В первый день съемок в Дагестане попались два лайфера, так бердвотчеры называют птиц, всреченных впервые: малый баклан и черногрудый воробей
On the first day of filming in Dagestan, we spotted two "lifers" — a term birdwatchers use for birds seen for the first time: the pygmy cormorant and the black-breasted sparrow.
On the first day of filming in Dagestan, we spotted two "lifers" — a term birdwatchers use for birds seen for the first time: the pygmy cormorant and the black-breasted sparrow.
На второй день поездки в Дагестан мы отправились снимать хищников. Сначала очень повезло с орлами: молодой степной орёл спокойно позировал на дереве. Затем встретился молодой орлан белохвост. И, наконец, группа из орланов-белохвостов,степного орла и орла могильника, который потом красиво взлетел. Чуть позже мы наблюдали ещё посадку могильника на дерево.
On the second day of the trip, we went out to film birds of prey. We started off with incredible luck spotting eagles: a young steppe eagle calmly posed on a tree and a young white-tailed eagle on the ground later. Finally, we came across a group that included white-tailed eagles, a steppe eagle, and an imperial eagle, which then took off in a spectacular flight. Shortly afterward, we watched another imperial eagle land gracefully on a tree.
On the second day of the trip, we went out to film birds of prey. We started off with incredible luck spotting eagles: a young steppe eagle calmly posed on a tree and a young white-tailed eagle on the ground later. Finally, we came across a group that included white-tailed eagles, a steppe eagle, and an imperial eagle, which then took off in a spectacular flight. Shortly afterward, we watched another imperial eagle land gracefully on a tree.
Иногда снимать птиц приходится в очень неожиданнвх местах, например, на помойка можно встретить редкого чёрного грифа. Гриф обозревал окрестности а затем заметив какую-то поживу забавно заскакал к ней. Чуть позже к грифу присоединились орлан белохвост и степной орел образовав очень красивое трио
Sometimes, filming birds takes place in the most unexpected locations. For example, at a landfill, you might come across the rare black vulture. The vulture was surveying the area and, upon noticing some food, amusingly hopped over to it. A bit later, it was joined by a white-tailed eagle and steppe eagle, forming a stunning trio.
Sometimes, filming birds takes place in the most unexpected locations. For example, at a landfill, you might come across the rare black vulture. The vulture was surveying the area and, upon noticing some food, amusingly hopped over to it. A bit later, it was joined by a white-tailed eagle and steppe eagle, forming a stunning trio.
Третий день съемок привёл нас на прекрасное озеро Аджи Папас которое порадовало своим разнообразием: серые, белые и малые белые цапли, лебеди, болотные луни, большие бакланы,краcношейные поганки в зимнем пере, камышницы и даже осторожный водяной пастушок высунул нос.
Звезда озера Аджи Папас, синяя птица счастья султанка в этот раз показалась и охотно позировала, расхаживала по мом прямо перед нами. Яркие зимородки садились на стебли прямо перед нами.
А ещё очень порадовали усатые синицы. Самец со щегольскими чёрными усами и скромная самочка подлетали совсем близко, искали семена камвша, чистили перышки
The third day of filming brought us to the beautiful Lake Adzhi Papas, which delighted us with its rich diversity: grey herons, great white and little egrets, swans, marsh harriers, great cormorants, red-necked grebes in winter plumage, moorhens, and even the shy water rail, which cautiously peeked out.
The star of Lake Adzhi-Yapapas, the blue bird of happiness—the western swamphen—made an appearance this time. It eagerly posed, strolling gracefully right in front of us.
Encounters with kingfishers are always a great joy. Young birds are slightly less brightly colored compared to adults.
We were also delighted by the bearded reedlings. The male, with his dashing black mustache, and the modest female came quite close, searching for reed seeds and preening their feathers.
Звезда озера Аджи Папас, синяя птица счастья султанка в этот раз показалась и охотно позировала, расхаживала по мом прямо перед нами. Яркие зимородки садились на стебли прямо перед нами.
А ещё очень порадовали усатые синицы. Самец со щегольскими чёрными усами и скромная самочка подлетали совсем близко, искали семена камвша, чистили перышки
The third day of filming brought us to the beautiful Lake Adzhi Papas, which delighted us with its rich diversity: grey herons, great white and little egrets, swans, marsh harriers, great cormorants, red-necked grebes in winter plumage, moorhens, and even the shy water rail, which cautiously peeked out.
The star of Lake Adzhi-Yapapas, the blue bird of happiness—the western swamphen—made an appearance this time. It eagerly posed, strolling gracefully right in front of us.
Encounters with kingfishers are always a great joy. Young birds are slightly less brightly colored compared to adults.
We were also delighted by the bearded reedlings. The male, with his dashing black mustache, and the modest female came quite close, searching for reed seeds and preening their feathers.