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The Great Energy Debate: Is Nuclear Power the Solution to Climate Change?
#International #World #GermanEnergyRevolution #NuclearPhaseOut #SolarPower #FossilFuels #WindEnergy #RenewableEnergy

Paul Dorfman and Staffan Qvist both want to save the climate․ But one of them wants to rid the world of nuclear reactors while the other wants to build more of them․ We brought them together for a debate
Quiet Energy Revolution: Germany's Stricter New Emissions Goals Present Huge Challenge
#International #Business #ClimateChange #Environment #GermanEnergyRevolution #NuclearPower #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #WindEnergy

Germany's high court ruled in April that the government had to do more in the fight against global warming․ The tough new emissions targets will be difficult to meet
Green Party Co-Leader Annalena Baerbock on Coalition Talks: "The Government Currently Being Formed Is Finally Going to Act"
#International #Germany #AnnalenaBaerbock #GreenParty #GermanPolitics #RenewableEnergy #WindEnergy #SolarPower #Environment #ClimateChange

Germany is still in the process of putting together a government following the September election․ Green Party co-leader Annalena Baerbock speaks to DER SPIEGEL about progress on climate policy, the challenges of a three-party coalition and why German autobahns are not getting a speed limit
Mining the Planet to Death: The Dirty Truth About Clean Technologies
#International #World #ClimateNegotiations #ClimateChange #GermanEnergyRevolution #Environment #OffshoreWindParks #WindEnergy #SolarPower #NaturalResources #RenewableEnergy

The poor South is being exploited so that the rich North can transition to environmental sustainability․ Entire swaths of land are being destroyed to secure the resources needed to produce wind turbines and solar cells Are there alternatives?
Lufthansa-Tochter Swiss Airline will ab 2023 mit Solartreibstoff fliegen
#Mobilität #Lufthansa #Swiss #Kraftstoffe #SolarPower #ErneuerbareEnergien

Als erste Fluggesellschaft überhaupt will Swiss ihre Flugzeuge mit einem Treibstoff betanken, der aus Sonnenenergie gewonnen wird – und das schon ab kommendem Jahr Was muss man sich unter Solarkerosin vorstellen?
A Global Shopping Tour: Where Will Germany Get Its Energy in the Future?
#International #Business #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #GermanForeignPolicy #WindEnergy #OffshoreWindParks #FossilFuels #SolarPower #GermanEnergyRevolution #NaturalGas #NuclearPower #RenewableEnergy #Coal

Germany must not only free itself from Russian gas, but from fossil fuels altogether Where will those future energies come from?
All Eyes on the Gulf: The Present and Future of Europe's Energy Supply
#International #World #SaudiArabia #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Energy #NaturalGas #FossilFuels #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #WindEnergy

The autocratic countries of the Persian Gulf play a key role in the new world order – and for the future of Germany's economy․ Complete dependence will be difficult to avoid
German Economy Minister Robert Habeck: "We Have Gained Control Over the Crisis"
#International #Germany #NaturalGas #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #FossilFuels #RenewableEnergy #WindEnergy #SolarPower

Last year, it looked like Russia's war in Ukraine was going to plunge Germany and Europe into a deep recession and a winter of gas shortages․ Things have turned out differently, says Economy Minister Robert Habeck․ But major progress is still needed on climate protection
"A Massive Opportunity": Namibia's Green Hydrogen Future
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #Namibia #Africa #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #WindEnergy

A massive green hydrogen project with German funding is taking shape in Namibia – the same country Germany crushed in the early 20th century․ Some are skeptical of the plan, but many in Namibia are hoping it will produce badly needed revenues