Прогулки вдоль Каспийского моря в Дагестане прекрасны, встречаешь множество птиц: золотистые и зелёные щурки, удоды, орлан-белохвост, по дороге к морю вылетел фазан, на бархане средиземноморские черепахи, то тут то там встречаются маки и необычные орхидеи, много солнца и морской воздух, красота!
Walks along the Caspian Sea in Dagestan are wonderful. You can watch many various : common and green bee-eaters, hoopoes, white-tailed eagles. On the way to the sea, a pheasant flew out, and on the dunes, there were Mediterranean turtles. Here and there you see poppies and unusual orchids, lots of sunshine and sea air—it's beautiful!
Walks along the Caspian Sea in Dagestan are wonderful. You can watch many various : common and green bee-eaters, hoopoes, white-tailed eagles. On the way to the sea, a pheasant flew out, and on the dunes, there were Mediterranean turtles. Here and there you see poppies and unusual orchids, lots of sunshine and sea air—it's beautiful!