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The Curse of Black Gold: Vast Oil Find Puts Guyana on the Verge of Riches - or Failure
#International #World #OilPrices #FossilFuels #Energy

Guyana has always been one of South America's poorest countries․ But now that ExxonMobil has discovered a new oil field off the coast, the tiny nation could become one of the world's richest But will it be a blessing or a curse?
From Inflation to Recession: Is Germany's Prosperity at Risk?
#International #Germany #GermanEconomy #NaturalGas #OilPrices #GasPipelines #NordStream #Russia #VladimirPutin #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine

Germany is facing a deep crisis, with inflation is reaching record levels and recession on the horizon․ Even the middle class has begun to feel the pain