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Nouriel Roubini: "The Stock Market Is Deluding Itself"
#International #Business #Coronavirus #Capitalism #GermanEconomy #Globalization

Prominent American economist Nouriel Roubini does not believe the global economy will recover quickly․ He believes that the dire situation will produce a summer of protest in the U․S․ and years of difficulties in Europe as well
Leading German Economist: “The Virus Must Be Contained Before the Economy Can Recover”
#International #Germany #Coronavirus #GermanEconomy #Globalization #Capitalism

In an interview, Clemens Fuest, one of Germany’s top economists, discusses the impact of the coronavirus on governments and business․ He says bankruptcies are inevitable and that the effects of the crisis will be with us for a long time to come
Young Entrepreneurs in Central America: Building a Life at Home Instead of Emigrating
#International #Tomorrow #GlobalSocieties #Capitalism #Agriculture

Thousands of people every year leave Central America for the U․S․ to escape poverty and a lack of prospects․ But some young entrepreneurs are demonstrating that it is possible to find a future at home
Social Consequences of the Pandemic: "The Super-Rich in the West Are Evading Their Responsibility"
#International #Business #Coronavirus #Capitalism #AsylumandMigration #Africa #China

Former top World Bank economist Branko Milanović is afraid that the coronavirus pandemic has deepened the wealth divide․ Those who have profited most from the crisis, he fears, have broken their pledge to help countries in need