It was a beautiful day for a walk in the park! It’s still hard to believe we’ll go from shorts and t-shirts today to winter coats and gloves tomorrow. Never a dull moment in Kentucky weather. #ekywx #kywx #wymtwx was a beautiful day for a walk in the park! It’s still hard to believe we’ll go from shorts and t-shirts today to winter coats and gloves tomorrow. Never a dull moment in Kentucky 7602083 It was a beautiful day
Good Tuesday Morning! Well, enjoy today's weather because we go from spring to winter over the next 24 hours. Watch #SpectrumNews1KY for more details. #kywx #WeatherOnThe1s Tuesday Morning! Well, 1309951 Good Tuesday Morning! Well, enjoy today's weather because we go from spring to winter over the next 24 hours. Watch #SpectrumNews1KY for
RT WLKYChris: Winter next week in the Ohio Valley... #kywx WLKYChris: Winter next week in the Ohio 5627213 RT WLKYChris: Winter