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The Year of the Rat: How the Coronavirus Is Changing the World
#International #World #Coronavirus #Travel #Health #China #EuropeanUnion #UnitedStates

Everything will be different after the COVID-19 pandemic․ But how? Who will emerge as a winner amid all the changes sweeping the globe? Six economists, diplomats and pollsters share their prognoses for the post-coronavirus future
Trouble in Paradise: The Problem of Alcohol in São Tomé and Príncipe
#International #Tomorrow #GlobalSocieties #Africa #Travel

Alcohol consumption is a problem in many African countries․ In the island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe, off Africa's western coast, many residents don't want to hear about, fearing it could damage the country's international image as burgeoning travel destination
Red Light Blues: Amsterdam Prostitutes Fear Corona Lockdown Could Become Permanent
#International #Europe #GlobalSocieties #Coronavirus #Travel

After years of being overrun by tourists, Amsterdam is suddenly rediscovering what life is like without visitors․ The city's infamous red-light district is currently empty, and the prostitutes who work there are afraid it could stay that way
Alone on the Adriatic: The Italian Resort of Rimini Opens Carefully to Summer Tourists
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #Italy #Travel

Germans are finally able to travel to their favorite holiday destination again: Italy․ In the tourist city of Rimini, hosts are setting up lounge chairs and putting out the umbrellas, but even so, this summer won't be the same
An SOS in the Corona Crisis: Cruise Industry Battles for Survival in Pandemic
#International #Business #Coronavirus #Travel

Around 400 ships have been temporarily mothballed around the world as a result of the coronavirus․ Many companies are resuming limited operations, but it will be years before the industry returns to anything resembling normality
Skiing in the Pandemic: Alpine Rivalries Flare amid Resort Closures
#International #Business #Coronavirus #Sports #Austria #Italy #France #Travel

While Austria and Switzerland want to keep their ski lifts in operation, Germany, France and Italy are worried about superspreader events in winter paradise․ Billions of euros are at stake
Australiens Einreisesperre: Fehlende Backpacker und Obstpflücker gefährden Australiens Ernte
#Wirtschaft #Australien #Landwirtschaft #Travel

Geschlossene Grenzen, keine Erntehelfer: Australien fehlen rund 135․000 Backpacker auf den Farmen․ Nun buhlt Australien um junge Neuseeländer – die Einzigen, die ins Land dürfen – und lockt sogar mit der »großen Liebe«
Germany's Flat-Rate Train Ticket
#International #Business #Transportation #DeutscheBahn #GermanPolitics #Travel

The history of the Deutschland Ticket shows how complicated progress is in a country where pettiness is often the order of the day․ And how, sometimes, politicians in Germany can find solutions that they weren't even looking for