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DPRK Foreign Ministry about events in Palestine

Pyongyang, October 26 (KCNA) - Recently, many people have died due to an Israeli airstrike on a hospital in Palestine. In connection with this large-scale disaster, on October 26, a representative of the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave the following answer to a question from a KCNA correspondent.

Israel's airstrike on a health care facility that should be protected above all not only in peacetime, but also in wartime under international law is an unimaginable, evil war crime, an inhumane crime.

It cannot be ignored that such a crime by Israel is being committed under the open patronage of the United States.

The United States supplied Israel with a huge amount of military products and urgently sent 2 aircraft carrier strike groups to the waters of the Middle East, giving the green light for Israel to massacre the Palestinians.

The US, after the airstrike on the hospital, patronized Israel's crime, ranting meaningless words that the current event was the work of forces other than Israel. This fact shows that the United States is an accomplice who condoned and supported the murder by Israel.

The United States brazenly vetoed the UN Security Council’s draft revolution on allowing humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip under the “pretext” that it did not reflect “Israel’s right to self-defense”, and they themselves discovered in their guts that it does not concern them whether they die or not several thousand Palestinians, if Israel only faithfully implements its policy towards the Middle East.

The United States, a violator of global peace and a strangler of justice, will never be able to escape responsibility for condoning and supporting the large-scale crime of Israel, which brutally killed the Palestinians.
Forwarded from 9dagar
Media is too big
Nordkoreanskt firande på ryska!! av vänskapen.
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Wiggims)
On the 15th, the 10th meeting of the intergovernmental commission of the DPRK and the Russian Federation on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation was held in Pyongyang

On the Russian side, the delegation was headed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Alexander Kozlov. The parties discussed expanding cooperation in areas such as trade, economics, science and technology, and signed a corresponding protocol. to strengthen relations between the two countries beyond military cooperation.

It is this non-military protocol that causes the greatest concern in South Korea, especially in light of the latest trends towards rapprochement between the Russian Federation and the DPRK: what is in it? While the protocol and agreements have not been published, South Korean government circles, citing intelligence data, share that, they say, it contains agreements on food supplies to the DPRK, increasing trade turnover and improving logistics, as well as inviting tens of thousands of North Korean workers to Russia.

But the specifics are not voiced, and this causes particular concern in South Korea: sometimes silence can be much more disturbing than conversation.

KCNA rapporterar att DFRK genomfört en lyckad uppskjutning av en övervaknings-satellit, Malligyong-1, med en bärraket av typ Chollima-1. Vi hoppas på fler detaljer och bilder.
Det kom ett mail till oss i föreningen från Pyongang:

Dear friends,
Warm greetings of Korean National Peace Committee from Pyongyang!
On November 21, 2023, the National Aerospace Technology Administarion (NATA) of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) successfully launched the new-type carrier rocket “Chollima-1” loaded with the reconnaissance sattelite “Malligyong-1” at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground.
The DPRK's launch of the reconnaissance satellite, which took place as part of implementing decisions of the Eighth Congress of the Worker's Party of Korea (DPRK), is a step pertaining to the right to self-defense and the legitimate and just exercise of sovereignty to closely monitor and thoroughly cope with the enemies' various military moves around the Korean peninsula that provoke graver concern as days go by.
Nonetheless, the political and military gangsters of the “Republic of Korea” (ROK) termed the DPRK's launch of a reconnaissance satellite a “vioation” of the September 19 North-South Military Agreement, citing unreasonable and illogical reasons, and didn't hesitate to announce the nullification of some articles of the agreement as if they have earnestly waited for that moment.
It is just the “ROK” that has scaled up in an all-round, 3-D and phased way various sorts of military provocations in frontal challenge to the spirit of the agreement adopted to defuse the danger of an armed conflict along the Military Demarcation Line.
On November 21 and 22 alone, the south Korean puppets introduced US-made aircraft carrier “Calvinson” and nuclear-propelled submarine “Santa Fe”  to their region to turn it to a forward base and nuclear arsenal for the aggressive forces, thus endangering its regional military situation.
Those of the “ROK” must pay dearly for their irresponsible and grave political and military provocations that have pushed the present situation to an uncontrollable phase.
Under the current situation, the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK clarified its principles that the Korean People's Army, from now on, will never be bound by the September 19 North-South Military Agreement, immediately restore all military measures that have been halted according to the north-south military agreement and those of the “ROK” will totally be blamed for the case an irretrievable clash breaks out between the north and the south.
The prevailing military tensions, caused by the U.S. and south Korean puppets that has gone beyond the red line, only proves the justice of the work for strengthening the nuclear war deterrent and mordernizing the armed forces being pushed forward with by us above all.
The Korean National Peace Committee firmly  believes that you who love peace will strongly demounce the political and military provocations by the U.S. and “ROK” puppets who are  plunging the situation on the Korean peninsula into an uncontrollable phase by finding fault with the just exercise of sovereignty of the DPRK.
Korean National Peace Committee
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at a banquet celebrating the launch of a reconnaissance satellite in Pyongyang, November 23, 2023. © KCNA (rt.com)
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Wiggims)
North Korea's Permanent Representative to the UN Hwang Joon Kook:

The US continues to insist that North Korea is violating a UN Security Council resolution because it used ballistic missile technology to launch its satellite.

Then my question is: Does the US launch its satellites using a balloon or a catapult? 🤣

Kim Jong-un continues to look at the world:

“To respected comrade Kim Jong-un, the Pyongyang Aerospace Technology Center presented experimental photographs of the reconnaissance satellite and data related to the careful control of the reconnaissance satellite.

Dear Comrade Kim Jong-un received a photograph of the San Diego Naval Base in California, a photograph of Gaden Air Base in Okinawa Prefecture of Japan and a photograph of the Suez Canal of Egypt.

Dear friends,

warm greetings of the Korean Democratic Lawyers' Association from Pyongyang.

Recently the acute military and political situation is prevailing on the Korean peninsula due to the illegal and provocative maneuvers of the U.S. and its followers to viciously infringe upon the security and the exercise of sovereign rights of our state for the launch and operation of the reconnaissance satellite.

The strategic assets of the U.S. have frequently appeared at south Korea’s ports only 500 to 600 km away from Pyongyang and on Nov. 22, the "Republic of Korea" abruptly announced suspension of some provisions of the September 19 North-South Military agreement, groundlessly pulling up the DPRK over its launch of a reconnaissance satellite. And since the afternoon of the day, they all went into the military confrontation racket, reminiscent of the eve of a war, in the area along the Military Demarcation Line.

An official concerned of the US Space Command recently hinted at a military attack on the DPRK’s reconnaissance satellite, saying that the US can decrease its enemy country’s outer space operation capabilities by employing diverse “reversible and irreversible methods” and the U.S. has perpetrated acts of encroaching upon the sovereignty and hostile acts of taking sanctions against the DPRK by rallying its followers such as Japan, the "Republic of Korea" and Australia, while unreasonably pulling up the DPRK over its exercise of just and legitimate sovereignty.

Furthermore, the whole course of the open meeting of the UNSC over the reconnaissance satellite launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, convened at the gangster-like demand of the US and its followers, clearly proves how weak, false and absurd are the unreasonable arguments of some UN member states denying the DPRK’s sovereign rights.

The DPRK’s satellite launch is an essential process in building up the country’s defence capability and an important step conducive to improving the security environment on the Korean peninsula as an occasion of bringing a new phase in the military activities of the armed forces of the DPRK to firmly defend its security.

The US should respect the sovereign decision of the DPRK to freely exercise the right to space development any UN member nations can enjoy, neither interfere in nor obstruct it.

Article 8 of the “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies,” the main international outer space treaty, stipulates that any object launched into outer space definitely shall fall under the jurisdiction of the launcher state and the ownership of it never changes, no matter it remains in outer space or returned to the earth. Furthermore, reconnaissance satellite is not regarded as a space weapon by international law for its technical features aimed at observation.

Current situation clearly proves that the double-faced stand and behavior of the US whose deeds are quite different from its words are a vicious factor disturbing peace and stability in the region of the Korean peninsula along with double standards, the height of high-handed and arbitrary practices.

The DPRK will continue to make efforts to develop everything belonging to its sovereign rights and continue to exercise the sovereign rights, enjoyed by all the member states of the UN, fairly and free from any restriction in the future, too.

KDLA firmly believes that you, loving peace and justice, would pay due concern to the situation on the Korean peninsula and extend sincere support and solidarity to the Korean people in their struggle for safeguarding the sovereignty of the country and peace and security on the Korean peninsula and in the region.

Korean Democratic Lawyers' Association
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Zinderneuf)
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▶️ North Korean state media distributed footage of the launch of the Hwasong-18 intercontinental ballistic missile.

As noted, the rocket covered 1,002.3 km in 4,415 seconds at a maximum flight altitude of 6,518.2 km and “accurately hit the intended water area.”

Video: TASS/Reuters

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Dear friends,
Warm greetings of the KCSWP from Pyongyang!
As you may know, the Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK) and President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), made an important conclusion on the direction of struggle of the Party and State affairs for 2024 at the 9th Plenary Meeting of the 8th WPK Central Committee which was held at Pyongyang, capital city of the DPRK.
Comrade Kim Jong Un clarified that our general orientation of struggle is to further expand and actively apply the favorable situation and phase which we have won through a stubborn struggle for 3 years, thus successfully implementing the fighting programme of the Eighth Party Congress and laying a springboard for a new advance in the future. And he put forth the tasks of the revolution and construction in 2024 which is the decisive year for every sector and unit to secure an obvious practical guarantee for the fulfillment of the five-year plan.
He analyzed and evaluated the dangerous security environment in the Korean peninsula on the brink of a nuclear war and the nature of the hostile forces' military confrontation moves and clarified the important policy decision to further accelerate the radical development of the national defense capabilities.
This year, too, the U.S. and its vassal forces have still perpetrated vicious anti-DPRK confrontational moves and the desperate efforts of the enemies have reached the extremes unprecedented in history in their reckless, provocative and dangerous nature. The U.S., which has caused instability and continued to aggravate the situation in the Korean peninsula, is exposing various forms of military threat to our state even at this moment when the year is falling.
Openly talking about "end of regime" in the DPRK, the U.S. president cooked up the so-called "Washington Declaration", an anti-DPRK nuclear confrontation program, together with the south Korean puppets and newly organized and started the operation of the "Nuclear Consultative Group" aimed at the joint plan and execution for the use of nuclear weapons. Furthermore, he is zealously promoting the scenario for a nuclear war against the DPRK under the eyes of the world by abusing the "NCG".
The U.S. has frequently met with Japs and south Korean puppets to promise long-term conspiracy and collusion against the DPRK, discuss the countermeasures and enforce annual tripartite military drills. Such provocative attitude of the U.S., which is getting frantic with the strengthening of the triangular cooperation system on the unreasonable pretext of coping with so-called "threat" from the DPRK, is driving the situation in the Korean peninsula into more unpredictable and critical conditions.
What should not be overlooked is the fact that the continuous introduction into the Korean Peninsula of U.S. nuclear strategic means of all kinds, including the super-large strategic nuclear submarine that entered the southern half of Korea again in more than 40 years, the nuclear strategic bomber landed there for the first time in history, and the frequent dispatch of super-large nuclear-powered carrier task force, has turned south Korea completely into a forward military base and a nuclear arsenal of the U.S. and joint military exercises of various scales have been ceaselessly staged all the year round, setting the "highest record" in history.
The number of joint military exercises staged by the U.S. military gangsters with Japs and south Korean puppets this year has doubled compared to that of last year. This clearly shows that the U.S. aims at the military confrontation with the DPRK at any cost and is getting more desperately hell-bent on the preparations for it.
Only a few days ago, the Yankees summoned south Korean puppets to Washington to hold the second meeting of the "NCG" and announced to the world that they would complete the "guidelines on nuclear strategic plan and operation" and establish the "extended deterrence system" by the middle of next year and conduct nuclear
operation exercises during the large-scale joint military exercises in forthcoming August. Timed to coincide with this, they brought a nuclear-powered submarine into the Korean peninsula again, making provocation even by the end of the year.
The reality shows that the U.S. inveterate hostile acts against the DPRK are not only confined to rhetoric threat or demonstration purposes but have evidently evolved into a stage of execution which can lead to actual military actions and thus trigger a conflict between the armed forces of both sides.
The conclusion referred to the fact that the north-south relations, which had been steadily deteriorating since the emergence of the Yoon Suk Yeol puppet regime, have been further tainted with distrust and hostility due to the anti-DPRK confrontation behavior of traitor Yoon getting evermore offensive recently and, consequently, the September 19 North-South Military Agreement, which had been playing a feeble mission of preventing armed conflict just for form's sake, was scrapped.
What merits attention is that the Yoon Suk Yeol group of puppets is making a suicidal attempt to achieve the "balance of power" with the DPRK and stand in confrontation with it to the last by expanding the "UN Command", an illegal ghost body, into a multinational war organization for provoking the second Korean war.
The enemies' provocative acts are getting ever more pronounced in the area along the Military Demarcation Line and the whole puppet army is being reorganized and reinforced in general while the brass hats of the puppet military have been recently replaced by extreme warmongers one after another. Such radical military moves getting more undisguised are also evidently a revelation of the sinister attempt for a war of aggression.
Comrade Kim Jong Un said that as shown by all the facts, the confrontation nature of the U.S. and its top class stooges has not changed even in the least but is getting more undisguised and more vicious.
When we pay close attention to the confrontational military acts perpetrated by the hostile forces while aggravating the dangerous security environment in the Korean peninsula every moment, the word "war" is already approaching us as a realistic entity, not as an abstract concept.
The prevailing grave situation requires the DPRK to steadily step up the work for getting the overwhelming war response capability and the full and perfect military combat readiness to deter any form of provocation and action at a blow since the enemies' desperate efforts get more serious.
Comrade Kim Jong Un made a detailed analysis of the gigantic geopolitical changes in international geo-political situation and balance of forces in 2023, the main features of present international situation and the external environment of the Korean peninsula. And he advanced the strategic and tactical policies to be held fast to in the external affairs and clarified the need to newly formulate the stands on the north-south relations and reunification policy and make a decisive policy change in the work against the enemy.
He set forth the tasks for concentrating the main efforts on the development of relations with the ruling parties of socialist countries to further expand and strengthen the external sphere of the country, further consolidating the foundation of support and solidarity to the DPRK by further developing the relations with the anti-imperialist independent countries opposed to the hegemony strategy of the U.S. and the West under ever-changing international situation and waging a dynamic anti-imperialist joint action and struggle on an international scale.
All the participants expressed their absolute support and approval at his important conclusion, which clarified the clear orientation of advance and policies of struggle for the New Year for surely implementing the strategy of development of our own style through courageous and bold revolutionary practice in the increased challenges and difficulties.
The Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People (KCSWP) fully believes that progressive and peace-loving peoples throughout the world, as in the past also in the future, would render invariable support to and firm solidarity with the Korean people in their just struggle for peace and stability in and around Korean peninsula and the rest of the world.
At the same time, wishing you and your family good health and happiness in New Year 2024, we sincerely wish you bigger successes in your lofty work for global  peace and stability.
With best regards,
Forwarded from Military Summary
North Korea has sent Russia thousands of Iskander analogue missiles. The new Kimskanders are just as powerful and destructive. In turn, the United States did not send even one bullet to Ukraine this year. Zaluzhny threatens the Ukrainian parliament that if they do not give him half a million soldiers, he will begin to send deputies to the front.

Zaluzhny Is Panicking - He Has No More Soldiers. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.01.05





Military Summary Map
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Zinderneuf)
Sasha Kots:

On North Korean missiles

I don’t really understand the excitement in the Western press about Russia’s (alleged) use of ballistic missiles from the DPRK. As well as the reaction of some part of Russian society.

On the one hand, when trains of more than 50 countries are sending weapons to Ukraine, it’s somehow awkward to even mention that Pyongyang handed over something to Moscow. Or Tehran. Or anyone else. We didn't open this military store. It's time for gentlemen in the West to understand that this is a two-way street.

On the other hand, why should Russia put itself in the position of making excuses? Some of us are trying to find evidence, while others, on the contrary, are calling for everything to be rejected? Why do this or that? Are we doing something illegal from the point of view of Russian legislation? No. We are not obliged to confirm or refute anything to anyone.

The only possible reaction to indignation and presentation is a poker face and a non-binding “We are using all necessary forces and means according to the plan of a special military operation.” The Speaker of the Ministry of Defense does this very well.

It’s high time to part with this mossy “What will they think about us if they find out...” They won’t think anything new about us. And we shouldn’t care what anyone talks about on the side. We need to win the war.

Russische Skifahrer können in Nordkorea Skifahren
Die Tour zum Masikryong Resort von Wladiwostok aus dauert fünf Tage. Am ersten Tag können Touristen die Hauptstadt Pjöngjang besuchen und bereits am vierten Tag Skifahren. Die Behörden der Region Primorje bezeichnen die Tour als "einzigartiges Angebot für die Einwohner".

Masikryong ist der einzige Skiresort in Nordkorea, nur zwei Stunden Fahrt von Pjöngjang entfernt. Nach Angaben von The Guardian kostete der Bau 30 Millionen US-Dollar und wurde erst im Jahr 2018 abgeschlossen.

📷: BBC
Forwarded from 9dagar
Inga bevis för nordkoreanska missiler

Slovakien har inte undertecknat ett uttalande som fördömer Rysslands påstådda import av missiler från Nordkorea på grund av att det inte finns några bevis , sade Slovakiens utrikesminister Juraj Blanar på onsdagen.

Ungern och Slovakien blev de enda länderna i EU som inte undertecknade uttalandet som föreslogs av EU:s chefen för europeisk diplomati Josep Borrell och EU-ländernas utrikesministrar, samt ett antal andra asiatiska och västerländska stater, om den påstådda överföringen av Nordkoreanska missiler till Ryssland. Moskva förnekar anklagelser om brott mot FN:s säkerhetsråds sanktioner mot Nordkorea.

Källa: RIA Novosti
Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Boris)
Hypersonic missile test launch in progress 🇰🇵

(Korea Central News Agency from Pyongyang, January 15)

On the afternoon of January 14, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea's Missile General Directorate conducted a test launch of a mid-range, long-range, solid fueled ballistic missile equipped with a hypersonic maneuvering combat unit.

The test launch was conducted with the purpose of confirming the gliding and maneuvering flight characteristics of the mid-to-long-range rapid hypersonic maneuvering combat unit and the reliability of the newly developed multi-stage high-output solid fuel engine.

The test launch was conducted successfully.

The test launch had no impact on the safety of neighboring countries and was conducted completely unrelated to the local situation.

The Missile General Directorate explained that this test was part of the regular activities of the General Directorate and its affiliated Agency for Defense Development to develop powerful weapon systems. (End)

[Juche 113.1.15.]

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Forwarded from Slavyangrad (Zinderneuf)
🇰🇵🇷🇺 The DPRK delegation led by Foreign Minister Choi Song Hui left Pyongyang for Russia.

Representatives of North Korea will stay in the Russian Federation from January 15 to 17.
