We took our solving & graphing multi-step inequalities activity outside today and enjoyed the backdrop of our awesome new StTimsRaleigh field and playground. One could say ... this scenery is GREATER THAN most! #mathpun #iteachmath https://t.co/sFecmQVW4sWe took our solving & graphing multi-step inequalities activity outside 1100237 We took our solving & graphing multi-step inequalities activity outside today and enjoyed the backdrop of our awesome new StTimsRaleigh field and playground. One could say
RT MagicPi2: Thales's theorem
#mtbos #iteachmath #Math #Maths https://t.co/6J9kSJBTGDRT MagicPi2: Thales's 6861952 RT MagicPi2: Thales's theorem
#mtbos #iteachmath
#mtbos #iteachmath #Math #Maths https://t.co/6J9kSJBTGDRT MagicPi2: Thales's 6861952 RT MagicPi2: Thales's theorem
#mtbos #iteachmath