. Indigenous people have suggested that Trudeau gift the pipeline to the but recently indigenous chiefs have shown an interest in buying the pipeline. Where will they get the money?
Replaces Canada’s old F-18s with Australia’s old F-18s.
Waves to an empty tarmac when boarding the government plane. His love of all things Castro and all things Red China is telling.
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After the Alberta Elections last night. This message from Chris @chrissaccoccia1 rings so true.
#alberta #vaccination #NoVaccinePassports #Trudeau
Forwarded from John-Henry Westen
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Wow. Just wow. 🙄😂

Today Trudeau said that Canada will defend democracy and stand up to authoritarianism…. not in Canada of course, but for other countries.

#priorities #hypocrisy #canada #trudeau #ukraine #russia #democracy #freedom
I wonder how PM Trudeau feels about Dr. Martin Luther King Day?
#blackface #Trudeau #TrudeauIsAPsychopath
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More Inflation coming this year thanks to @JustinTrudeau
And the Liberal/NDP. Vid by Canada Proud.
#TrudeauBrokeCanada #TrudeauMustGoNow #Trudeau #TrudeauNext
Are Canadians not sick and tired of this Prime Minister calling them racists and bigots?
#TrudeauForTreason #TrudeauChineseAsset #TrudeauCorruption #TrudeauBrokeCanada #Trudeau