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Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai: "We Afghans Are Just Being Used Against Each Other”
#International #World #Afghanistan #HamidKarzai #Pakistan #AfghanistanWar

Former Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, 63, on his empathy for the Taliban, his bitter disappointment with the former protective power, the United States, and why he considers the EU as his role model․ He says the key to war and peace for his country, however, lies with Pakistan
Ambitionen des afghanischen Ex-Präsidenten: Der Comeback-Versuch des Hamid Karzai
#Ausland #HamidKarzai #Afghanistan #Taliban

Während sein Nachfolger in Hausschuhen vor den Taliban floh, blieb er da: Offensichtlich strebt der frühere Staatschef eine Rolle in der politischen Zukunft seines Landes an – kann das klappen?
Interview with Afghanistan's Former President: Mr․ Karzai, Should the West Work Together with the Taliban?
#International #World #HamidKarzai #Afghanistan #AlQaida #Terrorism #AfghanistanWar

Hamid Karzai isn't allowed to leave his country․ DER SPIEGEL traveled to Kabul to his private office to interview the former Afghan president about the return of al Qaida in his country, the ban on education for women – and his fears for his own children