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Yanis Varoufakis: A Former Leftist Icon Turns to Science Fiction
#International #Europe #Greece #DebtCrisis #EuroCrisis #EuropeanUnion

As Greek finance minister, he made a name for himself for standing up to Germany․ But his political star burned out quickly․ Now, Yanis Varoufakis is trying his luck at writing novels
Beatings at the Border: Europe's Violent Shadow Army Unmasked
#International #Europe #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanRefugeeCrisis #EuropeanUnion #Croatia #Greece

Mysterious men wearing balaclavas are beating up refugees at the external EU border or abandoning them at sea․ Months of reporting now reveals who is behind the operations
Europe's Brutal and Illegal Approach to Migration: "Our Orders Are Clear․ Nobody Gets Through"
#International #Europe #AsylumandMigration #Integration #EuropeanRefugeeCrisis #EuropeanUnion #Greece #Poland

Months of reporting has revealed the violent – and illegal – brutality the EU is deploying at its external borders to ward off migrants․ Those few refugees who make it through describe beatings, harassment and abasement․ Yet there are examples of what a humane migration policy could look like
Greece: Torture Allegations Against Greek Border Guards
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece #Turkey

Greek officials are resorting to increasingly brutal means to keep asylum-seekers out of Europe․ A young Iranian woman is now fighting back․ She reports of beatings with wooden clubs – and has taken the issue to the United Nations
Athens' Parliament of Exiled Afghan Women: Making Their Voices Be Heard
#International #Europe #AfghanistanWar #Afghanistan #Taliban #Greece #EuropeanUnion

Before the country fell to the Taliban, 69 members of Afghanistan’s parliament were women․ Now, 25 of them live in Athens․ They are speaking up in the hope that the world will not forget their plight and their country
Death in the Aegean: EU Border Officials Accused of Throwing Refugees into the Sea
#International #Europe #Pushbacks #Frontex #Greece #AsylumandMigration #Turkey

Two refugees are dead and a third has leveled a shocking accusation against Greek border patrols․ DER SPIEGEL reporting points to a brutal new tactic deployed by the country's coast guard
Fabrice Leggeri's Resignation: The Final Days of the Frontex Chief
#International #Europe #Frontex #Pushbacks #EuropeanUnion #AsylumandMigration #Greece

Radical views, internal resistance, merciless investigators: Why Frontex chief Fabrice Leggeri had to go – and what his resignation means for the future of the EU border agency
Systematic Abuses at EU External Border: Greek Police Coerce Refugees to Commit Illegal Pushbacks
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece #Syria #AsylumandMigration

New reporting exposes how Greek police are exploiting refugees to engage in illegal pushbacks of other would-be asylum-seekers at the EU’s external border․ Witness testimony, satellite images and other documents provide evidence of how officials are taking advantage of people seeking protection
Frontex Scandal: Classified Report Reveals Full Extent of Cover-Up
#International #Europe #Frontex #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion #Pushbacks #Greece

The EU’s anti-fraud office has found that the European border agency covered up and helped to finance illegal pushbacks of asylum-seekers in Greece․ The report, which DER SPIEGEL has obtained, puts pressure on the EU Commission – and could also spell trouble for Frontex's new leadership
Border Lawlessness: Greece's Slide Toward Authoritarianism
#International #Europe #Greece #AsylumandMigration

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis poses as a reformer․ But his leadership methods are more reminiscent of an autocracy․ It is time for the EU to do something about it
The Sinking of a Refugee Ship: Serious Accusations Leveled at the Greek Coast Guard
#International #Europe #EuropeanUnion #Greece #Syria #Egypt #Africa #AsylumandMigration #Pushbacks

More than 600 migrants are believed to have perished in the June 14 shipwreck off the Greek coast, including women and children What caused the ship to capsize, and who is to blame?
New Accusations against the Greek Coast Guard: "We Thought They Knew What They Were Doing"
#International #Europe #Greece #AsylumandMigration #Pushbacks #Frontex #EuropeanRefugeeCrisis

Hundreds of refugees died when their ship sank off the coast of Greece Sixteen survivors accuse the Greek Coast Guard of having caused the disaster – and inconsistencies in the investigation file raise even more questions: Are the Greeks trying to cover up their role?
A Warlord and His Smugglers: Khalifa Haftar and His Role in The Deadly Shipwreck Off Greece
#International #Libya #Italy #Greece #AsylumandMigration #EuropeanUnion #Frontex

Who sent the overcrowded refugee boat to its tragic end in the Mediterranean in early June? Greek authorities have arrested nine Egyptians, but the real culprits appear to be men with apparent links to Khalifa Haftar, a Libyan warlord the EU has been courting for months