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Alexej Nawalny bittet Vereinte Nationen um Hilfe nach Mordanschlag
#Politik #AlexejNawalny #Uno #UnitedNations

Weil Russland in seinem Fall nicht ermittelt, hat Kremlkritiker Nawalny nun zwei Uno-Sonderermittlerinnen gebeten, seinen Fall zu untersuchen․ Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen werden sie die Mission übernehmen
Äthiopien-Konflikt: Regierung wirft Rebellen Raketenangriffe vor
#Politik #Ausland #Äthiopien #AbiyAhmed #UnitedNations

Die äthiopische Regierung hat Kämpfern in der abtrünnigen Region Tigray Raketenangriffe auf Flughäfen der Region Amhara vorgeworfen․ Beobachter fürchten eine Destabilisierung am Horn von Afrika
A Half Century after Nixon's Visit to China: "Xi Is, Along with Putin, the Most Dangerous Man in the World"
#International #World #China #HumanRightsinChina #ChineseEconomy #UnitedStates #UnitedNations #TheColdWar #Russia

Former U․S․ diplomat Winston Lord participated in the momentous 1972 meeting between President Richard Nixon and Chinese leader Mao Zedong․ In an interview, he examines the current state of the relationship between the superpowers and discusses what should be done about Taiwan
A European Defeat in Mali: How Russia Is Slaughtering Civilians on the African Front
#International #World #Mali #Bundeswehr #Africa #Russia #VladimirPutin #UnitedNations

Moscow has become deeply involved in Mali, with its notoriously brutal Wagner Group showing little signs of restraint․ The country is collapsing and the people live in fear․ Meanwhile, Germany's military may soon follow the French out of the country
Searching for the Final Suspects of the Rwandan Genocide
#International #World #GlobalSocieties #Rwanda #Africa #UnitedNations

In 1994, Hutu extremists slaughtered 800,000 Tutsi using nail-spiked clubs, machetes and other weapons․ A UN unit led by Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz is still trying to track down those responsible, but it is a race against time
Interview with UN Coordinator for Ukraine: "If There Is a Complete Blackout, It Will Be a Catastrophe"
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #UnitedNations

Eleven million people in Ukraine are currently receiving humanitarian aid․ The United Nations and NGOs are still able to provide for them, but perhaps not for much longer, warns Denise Brown, the highest-ranking UN diplomat working in Ukraine
The Lost Generation: How the Children of Ukraine Are Coping with the War
#International #World #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine #Ukraine #Russia #VladimirPutin #UnitedNations

Millions of Ukrainian children are suffering as a result of Vladimir Putin's invasion of their country․ Many have lost their parents and hardly any are able to attend school What does the future hold?