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The Curse of Black Gold: Vast Oil Find Puts Guyana on the Verge of Riches - or Failure
#International #World #OilPrices #FossilFuels #Energy

Guyana has always been one of South America's poorest countries․ But now that ExxonMobil has discovered a new oil field off the coast, the tiny nation could become one of the world's richest But will it be a blessing or a curse?
Economist Jim O'Neill on Russia: "The West Will Decide on Putin's Bankruptcy"
#International #Business #VladimirPutin #Russia #GermanEconomy #Globalization #FossilFuels #Energy

Jim O'Neill once coined the term BRIC to refer to the rapidly growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China․ In an interview, he discusses why the Russia of Vladimir Putin has failed to live up to expectations
Ongoing Dependence on Russian Energy: The Natural Gas Continues to Flow
#International #Business #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #Russia #VladimirPutin #FossilFuels #NaturalGas #Energy

The European Union promised to quickly wean itself off of Russian natural gas․ But the Commission is far behind its stated goals – with potentially serious consequences for this winter
Anatomy of Germany's Reliance on Russian Natural Gas: Decades of Addiction
#International #Business #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #VladimirPutin #Russia #FossilFuels #WindEnergy #GermanEnergyRevolution #NaturalGas #RenewableEnergy #Energy

The Americans warned Germany, as did the Eastern Europeans․ But Germany just continued buying more and more natural gas from Russia․ The addiction stretches back several decades, and it is full of misjudgments and errors
Live Dashboard: Real-Time Statistics on Germany's Gas Supplies
#International #Germany #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #GasPipelines #Gazprom #NordStream #NaturalGas #LNG #Energy #LiquefiedNaturalGas

Gas supplies are flowing to Germany from Russia again after maintenance on the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, but how well filled are the country's gas storage facilities? Is the country successfully reducing its reliance on Moscow? You can follow the data with our live tracker
Nuclear Power for the Winter: Germany's Green Party Confronts Its Last Taboo
#International #Germany #NuclearPhaseOut #NuclearPower #GermanEnergyRevolution #Energy #GreenParty #GermanPolitics

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck wants to keep two nuclear power plants on standby to prevent electricity shortages this winter now that Putin has cut energy supplies․ The Green Party will have to decide if it can reconcile this with the anti-atomic position that served as its genesis Will the party revolt?
Habeck's Meltdown: Nuclear Energy Standby Proposal Has Germany's Greens Seeing Red
#International #Germany #GermanPolitics #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #NuclearPower #NaturalGas #Energy

German Economy Minister Robert Habeck was on the verge of becoming a political superstar․ But now, the Green Party heavyweight may be experiencing a meltdown in the face of the country's looming energy shortages – and his proposal to use nuclear power to bridge the gap if worse comes to worst
Natural Gas from Senegal: European Casts Covetous Eyes toward West Africa
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #NaturalGas #Africa #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #FossilFuels #Energy

Until recently, Europe had been urging Africa to focus on the development of renewable energy sources․ But a natural gas project in Senegal suddenly has Germany, France, Italy and others flocking to the country hoping for a new supplier
All Eyes on the Gulf: The Present and Future of Europe's Energy Supply
#International #World #SaudiArabia #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Energy #NaturalGas #FossilFuels #RenewableEnergy #SolarPower #WindEnergy

The autocratic countries of the Persian Gulf play a key role in the new world order – and for the future of Germany's economy․ Complete dependence will be difficult to avoid
A Chicken and Egg Problem: How Germany's Hydrogen Boom Stalled
#International #Business #Energy #NaturalGas #NaturalResources #GermanEnergyRevolution #FossilFuels #EuropeanUnion

Green hydrogen has the potential to heat millions of homes and keep German industry humming․ So far, though, a lack of the environmentally friendly gas and the infrastructure needed to transport it have prevented its wide-scale use