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Reactive Programming for Android
Agera is a set of classes and interfaces to help write functional, asynchronous, and reactive applications for Android.

#Agera #library #reactive
Butterknife 8.0.0 is here.
Main features:
- @Bind becomes @BindView and @BindViews
- Calls to bind now return an Unbinder instance
- New: @BindArray binds String, CharSequence, and int arrays and TypeArray to fields
- New: @BindBitmap binds Bitmap instances from resources to fields
- @BindDrawable now supports a tint field which accepts a theme attribute

Mocking the un-mockable with Mockito 2.1.0!'s-new-in-Mockito-2

2.1.0 is a major release with numerous features and changes (2.0.0 version was skipped for specific reasons):
• you can mock final classes in Java and consequently all classes and member functions in Kotlin:
• full-blown Java 8 support, and Java 9 support (depending on the release date)
• richer stubbing/mocking API
• improving & extracting the continuous delivery automation to a standalone library

#library #testing
Forwarded from Pas de Code
Looks like something dedicated to initialization of different components / libraries is coming to AndroidX.

#androidx #library