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Too Casual with COVID-19: The High Price of Freedom in Sweden
#International #Europe #Sweden #Coronavirus

Many Europeans suffering under lockdowns view Sweden as a role model for how the Scandinavian country has dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic․ But the price of Stockholm's lax approach has been high
Sweden: Public Approval of Lax Coronavirus Policies Is Waning
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #Sweden

Popular support for Sweden's lax response to the coronavirus is waning and the situation in the country's retirement homes is concerning․ The architect of the Swedish approach, Anders Tegnell, is standing by his prescribed course
Nordic NATO Membership: Sweden-Turkey Spat Means Finland Might Take Unilateral Route
#International #World #NATO #Turkey #RecepTayyipErdogan #Sweden #RussiasWarAgainstUkraine

After a right-wing extremist burned a copy of the Koran in Stockholm over the weekend, Ankara is even less likely to approve Sweden's NATO bid anytime soon․ Finland has said it might have to move ahead on its own