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Green Party Co-Leader Annalena Baerbock on Coalition Talks: "The Government Currently Being Formed Is Finally Going to Act"
#International #Germany #AnnalenaBaerbock #GreenParty #GermanPolitics #RenewableEnergy #WindEnergy #SolarPower #Environment #ClimateChange

Germany is still in the process of putting together a government following the September election․ Green Party co-leader Annalena Baerbock speaks to DER SPIEGEL about progress on climate policy, the challenges of a three-party coalition and why German autobahns are not getting a speed limit
Key Issues at Climate Conference: How the Worst Can (Maybe) Still Be Averted
#International #World #ClimateChange #ClimateNegotiations #Environment #GermanEnergyRevolution

The Glasgow climate summit could be the key to limiting the damage of climate change, but its success will depend on the host country’s ability to bring guest nations together – and on the willingness of China and the U․S․ to overcome their deepening rivalry
Mining the Planet to Death: The Dirty Truth About Clean Technologies
#International #World #ClimateNegotiations #ClimateChange #GermanEnergyRevolution #Environment #OffshoreWindParks #WindEnergy #SolarPower #NaturalResources #RenewableEnergy

The poor South is being exploited so that the rich North can transition to environmental sustainability․ Entire swaths of land are being destroyed to secure the resources needed to produce wind turbines and solar cells Are there alternatives?
Troubling Addiction: The World Is Failing To Phase Out Coal
#International #Business #Coal #Environment #RenewableEnergy #GermanEnergyRevolution #China #Poland #ClimateChange

It is the most CO2 intensive of all fuels and yet consumption of it is rising dramatically, regardless of the climate crisis․ We’re burning coal like there is no tomorrow Why is it proving so difficult to phase out?
Feeding the World in Times of Climate Change: "We Can Learn a Lot from Indigenous Peoples"
#International #World #ClimateChange #GlobalSocieties #Food #ClimateNegotiations

The way we eat is destroying the world, says agricultural economist Yon Fernández de Larrinoa․ His research focuses on the food systems of indigenous peoples, and believes they can teach us valuable lessons
Dealing with the Changing Climate: The Lessons of the Madagascar Drought
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #ClimateChange #Africa #Food

Southern Madagascar is living through a horrific drought and a worsening famine․ Aid organizations are there to help, but how sustainable is such assistance? A handful of projects in the region may point the way to a more sustainable future
Brazil Has High Hopes for a New Strain of Wheat
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #Brazil #ClimateChange #Environment #Food

A new wheat variety in Brazil thrives in high heat and arid climates․ The country hopes it will not only lead the country to self-reliance, but also make it a major contributor to the global supply
Klimakrise auf Fidschi: »Wir haben das Meer verlassen«
#Ausland #Fidschi #Klimakrise #ClimateChange #Pazifik #GlobaleGesellschaft

Das Dorf Namatakula gilt auf den Fidschi-Inseln als Talentschmiede für Rugby-Spielerinnen und -Spieler․ Doch der steigende Meeresspiegel bedroht den kleinen Ort – und die Trainingsflächen
The Fight for the Amazon: Ongoing Deforestation in Brazil a Huge Challenge for Lula and the World
#International #World #Brazil #ClimateChange #ClimateNegotiations

The Brazilian state of Acre in the Amazon rainforest region was once considered a model of environmentalism․ Under Bolsonaro, though, deforestation accelerated Can the country's new president get things back on track?
Klimaschutz: Warum Ökonomen Walen ein Preisschild verpassen wollen
#Wissenschaft #Klimabericht #Klimakrise #Klimapolitik #Aktivismus #Wale #Walfang #Delfine #Kohlendioxid #ClimateChange #Emissionsrechtehandel #CO2Speicherung

Millionen US-Dollar könnten die Meeressäuger wert sein․ Warum Wale als ein Klimawundermittel gelten und es nun Streit um die Tiere gibt – das erfahren Sie im Podcast Klimabericht
Debt Forgiveness for Cape Verde: A Climate Deal that Could Become a Model for Others
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #ClimateChange #Environment

Cape Verde is just one of many countries that are struggling under the effects of global warming․ But a new approach could provide relief: Debt forgiveness in exchange for a climate fund
The Global Competition for Raw Materials: Europe at Risk of Losing the Lithium Race
#International #Business #ClimateChange #Environment #ElectricCars #AutomotiveIndustry #GermanEconomy #Daimler #China

Without lithium, copper and rare earths, our mobile phones, electric cars and wind turbines wouldn't function․ Currently we are almost exclusively dependent on China for these critical raw materials․ But there might be a way out
Pioneers in Green Aviation: Could Norwegian Electric Planes Be a Model for the Rest of the World?
#International #Business #Norway #Technology #Environment #ClimateChange

The global aviation industry has a massive climate problem, and many are looking to Norway for a possible solution․ The country wants all short-haul flights to be conducted with electric planes as early as 2040․ But doubts persist about whether the technology will be ready
Italy's Largest Waterway in Danger: How Climate Change Threatens the Po River
#International #Europe #Italy #ClimateChange

People whose livelihoods depend on Italy's longest river, the Po, are desperate Can the vicious cycles of droughts and floods that cause hundreds of millions of euros in damages be stopped?
A Floating City Can't Sink: Battling Climate Change in the Maldives
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #ClimateChange #Architecture

A city for 20,000 people built on water is being constructed in record time in the Maldives․ The largest project of its kind to be built do date, it could serve as a model for other cities affected by rising sea levels
Copenhagen's Far-Reaching Transformation into a "Sponge City"
#International #Europe #GlobalSocieties #Denmark #ClimateChange #Environment

As the climate warms, Copenhagen is likely to see more torrential rain storms like the one that inundated the city in 2011․ Since then, the Danish capital has taken action, redesigning parks and streets to quickly drain away vast amounts of water