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German Virologist Christian Drosten on the Battle Against COVID: "In the Worst Case, It Could Take a Few More Winters"
#International #World #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Health #Englisch

In an interview, leading German virologist Christian Drosten discusses his concerns about a major new wave of COVID-19 this winter, his own mistakes in the pandemic and the reasons he distanced himself from a government committee convened to battle the disease
Zum Ursprung des Coronavirus: Die Laborthese wird unwahrscheinlicher
#Wissenschaft #Mensch #Coronavirus #Wuhan #COVID19 #Tiere #Englisch

In der Fachzeitschrift »Science« sind zwei Studien erschienen, die den Ursprung von Sars-CoV-2 untersuchen․ Ausgangspunkt der Pandemie war demnach kein Labor, sondern der Wildtiermarkt im chinesischen Wuhan
BioNTech Founder Uğur Şahin: "The Virus Continues To Mutate at a High Speed"
#International #Business #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Englisch

We were fortunate that Omicron turned out to be as mild as it has been, says BioNTech co-founder Uğur Şahin․ In an interview, he says he expects that his company's adapted vaccine will be available in September, just in time for the first Oktoberfest to take place in Germany since the pandemic
Coronavirus: Karl Lauterbach kündigt angepassten Impfstoff für September an
#Politik #Deutschland #Pfizer #KarlLauterbach #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Englisch

Deutschland soll im September rund 12,4 Millionen Dosen neuen Impfstoffs bekommen, der besser vor vorherrschenden Varianten schützt․ Gesundheitsminister Lauterbach ruft Risikogruppen auf, mit der Impfung nicht länger zu warten
Epidemiologist Jeremy Farrar on the Next Viral Threat: “I Fear We Are at the Beginning of an Era of Pandemics”
#International #World #Viren #COVID19 #Coronavirus #Health #Englisch

In an interview, infectious diseases expert Sir Jeremy Farrar discusses recent mutations of the coronavirus and his worries about future pandemics․ He says COVID is here to stay and that we haven't reached a "stable phase yet" that would allow us to let down our guard
Anthony Fauci's Life as a Right Wing Target: "The Evil in the World"
#International #World #COVID19 #Health #Englisch

He has been an adviser to seven presidents, and he played a major role in protecting millions of people from AIDS․ Now, pandemic expert Anthony Fauci is stepping down – as one of the most loved, and most hated, medical professionals of all time
COVID Chaos Unfolds in China: From One Extreme to the Other
#International #World #COVID19 #China #Health #Englisch

Chinese leadership abandoned its zero-COVID strategy practically overnight․ The consequences promise to be enormous․ Rural areas in particular will struggle with the suddenly spiking caseload in the country
China's Battle against COVID: The Omicron Wave Hits the Countryside
#International #World #Coronavirus #COVID19 #China #Englisch

Instead of using the time gained through its zero-COVID policy to strengthen rural healthcare, services have actually decayed in recent years․ Now, the Omicron wave is wreaking havoc in the countryside
The Search for the Origins of SARS-CoV-2: "The Results on My Screen Were: Raccoon Dog, Raccoon Dog, Raccoon Dog!"
#International #World #Coronavirus #COVID19 #China #Science #Englisch

Evolutionary biologist Florence Débarre has long been searching for gene sequences from the market in Wuhan․ Recently, she made an astounding discovery What does it tell us about the origins of the coronavirus and the resulting pandemic?
Health Care in Africa: Hospitals Experience Fringe Benefits of COVID Pandemic
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #Africa #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Englisch

Many changes had to be made to health care in many African countries to address the COVID pandemic․ Things that otherwise would have taken years happened overnight․ A number of hospitals have succeeded in finding a silver lining in the global tragedy
Corona: Wer jetzt noch gegen Covid geimpft werden soll
#Wissenschaft #Medizin #Coronavirus #CoronaImpfpflicht #COVID19 #Englisch

Die Pandemie ist vorbei, das Virus bleibt: Risikogruppen sollten sich jährlich gegen Covid immunisieren lassen, rät die Ständige Impfkommission․ Für Gesunde und Kinder gibt es andere Empfehlungen
Eric Clapton versuchte erfolglos 5000 Dollar an Robert F․ Kennedy Jr․ zu spenden
#Ausland #Coronavirus #COVID19 #CoronaImpfpflicht #CoronaImpfungen #CoronaImpfstoff #JohnFKennedyJr #EricClapton #GesichterAmerikas #USA #Englisch

Eric Clapton und Robert F․ Kennedy Jr․ verbindet die Kritik an Corona- und Impfmaßnahmen․ Nun wollte der Musiker dem US-Präsidentschaftsbewerber offenbar mit einer Spende helfen – doch das Geld kam prompt zurück