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Yevgeny's Prigozhin's Meat Grinder: A Moment of Truth for Russia's Wagner Group in Bakhmut
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #Russia #HumanRightsinRussia

The Russian mercenary force Wagner Group has propped up autocrats from Mali to Syria in recent years․ In Bakhmut, however, it now finds itself in the bloody spotlight of the war in Ukraine Leader Yevgeny Prigozhin has long enjoyed Putin's support – but for how much longer?
Interview with NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg: "Two Percent Is the Minimum of What We Need"
#International #Europe #NATO #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Russia #Ukraine #EuropeanUnion #VladimirPutin

In an interview, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg calls on Germany to quickly increase its defense spending and says he expects there will be a debate soon on whether to supply Ukraine with fighter jets
The Pain of War: The Families of Dead Wagner Fighters Speak Out
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #Russia

Wagner Group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin sent tens of thousands of prisoners to the front lines in Ukraine․ Many of them never came back․ The aunt and mother of two dead soldiers refuse to remain silent
The Shadow War: Norway and Russia Face Off in the Far North
#International #Europe #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #Russia #Norway #TheRacefortheArctic #NATO

Russian trawlers appear to be angling for more than fish, sailors are taking an interest in bridges and spies are being uncovered: In the far north of Europe, the Kremlin appears to be increasing its activity, and Norway is paying close attention
Were Vladimir Putin's Years in Germany Less Thrilling than the Stories?
#International #Germany #VladimirPutin #Russia #EastGermany #Stasi

Wild stories have circulated for years about Vladimir Putin's time with the KGB in Dresden․ There are even rumors he helped orchestrate a murder carried out by German terrorists․ But reporting by DER SPIEGEL has found that the Russian leader was more of a pen-pusher than a top agent
Moscow's Fever Dreams: There Is Only One Possible Answer to the Kakhovka Dam Breach
#International #Europe #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #Russia #HumanRights

The breach of the Kakhovka Dam makes it clearer than ever: A rapid end to the war can only come through support for Ukraine's army
The Kakhovka Catastrophe: War-Weary Ukrainians Reel under Massive Flooding
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #Russia #VladimirPutin

Was it Russian incompetence or a monstrous war crime? Following the massive dam breach on Tuesday morning, several possible theories have emerged to explain the disaster
Wladimir Putin hat den Gaskrieg verloren – aber wir haben ihn noch längst nicht gewonnen
#Wirtschaft #WladimirPutin #VladimirPutin #Russia #Energiewirtschaft #EnergieRieseRussland #Wasserstoff #AlternativeAntriebe #Meinung #Deutschland #Europa

Deutschland muss die erneuerbaren Energien schnellstmöglich ausbauen․ Doch vom »neuen Deutschlandtempo« ist kaum noch etwas zu spüren, seit die akute Gaskrise abebbt
On the Front in Ukraine: Going Into Battle in a Leopard 2 Tank
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #VladimirPutin #Russia

The Ukrainian counteroffensive has begun, and Western war equipment is playing a vital role․ A tank unit in Zaporizhzhia is in the thick of the fight
German Reactions to Chaos in Russia: 'We Have To Look Each Other Deep in the Eyes in NATO'
#International #World #Russia #VladimirPutin #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #GermanForeignPolicy

Before Saturday's uprising in Russia unraveled, Western intelligence thought the Wagner Group might be able to reach Moscow - and believed that Putin had left the city․ Hours later, Western politicians were wondering how to exploit the weakness shown by the Russian leader