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Mocking the un-mockable with Mockito 2.1.0!'s-new-in-Mockito-2

2.1.0 is a major release with numerous features and changes (2.0.0 version was skipped for specific reasons):
• you can mock final classes in Java and consequently all classes and member functions in Kotlin:
• full-blown Java 8 support, and Java 9 support (depending on the release date)
• richer stubbing/mocking API
• improving & extracting the continuous delivery automation to a standalone library

#library #testing
Testing can seem to be a tax on development time.
However, as many seasoned developers have seen, proper automated testing can increase development velocity as the code base becomes bigger and more complex.
Continuous testing should give you confidence that the change you make won’t break your app.

#testing #Docker
Kakao 2.3.0 released

Kakao is a PageObject pattern Kotlin DSL for Android UI testing built on the base of Espresso

What's new in the latest version:
👉 ViewPager2 support added with KViewPager2
👉 ChipGroup support added with KChipGroup
👉 Spinner support added with KSpinner
👉 Tint support added to KImageView
👉 Dependencies' versions upgrade
👉 Smaller fixes/improvements

Check out the library at GitHub and get familiar with the full chages here

To see some examples of what you can do with this library, you can read this Medium blog post

#Kakao #Testing
#compose #testing

How to test Jetpack Compose UI

An example of how you can test Jetpack Compose UI and review of new APIs for that