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A Foreign Policy Conundrum: Merkel and the EU Trapped between China and the U․S․
#International #Europe #GermanForeignPolicy #AngelaMerkel #HumanRightsinChina #China

Tensions between the U․S․ and China are on the rise, with Germany and Europe stuck in the middle․ German Chancellor Angela Merkel would like to find a solution, but plenty of hurdles stand in the way
Nathan Law: "Ich werde die letzte Stimme der Hongkonger sein" (Kopie)
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina

In an interview, Nathan Law, one of the leaders of the democracy movement in Hong Kong, discusses the transformation of the special administrative region into a police state․ He also talks about his new life in London and his hopes for German Chancellor Angela Merkel
The Dawn of the Dragon: How Xi Jinping Has Transformed China
#International #World #ChineseEconomy #HumanRightsinChina #China

In 2012, Xi Jinping took office as the head of the Communist Party at the same time Bernhard Zand become DER SPIEGEL's correspondent in Beijing․ Before leaving the country, he traveled all across the nation to measure how the Chinese people are faring today
Human Rights Concerns: Experts Demand Suspension of EU-China Investment Deal
#International #Business #China #HumanRightsinChina #EuropeanUnion #GermanForeignPolicy #ChineseEconomy

More than a hundred experts are demanding an end to the EU-China investment agreement, DER SPIEGEL has learned․ They name serious human rights violations and the suppression of democracy movements in China as the reasons
Uiguren: EU beschließt Sanktionen gegen China
#Politik #Ausland #Peking #VolksrepublikChina #Uiguren #MenschenrechteinChina #HumanRightsinChina

Wegen der Unterdrückung der Uiguren steht China schon länger in der Kritik․ Jetzt hat die EU erstmals seit 30 Jahren Sanktionen gegen die Volksrepublik verhängt
Notes from a Changing City: China Tightens Its Grip on Hong Kong
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina #Globalization

Beijing is expanding its authoritarian influence ever deeper into Hong Kong․ Many in the city have been arrested, while others are leaving - or going underground․ Hopes for a degree of autonomy for the city have been dashed
In the Sinister Disneyland of Xinjiang: China's Ongoing Oppression of the Uighurs
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina #HumanRights

Western countries have accused China of genocide for its treatment of the Uighurs in Xinjiang․ Beijing claims that everything is just fine in the homeland of the Muslim minority․ We went there to take a look for ourselves
A Half Century after Nixon's Visit to China: "Xi Is, Along with Putin, the Most Dangerous Man in the World"
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina #ChineseEconomy #UnitedStates #UnitedNations #TheColdWar #Russia

Former U․S․ diplomat Winston Lord participated in the momentous 1972 meeting between President Richard Nixon and Chinese leader Mao Zedong․ In an interview, he examines the current state of the relationship between the superpowers and discusses what should be done about Taiwan
China: Shanghai's Omicron Wave Is a Risk for Xi Jinping and the Global Economy
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Asia #Englisch

The brutal lockdown in Shanghai is wreaking havoc on China's largest city․ With millions under lockdown and difficulties delivering food, the crisis is becoming a burden not only for Chinese leader Xi Jinping, but also for the global economy
Meeting with Family Members: "He Is Accused of Preparing a Terrorist Act"
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina

During the verification of the Xinjiang Police Files, reporters tracked down relatives of imprisoned Uyghurs, showing them photos and documents․ DER SPIEGEL correspondent Christoph Giesen describes the encounters as "harrowing"