Продолжение рассказа про ночную съёмку. Мы снимали енота, который ел рыбку, ходил по стволу дерева, облизывать и вообще всячески позировал, не обращая внимания на людей с фотоаппаратами. Вдруг енот насторожился и бесшумно исчез в темноте.
Nighttime photography ,Episode 2. We were photographing a raccoon that was eating a fish, walking along the tree trunk, licking itself, and generally posing in various ways, not paying attention to the people with cameras. Suddenly, the raccoon became alert and silently disappeared into the darkness.
Nighttime photography ,Episode 2. We were photographing a raccoon that was eating a fish, walking along the tree trunk, licking itself, and generally posing in various ways, not paying attention to the people with cameras. Suddenly, the raccoon became alert and silently disappeared into the darkness.
А на сцену вновь вышел камышовый кот, который учуял приваду. Кот в этот раз настолько осмелился, что даже забрался на ствол дерева! Стало сразу видно отличие камышового кота от домашнего котика. Небольшая голова, более крупное тело, мощные длинные ноги, красавец! Я очень счастлива, что мне удалось снять этого редкого зверя в дикой природе!
Then the reed cat appeared again, having scented the bait. This time, the cat was so bold that it even climbed up the tree trunk! The difference between the reed cat and a domestic pusscat was absolutely apparent. A small head, a larger body, powerful long legs—what a beauty! I am very happy that I managed to capture this rare animal in the wild!
Then the reed cat appeared again, having scented the bait. This time, the cat was so bold that it even climbed up the tree trunk! The difference between the reed cat and a domestic pusscat was absolutely apparent. A small head, a larger body, powerful long legs—what a beauty! I am very happy that I managed to capture this rare animal in the wild!
Woot, woot, I will interrupt my Dagestan memories for the weekend for sine nice locals. Common rosefinches have arrived!
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Первую прка воспоминания о Дагестане на выходные ради симпатичных местных видов. Чечевицы прилетели!