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Madrid Hospitals Struggle to Handle Surge of Corona Patients
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #Spain #Health

In Spain, the number of coronavirus deaths is climbing faster than in Italy․ Dr․ Inés Lipperheide is fighting to save her patients in an overcrowded intensive care unit․ She reports conditions straight out of a "horror film"
Germany Must Abandon Its Rejection of Eurobonds
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #EuropeanUnion #Italy #Spain #EuroBonds

The German government’s rejection of eurobonds is selfish, small-minded and cowardly․ Existing mechanisms will not be enough to contain the crisis we are facing․ We need to act now
Coronavirus: Il rifiuto tedesco degli Eurobond è non solidale, gretto e vigliacco
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #EuropeanUnion #Italy #Spain #EuroBonds

L'Europa è più di una mera alleanza di egocentrici․ Non esistono alternative agli Eurobond in una crisi come questa
Coronavirus: En refusant les eurobonds, l’Allemagne fait preuve d’égoïsme, d’obstination et de lâcheté
#International #Coronavirus #EuropeanUnion #EuroBonds #Italy #Spain

L’Europe doit être bien plus qu’une alliance d’égocentriques․ Il n’y a pas d’alternative aux eurobonds dans une crise comme celle du coronavirus
Spain: Basic Income to Mitigate Coronavirus Impact
#International #Europe #GlobalSocieties #Spain #Coronavirus

The coronavirus has plunged Spain into what could be its worst economic crisis in 80 years․ The Socialist government is trying to mitigate the impact with basic income for the country's neediest
The Last Macho: Rise and Fall of Spain's Former King Juan Carlos
#International #Europe #Spain #History

After the end of the Franco era, King Juan Carlos I helped his country become wealthy and democratic․ Today he is exiled, with his legacy clouded by possible connections to tax fraud What happened?
Spain’s COVID Resurgence: The Difficult Fight against the Second Wave
#International #Europe #Coronavirus #Spain

The Spanish government imposed a tough coronavirus lockdown in the spring, but now, new infections are rising faster than anywhere else in the EU․ The economy is facing potential collapse even as new lockdown measures go into effect
"It Ruins the Vacation Feeling": Tourists and Refugees Cross Paths on Gran Canaria
#International #Europe #EuropeanRefugeeCrisis #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion #Spain

Gran Canaria's tourism industry is doing all it can to survive the coronavirus․ Some luxury hotels are even hosting the increasing numbers of migrants arriving from across the ocean․ It is a clash of two worlds
La Trump: The Popular Politician Radicalizing Spanish Politics
#International #Europe #Spain #EuropeanUnion

Isabel Díaz Ayuso has risen out of nowhere to political stardom․ In Madrid, the regional president is on the verge of her next triumph, a success story that could pull Spanish conservatives to the right